Its time to know

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December 1st

It was a cold snowy December Chicago morning. My heater was on full blast trying to warm up my bedroom. Grace was sitting curled up in my bed she was just in a bra and thong you could see her small baby bump slowly becoming a bigger one. It was noticeable now where like you would guess if she was or not because she dosent look fat and it was getting hard to hide from my aunt she's been wearing my sweatshirts so she just looked like she's all wrapped up. She was already 4 months pregnant and we were gonna be finding out the sex.

"Baby you gotta get dressed" I cooed running my fingers through her hair "You have to get up our appointment is at 9 and you know how hard it is to move around in the city during the morning"

She stirred around in her sleep pulling the blanket closer to her face. I was brushing the hairs off her face and she blinked her eyes open and stretched.

"What time is it?" She asked looking at the clock

"It's 7:30 and I wanna get you breakfast before the appointment so we need time to make it" I said standing their with my jeans unbuttoned and my belt in my hand

"Ugh okay" She groaned

I searched through my closet for a hoodie I knew I had a really thick Nike hoodie somewhere in my closet but I couldn't find it so I pulled on a fleece white t shirt and then my north face jacket and a SnapBack covering my dirty blonde gelled hair back. I looked myself in the mirror and I looked like a little kid no way I can go in that doctors office and say I'm older then 17 because I looked young and I was young I was a teenage dad.

               "Baby do I look okay?" She asked for my opinion she was wearing a tight black long sleeve low cut shirt, jeans and her north face jacket she could barley zipper up

               "Uh yeah babe you look good" I said being caught off guard

              "I just don't wanna show up their in a baggy sweatshirt and sweats I wanna look decent" She said looking down at her outfit

             "Yeah I know baby it's cute I like it I'm just worried about walking by my aunt like that she can't see this yet" I said

              "Yeah I figured I would put your sweatshirt on and then put my jacket once were in the car" She said grabbing my black champions hoodie off the bed

             "I'm sorry baby that you have to hide it and I don't want you to I want everyone to know we're having a baby but I just need to tell my aunt. You know we're waiting till Christmas to tell her I mean I hope it's not gonna ruin her Christmas but it will be one she remembers I don't know how else to slide that in" I explained

            "I know baby I wanna wait till we're ready to I'm not even ready. I wish we could just not tell them and they would just be happy when it's born" She sighed

            "I know she'll be happy. She'll be a great aunt now" I smiled

           "Yeah and then she'll have to pay for another kid" She frowned

           "No I'm gonna pay"

           "You can't sell drugs while we have our baby here" She said

            "Im sorry muffin but that's how it's gonna have to be for a little while. That's the quickest way to make money and babies need a lot of money" I said

             "Why can't I work at the diner?" She asked

             "My cousin tommy works their" I said

             "I know couldn't he get me a job?" She asked

            "Yeah of course it can be a favor" I said

             "But he can't know I'm pregnant" She said covering her stomach protectively

             "He won't know it will just have to be a favor where he can't ask questions rule" I said touching her hands on her stomach so she knew she was protected

            "Okay" she said quiet

            "But your only working until that baby comes out and once it does your not working no more and your gonna be a stay at home mom and I'm gonna be hustling drugs on the streets because Chicago will make us a lot of money that we're gonna need" I said

            "Okay I'll quit when I give birth"

            "You can work in the mornings and don't complain about me having to sell drugs because that's the only way we're gonna live muffin and I'm sorry I need to take care of this family we're a family now your practically my wife" I smiled kissing her forehead

              We walked down the creaky wooden stairs and the smell of pancakes came from the kitchen my aunt must be up cooking for my cousins as good as it smelt we were gonna go to Starbucks and get her a coffee because she's been begging me that she's craving one.

               "Were leaving now bye guys" I yelled from the front door

               The cold snowy Chicago air hit our faces hard while I pulled the door shut Grace waited behind me pulling her jacket closer to her face. She ran to the car the snowflakes falling in her dark long hair and onto her black jacket.

               "Welcome to Starbucks how can I help you" We heard from the loudspeaker

            "Can I get a French vanilla coffee with soy milk and another coffee regular with extra sugar and two cream cheese plain bagels" I said into the speaker

             "$10.50 first window"

               I pulled up to the window and I handed her the money and she handed me the drinks and then the bagels. Grace started sipping her coffee while she took the paper off the bagel. I got on the highway to the doctors an grace handed me my bagel that she unwrapped.

             "I'm so nervous" She chuckled

             "Me too babe I'm nervous as to what it is" I smiled

              It didn't take long to get to the doctors so once we got their we parked the car and went inside. I was starting to get more familiar with this office because we had to come all the time to check on the baby.

             "Grace" the nurse called

             She walked us down the hall to a room and grace sat on the table and she took her jacket off and lifted her shirt up so her stomach was sticking out. The nurse put the blue gel on her and then ran the Doppler over her stomach. We waited a second before we heard a thump thump and then the head appeared on the screen.

             "So your about 13 weeks along and we can probably determine the sex now so would you guys like to know or do you wanna keep it a secret" She asked

            "We wanna know" Grace smiled

            "Do you guys wanna guess I'll point the mouse on where you can tell" She said moving the pointer over to a black area

            "Is it a girl?" I said more of a question

            "It is for sure a baby girl" The nurse said

              The smile stayed stuck on my face while I was still trying to process the fact that I was going to have a daughter. I was worried because I was gonna be so protective of this little girl. I guess grace was right she knew she was gonna have a girl I just doubted it because I didn't want it to be a girl. I was happy though we were gonna have a little girl she's gonna be my little princess.

"Are you disappointed?" Grace asked

"No she's gonna be my little princess" I smiled

"I thought I was your princess?" She pouted

"Your gonna be promoted to my queen now" I smiled kissing her

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