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Malachi's POV

I sat in my room trying to place the events of tonight. Void turned on me. The nokitsune was no longer in control of me. Allison died. I ran. Avery went crazy. She tried to kill me. She tried to kill Scott. She tried to hurt herself. She swears she saw Theo. I'm alone. The darkness surrounding me. "You need to lighten the fuck up" I froze looking up at void in the corner "how did you get here?" He chuckled getting up "you don't need to worry about that." There was a noise the oni surrounded me. I went to shout and run they grabbed me pinning me to the bed. I found myself to scared to make a noise. He hovered over me. Pulling a knife out. He smiled as the moonlight hit the blade. He placed the blade to my cheek "you need to smile sweetie" he laughed loudly then cut from the centre of my cheek to my mouth I wanted to scream. I opened my mouth choking on my own blood. He directed his attention to the other side. He repeated the process. I tried to scream the pain shot through my face I was sobbing uncontrollably. He leaned back straddling my hips to admire his work. he gave a sinister smiled "there. All better. I told you to lighten the fuck up" he started really laughing then. He was gone. I screamed out in pain. The bedroom door burst open. Stiles stood with Scott. Stiles ran to me taking off his shirt placing it to my face. "What happened" he panicked trying His best to help me. "Scott go get your mum!" Scott ran out the room "t t the void h h he was here" I cried my face hurting whenever I moved. mum ran in straight to me. "We need to get you to the hospital come on" they stood me up "stiles go get the car. Scott help her." I was picked up everything was a blur the pain became to much as I cried "it hurts!" I cried into the warm chest I was pressed into "I know hang on mal I'll fix it" I heard Scott as he laid me down in the car. He climbed in taking my hand. His face softened. He could sense how much pain I was in. He closed his eyes. I felt the pain beginning to ease as the black veins moved from my hand to his. "We need to find him. We need to stop this" stiles said in anger as we pulled up. I was carried into the hospital. I started to pass out from the amount of blood I was losing through the massive cuts. I was put on a bed and rushed away. I suddenly gave into the darkness.

Avery's POV

"So we change the host. We find him. Scott bites him. Its over" I stated. Stiles laughed at me. "There is no we. You stay home." I frowned looking at him "your hurt. He could influence you to much." The door opened. "Actually. We all need to go." Malachi stood their. Two marks going up her cheeks looking Like a smile. Stiles looked shocked "strength in numbers. And we are all a part of this fame some how. We need to check the school." He didn't argue with her "you walked out the hospital?" I was concerned "I'm fine. Theres a battle to be fought. My place isn't in bed. And neither is your Avery" I nodded "do we have a plan?" I asked quietly "yeah. Avery the twins and Derek. Go get the triscualite box then meet up at the school. We'll head there now and try to end this." I nodded looking at Aidan who smiled. Aidan was my best friend out of everyone "let's get going. Avery. Ride with me" he smirked throwing me a helmet. I nodded "we'll see you guys soon. Be careful" Derek announced. We walked out. I walked with Aidan getting on his bike with him. I saw a car pull up and Isaac got out. He looked at me as I slipped the helmet on and we drove off. We stopped at Derek's when he went in the get the box. Aidan looked at me. "I don't know what you see in Isaac" I smirked "that's not your business" he laughed "you should get a real man" his hand slipped up my thigh. I smiled blushing slightly "Aidan. Time and place" I reminded him of what was to come. He nodded "OK... How about tomorrow night. I take you out. Around 8?" I smiled "I'd like that" he done his famous little half smile. "Great" I smiled he leaned in kissing me. I felt bad about Isaac. Me and him technically hadn't broken up. But I don't think i could look at him the same. I got over my feelings and kissed Aidan. He smirked against my lips. He wasn't like Isaac. Isaac was soft. Slow. Passionate. Aidan was rough and in control. I couldn't lie I like it. His hands cupped my cheeks. I pulled away for breath. "Woe" he breathed out "where has Isaac hid you away?" I laughed. Derek walked back holding the box. "Let's go" I nodded getting on the bike Aidan was about to slip his helmet on I stopped him wiping some of my lipstick off his lips "opss" he smiled putting his helmet on. We raced to the school I found my heart beating faster the more nervous I got. We got there getting off the bike. I smiled nervously at Aidan he hugged me "we'll be OK" I nodded smiling. I walked with Derek seeing void and two oni standing on the steps "awh you bought me a present" he smiled as Derek placed the box down. "Actually. We bought two" I smiled at Derek as the twins walked up. I looked at my cut hands pulling out my knives spinning them slightly "now I've heard of a alpha pack. But not a pack of former alphas. And... A human its a little sad isn't it?" Aidan growled at the insult. We started to walk forward. "I may not be an alpha anymore. But I can fight like one" he let out a massive roar. Then we ran into fight. We fought hard. I dodged a blade. Cutting the thing across the shin. It made a awful noise then I felt a pain across my legs. It had cut across my thighs. I fell to my knees. "AVERY!" I saw the blade about to come down. Then a arrow hit the oni in the chest. There was a boom and an explosion the blade fell. I caught it before it could impale me. I looked behind me. Argent stood with a cross bow. "What the hell was that?" I shouted "silver!" I heard a growl. Isaac jumped over the wall landing across from me. His eyes glowing. Another oni went for me. I paced backwards catching the sword wit the one I got from my previous attacker. "ISAAC GET THE BOX TO SCOTT" I shouted. He ran for the box

