#17 - You Find A Hate Site

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You Find A Hate Site


"What's that babe?" Harry asked, walking over to you and your computer. Your eyes were glued to the nasty comments posted on the website. You wanted to turn away and shut it down, but the worse they got, the more you wanted to look. "(Y/N)?" His hands rested in your shoulders, his eyes too going to the dark set up on your screen. "What the hell..?" he whispered, more to himself. But you still heard. "Someone on Twitter linked it... I already regret clicking it..." Your words were soft and quiet. Finally turning away you looked to Harry, his eyes full of anger. "Who linked it?" he demanded. "Give me their twitter (Y/N)." "Harry they told me about it. They probably don't know..." He let out an exasperated sigh, pushing away from you. "This actually pisses me off. Sure they may not like you but sending death threats and posting this for everyone! No." "Harry please..." You wanted him to calm down, but he wouldn't. "I've had enough of this." You began getting scared. "W-what do you mean?" You had it in your mind that he was going to break up with you now. "I'm not breaking up if that's what you're thinking... I just... I'm gonna deal with this." His voice was a bit calmer. "What're you gonna do then?" You stood up in front of him. "I don't know... But I will take care of this. Just watch."


"Oh great you're home," you smiled, setting your stuff down and sitting next to him on the couch. Kissing his cheek, you had yet to notice his blank expression. "How was your day babe?" Liam didn't reply, his eyes were just glued to his phone. That was when you noticed. "Oh okay, lovely, my boyfriend would rather be on his phone then say hi to his girlfriend. Sorry for wasting your time." You stood up, turning to head to the kitchen, but his soft voice stopped you. "No no. I'm sorry love." He got up, taking your arm and pulling you into a hug. It was a long tight hug. Sure it was nice but it made you suspicious. "You okay Liam..?" You asked, pulling away slightly. Shaking his head, he went to answer. "(Y/N) I found something and... I want to show you but I don't want you to be upset." Now he had to tell you. "Well now you have to tell me Liam. You can't say that and then not tell me." His face fell and he nodded. Pulling out his phone, he unlocked it, bringing up the page you assumed he had been looking at earlier. When he handed it over to you, you quickly began reading, your face falling. "Where'd you find this..?" you asked quietly, handing it back to him, not wanting to read anymore. "I just googled your name and that was one of the first things that popped up." "And you clicked it?" "I just wanted to see what it was (Y/N). I wasn't expecting that." You got quiet. "I don't understand why people would want to do this. What did I do?" Liam shook his head. "Nothing. You've done nothing. This is stepping over the line. I promise I'm going to do something about it." He kissed your forehead, turning the phone off, leaving it for the time being. "I promise."


Did your eyes deceive you? Were you really reading what was in front of you? You pondered your mind for some reason why someone would want to do this to you. You kept the laptop on your lap and continued scrolling down through the hateful comments. As you got further down the list, the comments just got worse and worse. Hate messages turned into death threats. There was even a plan to get rid of you, a list of steps to take, and it terrified you. It really did. You heard the door open and shut, alerting you that Niall was home. You shut the computer just as he walked in, getting up to give him a kiss. "Hey babe," you greeted, hiding your fear to the best of your ability. "Hey princess," he greeted back, putting and arm around your waist and bringing you back to the couch. You smiled, cuddling into his side, glad to finally have him home with you. You were too caught up in his question to notice that he had grabbed the computer. "How was your day today? Busy?" "Yeah it was kinda busy I guess, we got some recording down so at least we actually got something done." He chuckled to himself, causing you to as well. You opened your eyes from your comfortable position, and immediately the smile was gone. He opened the computer up, and since you were in such a hurry to hide it when he came home, it was still open. Niall's eyebrows furrowed. "What's this?" He scrolled up and down as you nervously chewed on your fingernails. his facial expressions went from confused to realization to anger within seconds. You pulled away from him, looking at your lap. "For fucks sake..." he mumbled, shutting the computer again with force. "Niall, I just found it. I didn't know what to do," you quickly replied making him stay in his spot on the couch. "(Y/N), you can't hide that from me. Do you know how bad those things can get?" he retaliated furiously. It wasn't directed at you, but you were still slightly frightened. "No..." Niall grabbed you and held your shoulders. "We're going to take care of this before it get's worse. You understand? I've seen what these websites do to people, and I sure as hell won't let it happen to you." You were crying silently, nodding at his firm statement. His face softened slightly and his grip loosened. "I love you and I won't see you fall apart because of this. Niall pulled you into his chest as you nodded again, shutting your eyes.


"Zayn you've been staring at your phone for 15 minutes, what on earth could be so important?" you asked, slightly agitated as you paused the move. "It's nothing," he replied, yet he didn't once tear his eyes away from his phone. You huffed standing up in front of him and snatching his phone away. You wouldn't normally do this, but you were for sure he was hiding something from you. But once you began reading through the page he had open, you regretted your decision of looking through it. Page after page of hate mail and death threat. That's all there was. Your face fell and Zayn stood up, taking his phone back, shoving it in his back pocket. "You don't need to read further." His tone was sympathetic but firm and you just nodded in reply. Turning away from him, you were trying to not show him how much it was affecting you. You had only read a couple, but to think there was a whole website made up for people to hate on you hurt. "(Y/N), look at me," he stated, staying where he was. You turned around to look at him and furiously wiped under your eyes. He sighed and shook his head. "I really don't understand why people do this... I've tried everything and now this..." You shook your head. "They want me dead Zayn... or out of your life. Honestly I think that's the only way you'll get them to stop," you said quietly. "No. No, no. None of that is going to happen. I don't want you to leave me (Y/N)." He came up to you wrapping you in his arms. "I don't want you to deal with this, and if the hate is driving you away... I can't be without you... I'll do anything. Please..." "I don't want to leave you Zayn," you said, resting your head on his shoulders. "I don't. But this hurts, seeing how unhappy I make the fans..." He frowned, holding you tighter. "The 'fans' don't even compare to you. I'm gonna get that website down. And I'm going to make sure you're happy first."


You were in tears as you looked at all the comments and manipulated pictures. You hid your face in Louis' hoodie that he had left when he went away. You needed him right now. So taking out your phone you texted him the link. It was shortly after you got a reply. 'What is that?' he texted back and you just told him to open it. You didn't get anything until about 20 minutes later when your computer rang out, letting you know someone was requesting a Skype call. Wiping your face and seeing Louis' little symbol, you clicked accept and his face popped up a frown forming when he saw your face. "Baby I saw what they were saying... It's awful..." You sniffled and nodded. "Lou, I don't know what to do... I really don't. I need you..." You felt another round coming on and you hid your face away from him again. "Baby I'm so sorry... I'll be home soon though... Remember? We have break next week. But until then, I need you to close that awful website... I'm gonna talk to Paul and other people and see what we can do to shut it down... okay? I promise..." Looking up at him again, you smiled weakly. "Thank you so much..." Louis blew a kiss from the other side of the screen. "I love you so much baby... I promise it'll be better soon."

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