#22 - One Of His Bandmates Passes Away

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One Of His Bandmates Passes Away

"I-I just... can't believe he's gone..." he cried, sniffling into your shoulder. "Last week... we were just together last week..." Tightening your grip around him you knew he needed support. "I know Haz... I know..." He pulled back slightly to wipe his eyes. "I miss him (Y/N)... I miss Niall... He was so young... My best friend..." You knew Harry wasn't going to let it go for a while. But you understood. His best friend was gone, and it would take him, as well as you time to accept it.

You sat with the rest of the people as he went up to say his final goodbyes. Already tearing up, he began to speak. "Zayn... we all miss you. You were one of my best friends and we all had so much fun together. You were like our brother, and you always had our backs... We're going to miss you so much, but you'll always be in our hearts. Rest easy." He had managed to hold it together and you were proud of him, putting your arm back around him as he sat down. Liam smiled slightly, taking a shaky breath. It was a difficult time, but he would be okay.

"Louis'... gone!" Niall cried out clinging onto him. The news had just come in today that Louis had passed away last night and Niall was a wreck. "Niall shh..." you soothed, trying to get him to calm down and catch a breath. "I-I can't," he hiccupped, breaking out into another round of sobs once again. Niall just needed to let everything out. It was one of his best mates and it was going to take time to snap back into the reality that no longer included Louis.

"Zayn...? Baby..?" you asked peeking your head in the room that he hadn't left ever since the news had reached him. All you could see was a limp under the blankets where his body lay. No one had taken Liam's death as seriously as Zayn. It had spiraled him completely out of control into a depression and you didn't know how to do. You hadn't really had any contact with him since that day, not wanting to make anything worse, but maybe that was what he needed. So crawling in behind him, you became the big spoon, making sure he knew that although he lost his best mate, you were going to be there with him to get him through.

"Harry... God, I miss you so much..." He traced the letters on the gravestone resting on the freshly layered ground. The funeral was last week, but Louis still insisted on coming back to visit and you weren't going to stop him. "Things haven't been the same without you bud... We all miss you..." You stood behind him, not wanting to interrupt anything, watching your boyfriend talk to his best friend. Coming closer you put a hand on his shoulder, and he put his overtop, standing up. "I miss his..." he whispered turning to hide in your shoulder. "I know baby... but just remember he's watching out for you and the boys. He'll always be in your heart... Always."

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