Its almost time

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Graces pov
39 weeks pregnant

It was the middle of the night and I was woken from my sleep from a sharp pain radiating throughout my whole stomach. I shot up from the bed the room was dark and the only sound was the window AC blowing cold air in Jake and i direction. The moonlight was shining softly into the room leaving a white line of light in the middle of the floor.

I looked over at Jake who was peacefully asleep. His lips were parted slightly and his breathing was heavy. His chest was shirtless and his tattoos were exposed. His blonde hair was all messy. My finger traced over his chest on the tattoo that said Grace I couldn't believe he had my name tattooed forever on his body.

My hands pulled away from him and went down to my stomach. The sharp pain was back again and I felt like I needed to walk around. I tried getting off the bed quietly but the bed was creaky and so was the hardwood. Jake stirred around in his sleep a little before he rolled back over.

I walked quietly around and kept getting those pains every 10 minutes. It sucked and I was starting to get worried if I was going into labor or not. It was almost 3 in the morning right now so the house was silent. I pulled the door open and went down the stairs to grab a glass of water. When I got in the kitchen Rico was on the couch shirtless and asleep with a couple shot bottles on the coffee table and some rolling papers and a bag of weed. I knew this kid was out.

I got my glass of water and nearly dropped it when my pain got even worse. I fell to the floor and I was trying not to cry but the tears were falling down my face. I was in so much pain. I think I'm going into labor. I left the kitchen and Rico was awake on the couch.

"Grace what's wrong?" He asked rushing to my side

"The baby I think it's coming" I cried

Rico hugged me and started stroking my hair. Nobody knew what to do. I was just crying in his arms.

"What the fucks going on?" Jake hissed

"I think she's in labor Jake" Rico said nervous

"What! Muffin are you okay?" Jake asked ripping me from Ricos arms

"It hurts Jake" I cried

"We need to get to the hospital ill be right back" Jake said dashing up the stairs

Jakes pov

I was sweating and beyond nervous. I couldn't believe she was going into labor already. Right now she was gonna have my daughter. My room was filled with pink stuff everywhere from clothes to bottles and shoes. I'm so nervous for this little girl to arrive because I know just how protective I'm gonna be of her.

I searched around the darkness for a shirt and slipped it over my head once I found one lying on the floor. I grabbed the hospital bag on the way out and ran back down the stairs. Grace had pain written all over her face and I felt so bad because I did this to her. I made her pregnant.

"Lets go Rico get a shirt on why are you just standing their" I yelled

"Because she's in pain and I wanna help her"

"Go help yourself I got my girl" I barked

"It hurts so bad Jake" She whined the tears falling down her cheeks like a river

"Don't cry muffin I'm sorry I know it hurts I know i did this to you" I said my eyes softening

"We both did it, it takes two to tango Jake" She said cracking a smile

I got her outside and Rico already had the car started. I helped her into the backseat and then we sped off. Rico was driving 70 in a 50 and if we got pulled over we were dead men. We were already wanted for all the crime and gang activity we were involved in. Had me worried I don't wanna spend the rest of my life in jail while my daughter and Grace were out here to fend for themselves in the world. I couldn't let that happen and I wouldn't.

"Rico slow the fuck down! Theirs cops always over here" I hissed

Rico reduced his speed while we passed through the red lights and slowed down. The cops were always waiting up ahead and she was in labor. We didn't need to get pulled over.

The hospital was in sight and Grace was still hunched over crying in pain from her contractions. Rico pulled into the emergency lane and I carried her inside. The nurses drew their attention towards us and they got her a wheelchair.

I watched as Rico came running inside. We followed her and the nurses down the hallway. They took her into a room and started hooking her up to monitor and IVs. It all looked so painful and I felt so bad. I held her hand every chance I could and she had tears spilling out of her eyes still. In this very moment I felt so surreal I was 16 about to have a baby.

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