Chapter 3

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Natsu's POV

I got to my next class maths and she was already there so I went up to her.

"Hey Liz your here early."

"Yeah I just wanted to get here before that emotionless bitch came in, she's been getting on my nerves lately everywhere I hear her name it pisses me off" Liz said clenching her fist wow she really doesn't like her.

"Liz that's kind of harsh don't you think" I said looking at her

"No harsh is the threat she gave me yesterday I'm still going to get her back for that she's so going to regret ever threatening me" I was going to say good look with that since she can't feel anything but the said person walked in through the doors and went all the way to the back of the class to sit down. I could see how angry Liz was getting I could almost feel a dark aura around her however Lucy didn't pay attention to her instead she put earphones in and looked straight ahead which pissed off Liz even more I didn't say anything since Liz was kind of scaring me so I never did anything and wait for Liz to calm before Lucy, Liz had all the attention no one dared to even threaten her since liz's revenge's are too harsh.


*****Time skip lunch time******

I went back to our usual lunch table with the rest of the gang sat next to Liz and put my arm Lund her as she gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey babe I'm coming back need to get my self juice" lisanna said while getting up.

"Sure babe hurry back" and with that she left to the cafeteria to get some juice as we were all talking we heard a hole load of boys talking really loud we looked back and saw Lucy who had a bunch of boy's crowding her and then she walked back and went out the cafeteria then I saw.........lisanna she was following her I knew this wasn't good so I decided to follow.

Lucy POV

a bunch of boys were crowding me so I walked the other way and out the cafeteria after a few minutes I knew I was being followed and I knew who it was I ignored her in maths when she was sending me glares but I'm not going to ignore this since she won't leave me alone.

"I know your following me, you know I ignored the glares you were giving me in class today but I think I just pissed you off even more"

"Ha and you still ignored me you know your really pissing me off you bitch" lisanna said

"You know I might not now much about emotions anymore but even I know that it's not me that's  pissing you off" I said emotionless

"So tell me who is it that pissing me off" lisanna said starcasticly

"Hn, not a who but a what you see your not what everyone is talking about anymore your not in the middle your on the sidelines and that's what pisses you of" I said to her while she cussed at me.

"You fucking bitch I-" lisanna was about to say something but I cut her off

"Now you just proved I was right by getting angry at my comment and cussing" I said I was about to walk of until she shouted.

"GIRLS" before I could take another step a bunch of girls crowded me around in a circle. This is going to be interesting. Shall I tell him I know he's there or should I let him watch the show. I think I'll let him watch the show maybe after what he see's he and everyone else will leave me alone.

"You now Liz I'm kind of disappointed I thought there'd be more girls" I said mocking  her with an emotionless expression. She put her hand's up in the air and bought it down really fast after that a girl came charging towards me so I put my tray of food in one hand I swiftly bent down put my free arm out and pushed her legs back so that she did a forward flip and fell on her back. After that another girl came so I punched her in the stomach and slammed her face into my knee    the worst that could have happened to her is a broken nose that will need plastic surgery to fix and a few broken teeth I stood back up and looked at everyone giving them a forced death glare but they didn't notice it was forced and said.

"Know who next or would you all rather walk the other way and act like nothing happened" before I could even blink everyone was gone except for one so I put my tray of food down and pushed her against the locker and put my arm on her throat I could see fear plain fear.

"Now stay away from me if you want to live understood" I said back to her with my emotionless look again. After that I took a deep breath and said.

"Natsu I know your there you can come out now" I said turning my head while still pining lisanna against the lockers.

"How long ha-" before he could speak I cut him off again

"Since the start, now stay away if you want to live" and with that I left picking up my tray of food.

Natsu's POV

"You were here the hole time natsu" lisanna said worried about how much I heard.

"Yeah I heard everything" I said clenching my fists fuming with anger not at Lucy but at her I can't believe it this means she "is it true"

"W-what" she said acting dumb

"Stop acting dumb lisanna what she said is it true your pissed because you think you on the sidelines" I said fuming with anger but keeping it in.

"Natsu I-" before she said anything I cut her off.

"So I'm taking that as a yes even back then before we dated you weren't even on the sideline's then when we dated your all everyone were talking about you bitch you FUCKING WENT OUT WITH ME FOR POPULARITY oh lisanna we are so fucking done I don't ever want to see your face again" I shouted at her and walked off in Lucy's direction leaving her there crying. She was my best friend, but know she betrayed me too.


After school I went down for soccer practise and to be honest I was happy was it because I broke up with lisanna.

So guys that's it for today hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to leave a comment I would like to see what you guys think.

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