Merry christmas

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It was a cold snowy morning in Chicago yet again but today was different because it was Christmas. I should be excited and I am but I'm also really nervous about asking Grace to marry me and me telling my parents that we're having a baby in 5 months. I had it planned out really nice I was going to take her out to this big tree they had in a big tourist spot and finally ask her the question that's been burning in my heart since I met her.

              "Baby it's time to go see all the presents we got" I said shaking her awake

              "Ugh babe it's so early and cold" She said pulling the blanket back up to her face

              "I'm sorry babe you gotta get up though it's Christmas" I said picking her up while she was still wrapped in the blanket

              "Wait Jake I have to wear a sweatshirt you can see my bump I'm almost 5 months pregnant" She said scared

             "I keep forgetting. I'm sorry I don't know why I forget I just wanna tell them already and we're gonna today it may or may not ruin Christmas" I sighed

            "I don't know if I'm ready to tell them. Today on Christmas what if they hate me and kick me out then I'll have no where to go babe and-" I cut her off

            "Baby shhh relax. Their not gonna hate you if anything they'll hate me it's my dick that for you pregnant" I chuckled

            "It takes two to tango Jake" She said softly looking down at her feet

             "I know it does but babe I'm here I promise I'm not leaving and I'll deal wit whatever they say. I'm sure their gonna be mad but everything will be okay" I said rubbing her arms to reassure her

             "If you say so babe" She said pulling my red hoodie over her head

               Grace and I didn't even reach the bottom of the stairs before my aunt was running around the living room with hot chocolate and she was being extra jolly this morning. Rico was half asleep on the couch shirtless with all his tattoos he had exposed with red adidas pants on and a hat covering his messy brown hair that was tied into a man bun.

"Good morning merry Christmas, you two" My aunt cheered

"Merry Christmas everyone" I said

"Merry Christmas" Leah said "Grace come sit over here"

I followed Grace to the living room floor and I sat down on the couch next to Rico and then Grace sat in between me and Leah. My aunt was looking at the name tags of the presents and we all piled ours next to ourselves until we would all open one at a time.

"Rico" I said nudging him with my elbow while I teared the red paper

"Oh shit what's up" He said looking around the room

"Here open your gift be fucking grateful" I said shoving a box in his lap

Grace looked uneasy in her seat this was the first Christmas she was spending with my family actually living here. When we first met it was after Christmas our two years was actually around the time our daughter would be born.

"Baby it's okay just accept the gifts" I said

"But I feel bad" She frowned

"Why you got everyone something babe" I said

"Because the stuff I got was stupid they were just little things like a gift card or something" She said

"Babe it's okay it doesn't matter if it's only something small" I said

Grace finally agreed with me and she opened the couple of gifts they got her and the clothes I got her she loved. She got me some new Jordan's and I felt bad because he's spent a lot of money. She also got me clothes and a video game I've been wanting. I just hoped the proposal will be worth more in a different way.

"So everyone I have a gift for you aunty and I wanted to save it till last" I said interrupting everyone conversation

"Oh Jake why do you have to go overboard and buy me things" My aunt said rolling her eyes

I chuckled and reached behind the couch to grab the pink bag with tissue paper sticking out of it. Their was a pink onsie in their and a card that said congrats your nephew is having a baby! I knew it wasn't the best idea but that's all I could come up with.

"Here I don't want you to get to excited though because I don't know if your gonna like it" I said scratching the back of my neck and putting my arm around Grace

"If I don't like it I can return it though" She joked

"This isn't something you can return" I laughed

The smile never left her face until she pulled the card out and read it. Her face turned into confusion and then I wasn't sure if she was gonna be mad or not. Tears started to come to her eyes and Grace started to get an emotional look on her face.

"I'm sorry aunty" I sighed

"Your having a baby Jake! Oh my god" She said holding the card in her hand still

"Yeah she's due in May" I said

"We're gonna have a little girl running around. I'm gonna be a great aunt and you guys are gonna have a little cousin" She smiled

"I'm gonna have her calling Leah and Rico her aunt and uncle even though their cousins you took me in and were all a family your like my mom" I said

"Jake I'm so happy for you" She said coming over to me and hugging me and Grace

"I thought you were gonna be upset" I said

"I am Jake I'm disappointed this happened to you but your gonna bring a new life into this world that's amazing. Your mother was a teen mom and just think if she never had you then you wouldn't be here"

"And then I wouldn't be a disappointment and I wouldn't be a teenage dad" I said looking around the room

"Don't say that Jake don't talk out of your ass like that we love you we all are so thankful and happy your in our life" She said

"Oh my god Grace this is crazy" Leah said excited

"I knew everything would be fine Jake. So what your having a baby I'm here for you" Rico said

"You knew and you didn't say anything?"

"I couldn't Jake needed to tell you" Rico said

"Okay everyone thanks for the gifts I love you all but I promised Grace a little time to ourselves and a stroll to the big Christmas tree" I said smiling at Grace

"Okay you two have fun then but Grace show me that baby bump" My aunt said

Grace chuckled and lifted my hoodie up and her little bump stuck out that was now noticeable to where she was pregnant. My aunt smiled and started feeling her stomach and talking to it. I smiled at the fact I would have a daughter soon.

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