#15 - He Walks In On You Masturbating (Niall) /Dirty\

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You sat on the bathroom tile, the shower running so Niall wouldn't be able to hear anything. At least that's what you thought. What you forgot was to lock the door just in case Niall decided to join you. But you were already distracted enough that it just happened to slip your mind.
You were on the floor, naked with your legs spread. The handle of your hair brush in your mouth so it would be easier to slide in and out in a few moments. You sucked on the hard end, making it slippery and wet.
When you finally figured it was time to move on to the next level, you looked down, opening your legs wider and bringing the hairbrush down to your wet, heat. It slid in like a charm. It filled you up perfectly. The pressure between your legs felt amazing. You pushed the brush in until just the head was sticking out. You let go of it for just a second, but it just wouldn't stay in.
You could already feel yourself dripping out around the brush and onto the floor. But this slow, easy thrusting you had been doing just wasn't enough for you. You began picking up the speed of your thrusts, feeling it fill you up every time you pushed in. Before you knew it you were pounding yourself, the hairbrush getting covered in your cum. Your mouth was open as your hands slapped against the sensitive skin.
Your mouth was open with silent gasps escaping your mouth. Your eyes were closed and the only sounds you could hear were the shower and the wet brush slamming in and out. You were about to rip it out and cum when the bathroom door opened.
"Can I j- Oh!" Niall said, stopping in his tracks. You froze, taking the brush out and closing your legs. Orgasm gone. "Shit, sorry (Y/N), I didn't know you were... ya know..." He gestured to the brush in your hands.
You didn't know what to say, you were still kind of shocked that you had been caught. You were still dripping onto the floor though, looking at his body with just a towel wrapped around his waist. You managed to snap out of your trance, when you felt yourself rubbing your moist core and playing with your breast.
"Well someone's horny," he chuckled and you nodded, biting your lip.
You were pinching your clit, your legs squeezed together. He was watching you, unwrapping the towel and letting it fall, his erection in full view. Let's just say the orgasm that had disappeared, definitely came back with full force.

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