Chapter 5

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Hey guys welcome back to trapped within nalu I really hope you've enjoyed it so far.


I do not own the characters just the story

Ok now let's go to Lucy

Lucy POV

It's been a week now none of them have come up to me they've finally left me alone, it's better this way, but then again I think they might be busy after all we all have the Los Angeles trip which is tomorrow and I pack light if I need something I buy it so I really have nothing to do I finished my work out and hour ago so I'm Ganna go to the roof it's peaceful up there and no fanboys.

I was standing on the edge of the roof just watching everything and everyone I even had a good view of the park then I just sat down with my legs dangling of the roof and just ate my lunch with my ear phones in and just went into deep thought after a few minutes I felt someone tap the back of my shoulder I turned around and so no one other than Erza Scarlet.

"What are you doing up here" she told me

"I could say the same thing to you"

"That's fair can I join you" she said looking at me.

"I'd say no but I know you've already made up your mind" I said looking straight ahead.

"Your right there" she said as she got to the edge and sat down next to me.

"So your thinking how your Ganna ask him out right" I said still looking ahead.

"How'd yo-" before she had the chance to say something I said.

"I might not be a social person but I can read people as soon I look at them it's one of my many talent's" I said still not looking at her.

"Do you miss it" she asked

"What?" I knew what she meant I just wanted her to say it.

"Your Humanity, your feelings do you miss it"

"No because that's a feeling" still not looking at her.

"Oh" she said dissapointed by my answer.

"However I do want it back slowly for the past 7 years I could feel pieces of my soul being burned away and me becoming more colder until I felt nothing."

"Can I ask you one more question, what were you like before you became cold I mean when your parent's were around"

"That's a new one, all I know is that I was always happy always smiling I felt....loved, but I forgot what that feels like but I do want to remember again I even got into dangerous situation just so I can feel something but I gave up"

"Anyway's I think I better go Natsu wants to tell you something" I said as I stood up.

"What's makes you think that?" She said looking up

"Because he's been listening to our conversation" I said walking off past Natsu while we both looked into eachother's eyes I think I better go to sleep anyway's.

Natsu's POV

"Hey Erza"

"Hey Natsu did you hear everything" Erza said giving me a death glare. I gulped

"Y-yes I didn't mean to I was looking for you but I saw you talking to Lucy and I couldn't help it I just had to listen" I said stuttering.

"Hmmm, it's ok Natsu Actually I don't blame you I feel so sorry for her" Erza said looking down at her feet.

"Do you think we should help her, I mean help her feel again" I said I don't know why I just have this urge to always be there for her and help her. Even though she left.

"That's a great idea Natsu but we can't tell her it'll be like a secret mission or something since she won't let us help her"

"Yeah we'll start tomorrow, oh and Erza" I said making her look at me as I was about to say something else A creepy grin was plastered all over my face.

"How are you Ganna ask him out, if you want my opinion you should dress in a really tight swim suit seduce him and ask him how much you want him, hahaha that would be hailerious hahahahah" I couldn't help but just laugh in her face and then I looked at her and she had a dark aura around and it was visible I gulped cursing myself on what I just did.

"Natssuu, DO YOU WANNA DIE TODAY" she shouted while sticking her fist out.

"N-No maaa'aaam" I said with my hands up

"Oh Natsu your Ganna regret ever being born" Erza said with her eyes covered by her bangs.



I know this was a short chapter but I'll make the next part longer


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