Chapter 29

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Lucy POV
I was running down the end of my streets trying to get away from him and my house as fast as possible. When I was no where near my house I leaned against a wall and took a deep breath. It's been a month since I Told Natsu, well actually shouted, I was pregnant and in this last month Natsu moved in with me, I got a job, so did he, did my exams, which I passed and now we're going to graduate next week. 'But Lucy why are you running away from your own house' oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact I've got an idiotic, pink-headed, overprotective boyfriend living in MY house. Like guys I love the man, but why does it feel like he's the one that's pregnant. These past four weeks he's been living with me has been nothing, but a nightmare. Ever morning he gives me breakfast in bed, yeah theres nothing wrong with that, at first it was sweet and romantic, but when he takes the dishes downstairs I follow him so I can wash the dishes because that's kind of my job, you know, but every time I make one move down the stairs he rushes over to me picks me up bridal style puts me on the couch tells me if I'm ok then goes on a long THIRTY minute lecture about how careless, stupid and reckless I was and how I could have harmed my self and the baby if I'd fallen, like babe I love you, but I'm not a child. However, no matter how many times I say it to him he pretends I didn't say it to him and instead he forces me to let him dress me, do you guys know how uncomfortable that is, especially, when afterwards he say's, "it's not a big deal I've seen it all before." Ugh. But what made me run away was the fact that he wouldn't let me shower saying, "you might slip and injure the baby and yourself" it came to a point where I had to shower with him. And, I don't know how, managed to convince him to let me have a job, but I only have a month and today's the day I have to quit. So know I'm running because I feel like I can't do anything with out him giving me a lecture or being by my side.

I stood up after I managed to get my breath back and walked over to a friends house. After knocking three times I waited and because I felt a little tired I sat on her porch once I heard the door open I heard a very Loud and screechy, "LU-CHAN!" leave it to levy to get a 1 month pregnant women feel like she's about to give labour.

"A little louder levy I don't think the neighbors or deaf yet" I said rubbing my ears. She ignored my sarcastic remark and gave me a hug in which I returned.

"So what are you doing here." She asked while we walked into her house.

"Hiding from Natsu." I said normally, she just raised a brow asking me to carry on, I sighed, "ever since I told him I was pregnant he's become so....." I carried on the 'so' until levy said.

"Controlling." She said. I sighed.

"Yeah, I just need a little space, you know." I said sitting on her bed.

"Well you can't really blame him Lu-Chan, I guess he just doesn't want to let either of you down now that he knows he about to be a father he's trying his best."

"I know he is and I'm very great full for that, it's just I miss the old Natsu the one who does the most stupidest things, acts like an idiot, is most definitely a knuckle head and the most childish adult you'd come to know. He makes me laugh and  smile, but lately he's become so demanding. And he doesn't even touch me anymore." I sulked. Levy sighed and sat beside me.

"I guess you...." levy would have continued if her phone didn't go off.

"Oh, hey Natsu" my eyes widened and levy put the phone on speaker.

"Levy is Lucy with you." I shook my head side to side.

"Sorry Natsu maybe she's at Erza's."

"I was just there, I'll go to Juvia's" he said worried, I felt kind of bad for him.

"Ok bye Natsu."

"Yeah see ya." Levy closed the phone and looked at me in which I looked down.

"He's worried Lu and knowing Natsu he won't stop looking for you."

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