Got away

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Rico's pov

I was running what felt like miles. I finally cut through the woods and made it to the other side and it seemed to be clear of cops. I was out of breath and I could barley run still. I was breathing heavy and my lungs felt like they were gonna collapse. I lost Jake in all of the commotion. I couldn't believe we split up but he shoved me down a hill and made a break from the cops. Jake was always looking out for everyone else when he's the one who can't go to jail he has a daughter.

I could see our house in the distance and I walked the rest of the way their. Jake had the cops hot on his tail and I hope he got away because if they catch him he's gonna go away for a while.

I pushed the door open and Grace was sitting on the couch with Nevaeh asleep in her arms. She looked up at me and was surprised to see me home so early. She smiled st me and looked past me looking for Jake but I honestly didn't even know where he was right now.

"Hey Rico what are you doing here?" She asked

"I uh it's kinda a long story" I said closing the door

"Where's Jake?"

"He's uh still at the funeral" I said

"Why arent you?" She said confused

"We'll see their was a problem cops showed up and Jake and I got split up from the rest of the ex gang and Jake pushed me down a hill that's why I'm all dirty. But you know Jake he'll get away" I said staring out the window for him

"What! Why did the cops show up? Is he gonna go to jail?" She said asking all these questions

"No Grace don't worry" I said shutting the blinds

I took a seat next to her on the couch. She was dressed in jakes clothes his sweats engulfing her body. Her long brown hair was tied into a messy bun and he edges were gelled down. She looked tired from being up with Nevaeh but she was so gorgeous. Jake was really lucky to have her. I remember when they met I was gonna take her but I couldn't do that to my boy I could see the look In jakes eyes he was so excited to meet her.

"Rico I'm worried what if he goes to jail he has a daughter"

I could see the desperation in her eyes she looked worried for herself and her baby. She knew that he would never get out of their. I wanted to kiss her and tell her everything was gonna be alright but I knew I couldn't do that not to Jake not to her not to my niece not to myself. Jake would ring my neck if I ever did that. You seen what happened to Ace. I will always like her but I know my limits I know I cant.

As I was about to and she looked at me. I was gonna lean in but I didn't I was fighting it in my head. The door swung open and it was Jake. He was all dirty. His suit was ripped on the arm and it was full of dirt. He was out of breath, with his hands against the wall breathing heavy. His blonde hair was full of sand and dust and he had a gash across his head.

He was looking out the blinds making sure the cops didn't see him come inside. He looked over at us and I was a little close for comfort to Grace and he gave me a dirty look but sent Grace a smile.

"Jake oh my god I thought something bad happened" Grace said running into jakes arms

"Don't worry muffin I got it" He smiled

"I thought you got arrested and that you weren't gonna see our little girl"

"Of course I was, I have priorities" He said taking Nevaeh from her

She started to wake up and she smiled at Jake. She was getting so big I couldn't believe she was 9 months old already. She was trying to walk now it's crazy how fast they grow up.

"She's gotta eat I'll feed her" Grace said

"No I can I haven't been here all day"

"It's fine Jake get a shower" She said taking Nevaeh into the kitchen

Jakes pov

I never thought I was gonna get away from those cops. They were hot on my ass after I saved Rico by pushing him down that hill. He has no other choice or else we were both gonna get caught. I ran for miles until I finally got away. I was scared of being arrested for the first time in my life I thought that I wasn't gonna see my daughter again.

I grabbed the Axe shampoo off of the shelf and squirted some of it in my hand and then rubbed it in my blonde dirty hair. All the sand and dust was falling into the shower floor. I still had this big cut on my head and the hot water was stinging it. I turned the shower off and pulled the door open. Rico was standing against the sink just looking st me.

"Jez Rico I'm naked" I laughed and snatched my towel off the rack

"I thought you were mad at me"

"I never said I wasn't did I?" I shot

"You laughed a minute ago"

"Yeah well it's not so pleasant to see you cuddled with my girl" I growled

"I wasn't trying that bro I was just talking to her and she was sad man that's it" He spit out

"Whatever man we're cool but if you ever try anything you know what happened to Ace" I smirked

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