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Malachis POV

I got to school once again Getting strange looks because of my face. I tried to cover up the scars best I could but... It was no good. My permanent smile remained visible. I sighed walking to my locked someone grabbed me I jumped "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" stiles shouted hugging me. I nearly had a heart attack "oh my god! Stiles! Don't do that! Ever!" He chuckled "I'm sorry baby... Its just.. Its your birthday" I smiled kissing him "you look to pretty today" he looked at me taking it everything. I felt my cheeks burn. Then I caught sight of my scars in the mirror. I placed my hand over them "I wish" he placed his hand on my wrist putting his head on my shoulder hugging me from behind. "Listen to me. You are beautiful. When you cry. When you scream. When you smile. When you laugh. Your scars don't make you any less beautiful. They tell a story... A story that you are strong. That you went through hell and you kept going. That you can handle anything..." I felt myself well up at his words. "Also scars are hot" I laughed really hard. He laughed to. I turned to face him. His arms locked around my waist "what?! Have you not seen it when a guy has a cool scar. They ladies love it" I giggled "maybe I can go on the pull" he laughed "I'll be you wing man" I laughed at him. I looked up at his smiled. Flawless. I really was in love this time. I knew I was safe. I knew it was returned "hey maybe I can do a joker!" He chuckled at me "don't your dare" he looked like he may die of laughter "wanna know how I go these scars" I imitated best as I could. He nearly fell over laughing. "When did I fall for such a dork" he chuckled I hit his arm "excuse you. Your the dork Mr." He laughed at me. Pausing to kiss me. He moved me against the lockers. One hand on my hip. The other resting on my cheek. My arms around his neck. I smiled on his lips. He pulled away I bit my lop "damn stilinski" I smirked he smiled as the bell rang "I'll see you after class" I nodded kissing him as he walked off. I had a free period. I actually had no lessons today. I only came in because sitting at home all day was no fun. I thought about what to do. I remembered Avery was running today so I could go watch. I walked to the Bleacher's when coach shouted my name "MCCALL!" I turned around looking for my brother or sister. Nope just me. I walked over "yes coach" he threw his clipboard on a beach "where is your sister. She skipped track again!" I frowned "that's not like her. Give me a minute. I'll call her" I turned around. I found her number dialing call. It rang for a good 10 rings. "This really isn't like her." I saw Theo running the track and narrowed my eyes. He just smiled. I made a decision to go over to hers. I walked down to the library. I saw Isaac and Lydia sitting talking. "Come with me" I said to both of them "where" I sat down so I could whisper "I think theos done something to Avery" Isaac frowned "why?" I looked at him "she's supposed to be running track right now." Isaac looked at Lydia "she never misses track. That was one thing I hated. She would constantly drag me on runs" Lydia nodded "let's go"


"Can we not get arrested for this?" Lydia asked whispering "that's why we're not getting caught"  I moved the bobby pin around then I heard a click "done" I pushed the door open. We all slipped into the flat. "Avery?" Isaac spoke out. No Awnser. We looked in the bedroom. Theo's stuff was everywhere "is he living here" I picked up his shirt Isaac nodded "yeah. He's blackmailing her" I turned around "how?" Isaac sighed "because. She has no idea about where's she's been for 11 months. Theo does. He won't tell her until he's ready. But. She has to basically be his fucking maid until then" I threw his shirt down. I heard whispers. "Can you hear them?" Lydia nodded. I closed my eyes slowly walking around. The got louder as I walked out the bedroom. "I think she's in here" Lydia pushed a door open "the kitchen?" I flicked the light on walking in Isaac went stiff "Isaac what's wrong" he was sweating "what the hell is hat doing here" I saw the freezer with a padlock on it. I heard muffled noises. Isaac marched over grabbing the lock ripping it apart he stepped back not wanting to open it. I stood by his side. I slowly flicked the lock up. The lid slowly opened. Isaac caught it opening it fully. She sat up. Shaking. she had a black eye. "W what are you guys doing here" Isaac helped her out. I hugged her. "What happened" she shivered. She was really cold. "OK Isaac grab blankets. Mal get her on the couch. I'll make some coffee" Lydia smiled rubbing her arms "thanks Lydia" Lydia nodded returning a hopeful smile. I sat her down Isaac covered her with blankets. "What happened" she shrugged a little "I don't really wanna talk about it" I nodded "OK... I get it. Avery. Please let us help you." She shook her head I need to know what he know mal. You don't understand. I'm so close. Its just one more thing then he'll tell me" I frowned "what's this one last thing" she looked at Isaac. His whole fave dropped "no way." I looked at them both "what" he stood up running his hands through his hair "he isn't biting you!" My head shoot to her. "No way" I said sternly. "That's not what he wants... Well it is but.. He wants into the pack. But... He wants me there first... So he can push his way in" I rubbed my face "and what did you say" Lydia walked in handing her a coffee "I said no. Thanks Lydia" she took a sip "I told him I wasn't going to let him be near any of you"  I sighed "so he done this?" She placed the coffee down. Her eyes became sadden "actually... He done this because I went out with Isaac last night" I looked at Isaac. He looked really angry "I told him we dropped liam home and he switched on me" Isaac stood up "you need to get him out." She smiled weakly "I'll be OK. I promise. I'll talk to him tonight. I'll get the information out of him then. He's gone. I swear."

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