#21 - He Walks In On You Masturbating (Zayn) /Dirty\

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He Walks In On You Masturbating (Zayn) /Dirty\

You were horny. There was no denying that. You had been thinking of nothing else but sex with Zayn, but since he was off working, that wasn't really an option. You'd just have to deal with it by yourself for now.
Going into the living room, you sat on the couch, propping your legs up on the coffee table. You kept them closed for now, taking a deep breath and moving your hands up to unbutton your shirt. As soon as you got down to the last button, your breasts popped out, your hard nipples visible through the soft material of your bra.
Unclasping the clip at the back, you let the bra slide down your arms, letting your breasts fall free. You grabbed the warm skin, massaging it gently. You moved them in synchronized circles, letting your head fall back as the sexual tension between your legs began building up. Your thighs were growing moist as the material of your panties began to get even wetter. You were getting more tempted by your own body and you finally reached the point where you couldn't hold back anymore.
Letting go of your breasts, you hitched up your skirt so it was around your stomach. You spread your legs open slightly, reaching your hand down and lightly pressing down on your heat through your underwear. Your mouth opened slightly as you pushed harder, teasing yourself with your own fingers. Your self - control flew out the window when you yanked the material off to the side, immediately pushing your index and middle finger into your wet core.
Moans left your mouth continuously as they pumped in and out, getting covered in your juices. You were beginning to drip, the liquid slowly falling down your ass and onto the couch.
"Ungh..." you groaned, imagining Zayn thrusting into you. Your fingers picked up speed and your noise level went up another octave.
Your hand was going hard, slapping your clit with every forwards movement. Your eyes were closed and all you could imagine was Zayn hovering above you, his hips slamming into yours.
"Fuck Zayn!" you cried out, pulling your fingers out as your stomach churned. Moving to rub your clit violently, you yelled out, the liquids spraying from between your legs and soaking the material of the couch.
Breathless and shocked from the experience, you pulled your hand away shakily. The adrenaline was pumping through your veins as you sucked your fingers clean. Your eyes had not opened yet, all you could focus on was the taste that lingered in your mouth.
But a sound alerted you, your eyes shooting open and analyzing the room. You couldn't see anything, but a creak in the stair board alerted you that you weren't necessarily alone.
Your body lurched forward, rushing to pull your skirt back down and hide your chest. "Who's there?!" you called out, partially angry, partially embarrassed.
Within the first 10 seconds of you calling out, an embarrassed Zayn peeped his head out, looking embarrassed, but more so lustful.
"Z-Zayn?" you stuttered out. "H-How much did you see?"
"Enough baby..." He walked over to you, sitting next to you and putting a hand high up on your thigh. "So you were thinking about me huh?" You nodded embarrassed, your face turning extremely red. Zayn chuckled. "Don't be embarrassed... What do you say we... ya know... take this upstairs?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking your way.
It was as if all the embarrassment just rushed out of your body. "Let's do it." Just like you had started, you were back to your horny mode, only this time, you wouldn't have to take care of it by yourself.

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