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Malachi's POV

Me Scott and stiles sat in the living room since Scott's lives here and basically so does stiles "What did you do while you was away then" I sat back thinking. Do I want to get into this "I ERM hung out with theo" stiles looked at me "you what." I nodded "yeah we lived into the same area we were friends then he moved back here. You lot had fights and now he wants to kill everyone" stiles nodded "he's evil" Scott sat awkwardly "yeah I know. Always thought he's become a serial killer to be honest" the boys nodded agreeing "seems legit" there was a knock at the door. I jumped up Avery stood looking freezing she was crying "what the fucks happened" she was all dirty "the twins they're.... I don't know. They. I don't know. I ran. They chased me." She looked terrified stiles walked over "whats- why is she crying." Scott jumped up rushing over he immediately grabbed her "they became one didn't they" she nodded "I'm gonna take her upstairs. Stiles. Call liam and derek." I was confused. In the commotion I managed to sneak out to see this for myself. I walked for ages then to the woods. I came across a barn. Slowly I walked in "hello? Twins what ever you're names are? Look you scared my sister. I wanna talk." A old guy came into the light he was blind I kept still then someone grabbed me hand over my mouth "the banshee?" The man smiled "so McCall has two lovely sisters. My dear you don't know it but you're going to be a great help to us." I tried protesting "now now. Boys what happens if a banshee is bitten by a wolf" he smirked. I begun getting scared "no matter. Knock her out put their in the car. We'll hold on to her for a while. Scott will just think she's left town again." They started dragged me off "WAIT!" I Shouted they stopped "you're going to die soon. I can stop it. Just let me go and I'll help you." He chuckled "I don't think so darling" I only saw black from that point.

Isaacs POV

I had fallen asleep on Allison's sofa I wanted to talk to her dad and see if he knew what could be happening with Avery. He mentioned something called a siren it was 7 am I woke up to banging at the door Alison was asleep. On me. I slowly tired waking her up as the door burst open. Avery stood with scott. Her face showed nothing but anger "you've got 30 seconds to explain." I couldn't Alison shot up seeing Avery "I thought you broke up with her" I couldn't even register what she'd said "what" me and Avery said at the same time "that's what you said last night" "Ali i never told you that. Avery I swear" she just walked out "Avery!" I chased her grabbing her arm "WHAT!" I could see her anger burning "I promise you. I never said that. Why would I break up with you. Even Theo said you are special to me. I couldn't give you up even if I wanted to" "then why would Alison say..." She stopped pulling my shirt collar revealing a hickey. I show it in the mirror on the wall "YOU SLEPT WITH HER! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS ISAAC" I tried to stop her running off "baby I swear" a harsh slap was delivered to my cheek "stay away from me Isaac. Go sleep with Alison" she walked away. I turned to face Scott. He looked angry. Alison had the biggest smirk on her face "why would you do this Ali. I came to you for help. You break us up. You need to tell her what happened" she looked at Scott "Alison what ever you've done. Undo it. Now." She looked at the both of us. "Fine." She walked the way Avery did. "Why did you two come here anyway?" I asked Scott. "The alpha pack. They've taken Malachi."

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