#32 - Late Nights

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Late Nights

You two are crashed on the bed, a movie going quietly. But you're not paying attention. You're too busy talking, listening to each other's stories and exchanging your own. These were the nights you cherished, where it was nothing but you and him, finally having some alone time with absolutely no interruptions.

He's on the couch his face in his hands and you stand in the doorway. It's yet another awful fight, and you don't know how much more your relationship can take. "We need to work this out or I have to move on Liam... I can't live in an unhappy relationship... It's not fair to either of us," you say, finally calming down. "We're going to work this out," he mumbles immediately after you finish. "We have to..."

You two stumble in, tripping over your own feet. It's some ungodly hour in the morning, but you two can barely tell which way is up. The boys had dropped you two off, getting you safely inside before leaving you guys be, giggling messes on the living room floor, the regret of tomorrow's hangover not even a thought.

He's consoling you, sitting you down on the couch, making sure you knew he was there for you. It's the late night calls that people fear the most. But when the news that your mother has found her final resting place, it hits hard. "She...." You barely choke out, another wave of sobs rack through your body. But he's there. Holding you tight to make sure everything was going to be okay.

Sitting on your bed in the middle of the night, you talk to your boyfriend on the screen. It's morning where he is, and regardless of the hour, every minute you got to talk to him was a blessing. You'd ask him constant questions just to hear his voice, missing it so dearly. "One more week sweetheart," he says smiling. "And then I'll finally be home."

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