Everything is perfect

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Jakes pov

"What the fuck are they doing in their" I barked pacing around the hospital hallway

"Jake calm down" Rico said

Rico was perched up against the wall waiting. Grace was in their crying and screaming from the pain she was in. They were giving her the epidural and they wouldn't let either of us stay in the room. I fought like hell to stay in their but the security took me out and threatened to make me leave, I couldn't risk that.

"She's in their in pain"

"I know but we can't help they kicked us out"

"Did you call Aunty?" I asked

"Yeah she didn't answer"

"You guys can come back in now"

I rushed into the room and Grace looked more relaxed then before. I was glad to see her in not so much pain as before. She had a little smile on her face which made me smile.

"Hey baby girl how you feelin" I asked

"Better now" She smiled

"Good I'm glad, how are the contractions?"

"Their duller now"

"How dilated are you?" I asked

"Like 8" she giggled

"Holy shit this is happening" I said excited

"Yeah it really is"

"Wow" Rico said

"I know I'm scared" she said

"don't be muffin I'm gonna be here for you the whole time" I smiled

The doctors started coming in and getting things ready. I was getting even more nervous now. I was trying not to show it because I didn't want to worry Grace even more. I knew she was nervous she's not good at hiding it but I am.

Rico was sitting in the chair in the side of the room. He was biting on his nails leaning deep into the seat. I was wondering where my aunt was this early in the morning I hope she was alright.

"I'm gonna check how far along you our now and we should have a baby today" The doctor smiled

"Okay" She said shaky

I went over and grabbed her hand while the doctor checked her. She was numb from the waste down so she couldn't feel anything. Rico looked up at us with a nervous smile.

"Your about 9 now so we're gonna start labor" The doctor smiled

"Uh okay" She said letting a tear fall down her cheek

"Muffin don't worry it's gonna be okay I'm right here" I smiled

"Okay dad I'm gonna need you to hold one of her legs and you sir if your gonna stay here I need you to hold her other leg"

Rico snapped to attention and stood up smoothing out his shirt and pulling his jeans that were falling down his ass up. The room was quiet and everything felt like it was in slow motion. Rico grabbed her leg and I went over to the other side.

"Alright Grace now push her out" The doctor said

"Okay" She said and began pushing

Rico and I exchanged shocked looks. I was nervous she was nervous and he was nervous. I was sweating and watching my daughter come into this world. She was pushing her out hard and within a few minutes her head was out. I could feel the tears pricking but I couldn't cry not now.

"Push baby" I said

She pushed again harder and harder. Finally she popped out and the doctor pulled her out. She was so cute even though she was covered in blood. Rico had the most shocked look on his face his mouth dropped open.

"Dad wanna cut the cord?" The doctor asked and I nodded

I cut the cord and they took her away to weigh her and wipe her off so we could hold her. They weighed her and she was a 7 pound baby. She was so cute. They brought her over to Grace and she was so happy to finally hold her. I went over their and just stared at the two of them. She looked like a beautiful mix of Grace and i and I loved it.

"Wanna hold her baby?" She asked and I nodded

I took her fragile body into my arms and smiled down at her. Her eyes were open and that's when I realized she had my blue eyes. I chuckled lightly about it and flashed back to Grace and she had a big smile on her face.

"You two are adorable" She smiled

I was so happy she was finally here. Nothing else around me mattered but her she was so little and she was already my whole world.

"Wow Rico she's so pretty" Rico said looking over my shoulder

"I know" I said blown away by her beauty she's a little Grace

The doctors knocked on the door and told us their was someone who was waiting for us. It was my aunt and she had tears falling down her eyes. I smiled and she snatched her from my arms. Everyone was so happy in this moment everything was so perfect, I didn't care I was 16 anymore she was the greatest blessing.

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