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Stiles POV.

Malachai was asleep I got up helping Isaac and Scott with Avery. We laid her on the other sofa. "Scott go grab a bowl in case she's sick. Isaac get some water and a damp cloth. Some one call Melissa." They ran off she was shaking. I grabbed a blankets placing it over her fragile body. "Thanks brother..." She sighed out her eyes closed. I smiled kneeling down "its stiles Avery... Scotts getting a bowl" her eyes opened. She was tearful. "I know" I smiled stroking her hair "get some rest kid" I stood up to walk away she grabbed my hand "stiles" she sniffed crying. I knelt back down rubbing her shoulder "you where always there... You looked after Scott when we were gone... You stood by him... You were there before we left... I always looked at you like a brother... Thank you for staying..." I felt a tear fall. I was shaking slightly "your mum would've been so proud of you... Your so strong... Stronger than any of us... And way more special" I shook my head "listen Avery. We. Me and you. We're gonna always be here. We're gonna stick around for a long time OK" she nodded crying holding my hands "stiles I don't wanna die"she sobbed out. I quickly pulled her into a hug "hey. I promise you right now. As your brother. You are not going to die. You hear me" she nodded sobbing "get some rest. We'll work this out." She nodded closing her ryes. I stood up looking at her. I had no idea I meant that much to anyone. Isaac walked back in "she ok?" I nodded "she's sleeping" he slowly moved the blanket pulling up her shirt. He choked on the air in his lungs covering his mouth at the infected wound. "Can we fix her?" He looked at me. "I nodded. We're gonna try. She." I pointed at the pale girl "is not dying again. Not after we just got her back." He nodded Scott walked in. I looked around the room.

Isaacs POV

I sat in the chair watching her. She sipped her water. It was 6:30 am. I'd woken up from a nightmare. She was awake with the pain. So we sat. In silence. Looking at each other. "Why didn't you go to Theo" my voice cracked a little she sat up a bit more "he doesn't understand... He doesn't get pain... He would rather kill us him self than let us be sick" I frowned. "What was it like... To die..." She looked into space. A small fake smile on her lips "its numb... Cold. You get up and look at your own body... Eyes frozen open... You hear people screaming...you become invisible. Its like playing a game but no one told you its started. You scream at people to hear you and they go about their day. You sit and watch as the world turns and you stay still. Being invisible drives you crazy... Then you start forgetting everything. Who you are. Who loved you. I forgot my own name. If your "lucky" enough to wake up. Yh can feel it. Everyday. Darkness clawing up at you remaining you that your not supposed to be alive. There's no peace in death. And there's none in living" a tear fell from her eyes. She finally looked back at me. "I'm sorry" I shook my head "don't apologize..." She sniffed looking down "did you love me" I smiled nodded "more than anything" she looked up "what was it like... Losing me" I exhaled deeply. "It was... The most painful thing I've ever felt... I sat screaming for... Days... I tried convincing myself that you were ok. That I could save you. That I can fix you. When you died... I think I. Did too. Everything ree reminded me of you. And j realised if I had the slightest chance and love again. I'd ignore it. Because I never want that pain again. I knew I wouldn't love. Ever again." She laughed a little "I don't know what happened to me... I can't remember anything..but... I can feel it.. Issac?" I nodded I got up sitting in front of her "don't let me go again" I held her shaking hand "never" I hugged her. For the first time. I felt whole again.

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