Stiles POV.

We stumbled out of the room in touch. We were OK. I held Malachi close behind me. Protecting her from everything I could. Kira gripped her sword. This wasn't over. He checked himself over. Kira done the same. "We're OK" he laughed. Then proceeded to be thrown into a locker and passed out. Void slapped kira knocking her out. His pale skin looking some how more uneasy in the moonlight. His darkened eyes fixed firmly narrowed on us. "This is my game" his voice boomed laced with anger and hate. "You think you can beat me at my game?" I pushed Malachi behind me ensuring myself she was safe and he wouldn't hurt her again. I begun to stumble back pushing her away from him as he walked to us "divine move? You think you have any moves at all" he spoke fast showing how irritated he really was with our thought process. "You can kill the oni but me. Me?. I'm a thousand years old. YOU CANT KILL ME!" he screamed. I almost fell from the force of his shouts we came to a stop. I thought we were done "BUT WE CAN CHANGE YOU!" Malachi screamed at my. I still held her back. He paused looking even more irritated than before. "What?" I gave him a pitying look "you forgot about the scroll" his face went serious. Like he was ready to take our head off. "Change the host" he said soundly. "You can't be a fox and a wolf at the same time" I informed him as he screamed at Scott grabbing his arm buying fully into him. He began to move like a puppet on strings. Being jerked around the controller having no regard on if he damaged the puppet. He choked out. A fly shot out of his mouth. There was a click as Isaac locked the box around the fly. Our attention turned to the void and he dropped to his knees suddenly becoming still and silent. His face turned a shade of grey and begun to crack. He felt turning to dust as the shell on a body hit the ground.

Avery's POV

"GET THE ARROW! ITS THE LAST ONE!" I heard argent shout. I saw Aidan running he grabbed the arrow head plunging it into the things chest. Ad the oni in turn plunged his blade into Aidan. I gasped. My knees weak "AIDAN!" I screamed. He pulled the long blade out of his stomach. Me and Ethan ran to him. Ethan caught him laying him down. Tears rolled down our cheeks. "No no" I fought to keep pressure on the the wound he weakly placed Hus hand over mine "hey hey stop" he coughed out. I looked to him "I its OK " I shook my head "no you said you would be OK that We. Would be okhe smiled blood running out of his mouth. "I am OKhis hand touched my cheek "your OKI shook my head "I'm not. You promised me we would go out tomorrow. You can't leave me yet" I laughed through the tears. He done the same "I'm sorry... I promised you a life. I couldn't give to you" I shook my head holding his face "don't. Do anything but apologize" he smiled. "Go. I don't want you to see me die. I want you last memory of me to be a little badass. Not this" I laughed nodding. I kissed his forehead. "I'll see you on the other side Aidan" he smiled "hey. You a always were the hot one" I smiled at his never dying 'smoothness' "likewise" I chuckled standing up. I turned around blood drenching my clothes. My hands were covered. Scott stiles kira Malachi and Isaac stood watching. I heard a cough I turned around to look at him Ethan laid him back completely sobbing. As the life drain from his eyes. Begun to sob. My knees shaking. I was about to fall someone grabbed me holding me up. "Its OK. He's better now. He is OKI heard Isaacs voice calm me "Shhh shh shhh shhh" he held me kissing the top of my head. "Come on. Its over now. Its all done. Let's go home" he guided me to the car.

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