All a nightmare

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Ash's pov

I woke up and I was staring at a white ceiling. My mouth was so dry and I felt pain all over my body. I tried to move my arms but when I did they got pulled back. I sat up a noticed I was handcuffed to the hospital bed.

I looked around the room and their was no one around but a cop outside the door drinking a coffee. I didn't know which hospital I was at or where Jake was. Most importantly why I was handcuffed. Did they find out I shot blake?

I looked at my body and noticed that my arms were all bruised up and my two fingers were taped together. Their was also a big purple gash down my leg that was stapled up. I didn't know what my face looked like but I could just imagine. My body felt cold and my skin was clammy and blue. How long ago did this happen?

"Ashton your awake" someone said looking at my chart

"Uh yeah" I struggled out

"How are you feeling any pain?" She asked checking me over

"Uh yeah my body hurts"

"We'll get you some more pain medicine. Do you remember any of the accident?"

"Uh not really. I remember hitting the water but after that I don't know what happened. Did I have surgery?" I asked referring to my leg

"Yeah you had a torn ligament but we fixed it up for you"

"Why am I handcuffed?" I asked

"Your gonna have to talk to the officer about that" she said looking at my face

"The stitches look good" she said touching my forehead and I flinched

"Can I talk to Jake?" I asked

"He's still recovering" she said walking out of the room

A couple cops came into the room and they took out their notebooks ready to ask me a million questions I'm sure. I wanted to be uncuffed because no way they knew about Blake. Jake was driving so they can't arrest me for being underage.

"What about the accident do you remember?"

I tried to think back to what happened. I remember shooting Blake and we sped off but I don't remember anything after we hit the water. I thought I was dead. I was for sure that I seen that white light.

"How am I even alive?"

"You were unconscious when they brought you in. You were revived after a few minuets" A nurse explained

"What about the accident do you remember?" The cop asked me again

"I don't really remember anything"

"Why were you running in the woods from the cops?"

"I don't remember" I lied

When the questioning was over the cops left displeased by how little I told them. I shot someone in the woods and then we got into an accident. If they find Blake their going to trace this back to me.

I stumbled down the hall holding my Iv in my hand as I used the wheels on it for support. My ribs were burning and my eye was all bruised. They told me I suffered from a concussion from hitting the window. I made it to Jakes room and he was unconscious in the bed still. I got worried. Why isn't he awake.

"Jake" I said lowly

I walked closer touching his bed and falling on it from how weak I was. His face had a million little scratches on it and I think his nose was broken. He also had a cast on his leg. He looked worse then me. His hands were blue and he had a bunch of machines hooked up to him.

"Jake bro I swear you better wake up from this" I said

The room was so silent. He was breathing but I don't think he could hear anything. How did he get so hurt I don't remember what happened. I passed out while Jake was still banging on the windows to get out. The flashbacks happened and I stood up to fast falling to the floor.

"Sir" The nurse yelled lifting me onto the chair

"I'm good" I said laying back

"Let's check how your doing Jake" she said opening his chart

"What happened to him? Is he gonna wake up?" I asked panicked

"He suffered from a concussion his face hit the sterling wheel and then when the windows broke the glass cut his face open and the other injuries are unknown" she explained

She was really nice. She was kinda short and cute. She looked young and that she just got out of med school. He needs to be okay. I can't lose someone who's close to me again. He has a daughter at home.

"Shit so he might not wake up?" I asked

"We don't know yet his injuries aren't that significant it's likely he'll wake up we just don't know when" She said

"Alright thank you" I sighed

She left the room and I was alone with Jake again. I didn't know what to do or who to call. I didn't even know if anyone knew about this I didn't know what day it was. I was so lost. I think I need to call Grace and get her down here with Nevaeh. This all happened so fast all because of this Blake asshole. I just remembered Mia is pregnant. Thank god im alive. I don't even know who's baby it is. I thought of that after I shot Blake and fled with Jake. It could be my baby for all I know and I just shot him for no reason. I might go to jail. Jake might not wake up.

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