#4 - You Have Your Baby

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You Have Your Baby

His hand grips yours, his face right next to your, whispering encouraging words in your ear as you give birth to your first child. "One more (Y/N). Come on baby you can do this." You fall back, breathing heavily. "I can't Harry, I can't," you cry, exhausted from the hours of painful labor. "Yes you can!" he says determined. "(Y/N) yes you can. One more. I know you can do this." You look over at him, seeing the happiness behind his eyes. So with everything you have left, you push one more time, the cries of your baby boy following soon after. "Oh my god baby... I knew you could do it," he said tearing up. "He's perfect."

"You're doing perfectly baby," he says softly, on hand holding yours, the other holding your leg up. "C'mon babe, I can see the head! You're doing amazing," he cheered, as you put all your strength into your final push, a loud cry filling the room. Falling back into the bed, a tiny body is set onto your now empty stomach. You shakily put your hands on your baby girl, looking at the beautiful life you had brought into the world. "Baby she's beautiful," Liam cried, smiling as the tears streamed down his face, kneeling next to you and brushing some hair away from your forehead. Your own tears were building up as your daughter squirmed on your chest. The nurses took her to clean her up as the delivery came to an end. The doctor cleaned you up and rolled you into a private room, where your baby was brought in moments later.

"Niall," you cried, reaching your hand out for him to grab. Your breathing was heavy, the labor becoming almost unbearable. It had been nearly 32 hours of endless contractions and an intense one was coming up. He quickly got up from his chair, grabbing your hand tightly and pulling it to his chest. "Baby, baby look at me. Remember our breathing, in..." He took a deep breath in making you follow. "And out..." Niall guided you in the breathing exercise for about 5 minutes until the doctor walked in, and told you it was time to push. A wave of fear overtook your body, as you looked to Niall. "I-I'm not ready," you stuttered, looking up at him. "(Y/N), hey. Baby, think about it, only a little bit more and we'll have a baby. Princess you can do this, I'll be right here." As the doctors prepared everything, you nodded, feeling an extreme pressure between your legs. "Alright Mrs. Horan, we need you to bear down okay? Let's deliver this baby." Taking a deep breath you used the energy you had been saving to push. Niall gripped onto your hand, counting to 10 every time you started again. It was tiring but an hour later when your baby boy, Adam was born, it was all worth it.

Holding one of your legs up, Zayn's eyes kept switching from your face to the miracle happening down below. "You're doing amazing boo! C'mon, the heads out, one more baby!" You continued pushing, your face going red as you used all the energy you had to deliver this baby. About one minute later, you let out a final cry as a wave of relief washing over you, the piercing cry of your baby echoing through the room. "You did it," Zayn said, absolutely astonished. "Baby you did it." Letting go of your leg, he went to cut the cord, tears streaming down his face as the baby was set into your chest. You put your hands on her tiny warm body and held her close to your breast, admiring the tiny features. When the nurses took her to go get cleaned up, the doctor finished up with you, cleaning you up and moving you into a private room, where your new baby girl was brought soon after. Jennifer Ana Malik, 8 pounds, 2 ounces. A healthy baby girl that you and Zayn would cherish the rest of your lives.

Complications. That was the last word you wanted to hear the doctors say when you went to give birth to your baby. After doing an ultrasound, you had found out that the baby was in a breech position and it wouldn't be safe to deliver naturally. You were almost devastated. You had been preparing for a fully natural experience, but now that wouldn't be able to happen. But it was for the baby. You had been keeping that baby safe for 9 months, and you weren't about to put that small life at risk now. So into surgery you went, Louis standing with the mask over his face, watching them operate on the other side of the curtain. "Louis what's going on?" you asked groggily, making him look down at you. "They're almost done love." He ran his hand through your hair, turning his attention to you until finally the cries of your baby could be heard. You wanted to see. "Lou, Lou boy or girl?" you asked eagerly, tugging on his surgical gown. "Babe it's a boy. We have a boy," he cried, happy tears falling down his cheek as he kissed you passionately. "You gave me my boy... and I love you so much. Thank you."

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