#16 - "What If...?"

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"What If...?"

"What if we had never met?" he asks randomly one day while the two of you sat on the couch watching TV. "What makes you ask that?" You turned your head to look at him. He just shrugged. "I don't know. It was just a thought." Thinking for a minute you came up with a decent answer. "Well, if you and I had never met, I probably wouldn't be nearly as happy as I am now. You'd be with your mates and I'd be at home with my family. It wouldn't be the most awful thing in the whole world, but I can definitely say that I do enjoy being with you much more." You watched as a big smile spread over his face, his arm tightening around your shoulders. "I definitely prefer this too babe." You returned the smile, cuddling into him more. This was definitely the life you preferred, being with someone who loved you and someone you loved just as much back.

"But what if you didn't see the car in time Liam," you said trying to show him that distracted driving nearly could've killed him. "But I did (Y/N). And I'm fine. I did see it in time and I got home." You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Liam that's not the point. The point is you were too distracted to barely notice you were going to hit another vehicle! Do you realize how close you came to injuring yourself and possibly other people?" Your tone was angry, and you were. You could see it in his eyes that the reality was finally setting in of what could've happened.

"Do you ever think about like... what if we didn't lose the baby?" he asked, sniffling, the memory still fresh in both of your minds. You nodded in reply, playing with his fingers as they rested on your now empty belly. "I do..." you said quietly. "Her name would've been Carrie... and she would've had your eyes and my hair," you continued, the image of your baby girl playing through your mind. But you would never get to see her. He kissed your cheek, resting in the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry for asking... I just... I just wanted to know." Shaking your head, you said in reply, "It's okay... I like to imagine she's still inside me... That in 5 months she'll be here..." But she wouldn't be coming. And you both couldn't accept that, not yet.

"What if this was our last day on earth?" he asked out of the blue while the two of you were sitting on your balcony in the middle of the night. "What?" you giggled, looking over at him. "I mean like... what if tonight was our last night together?" You lost your smile. "Zayn are you hinting to a break up?" "What? No! No, no, no baby no." You sighed in relief. "Sorry, just a thought." Shaking his head smiling. "Never boo." A silence came over you two but you broke it. "I guess this would be a pretty perfect way to spend a last night together wouldn't it?" Zayn nodded. "Just you and me and the lights of the city. It is pretty perfect." Smiling you relaxed back into your chair, reaching to grab Zayn's hand. These were the nights you cherished.

"What if the cancer kills me Louis? What if these are my last few months with you," you cried, tears spilling out at a fast speed. The doctor had just dropped the horrible news on you and even though it was still early, you were still thinking of the worst case scenario. "Hey, hey, hey, shh... don't think like that..." Louis enveloped you in his arms, rocking you back and forth as you sat on the uncomfortable table. "But Louis..." you cried into his shoulder. "No. (Y/N), it's still early. They're gonna make you better before it gets worse. Baby, this horrible disease will not take you away from me. I'll spend every penny if it means getting you the treatment you need to get better..." Clutching onto him tighter, you refused to let go, knowing that as long as you had a reason like him to fight, you would not fall victim.

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