Chapter 6

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Hey guys I hope you've enjoyed trapped within nalu so far. Now let's go to Natsu 

Natsu's POV

We were all at the Airport and had to partner up Erza and Jallal, levy and Gajeel, Grey and Juvia and finally me and Lucy we walked into the plane and Lucy was infront of me, and Erza decided we were going to try and embarrass her or something we don't know but If that doesn't work then we'll have to go to plan B which I'm not going to announce yet. Any ways we got to our seat Lucy sat next to the window and I sat next to her after a few minutes she plugged her ear phones in I wonder what she listens too so I decided to take out one of her ear plugs.

"Natsu what do you think your doing" she said, why doesn't she look at a person when she's saying something to them.

"Well you always have your earplug's in so I wonder what your listening to" before she said anything I quickly put it in my ear but I didn't hear music it was something else.

   "Mommy, Mommy daddy bought me a new bike hehehe, come and watch me ride it"

    "ok Lucy honey let's go but your father better have bought training wheel's on"

     "mama I'm not a kid anymore I'm nearly 10 "

     " I kno-"

     " Lucy honey let's go if you don't I'm Ganna be the one riding that bike"

     "Hehehe ok daddy"  after that Lucy pulled the ear plug out of my ear.

"Hey" I said looking at her

"Natsu you don't just do that" Lucy said emotionless

"Why do you have that?" She gave me a look and then turned,"come on you might as well tell me we're stuck together for at least another 8hrs anyway's"

"I listen to it everyday when ever I have time thinking that maybe it'll help me feel something"

"And have you"

"No, now let me ask you a question since you keep bombarding me with question" wait what she's.

"Don't be too surprised it's just one question any ways, why do you want to know everything about my life I mean you should really stay out of it"

Lucy's POV

 I asked him because I don't think he knows the answer to that himself so while he's thinking I can sleep.


We are out of the plane and its night out here in LA so we got to our hotel girls in one and boys in another but I couldn't sleep so I got changed and went out since I know LA I went to a near by club and had a few drinks luckily for me I don't get drunk so I could have as much as I wanted I got my note book out and started drawing while plugging in my ear phones then some guy came  up to me and touched my ass I took out my ear phones and grabbed my Note book and just walked away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me against the counter. Hn this guy has no idea what he's in for.

"Oh come on baby lets have a little fun" he said huskily 

"Mmm, baby I would love to, but your not my type" I said trying to act cute then pulled my arm away from him and walked away again but thanks to my quick instincts i knew he was going to grab me again so i leaned to the left slightly grabbed his arm twisted it so his back would be facing me and slammed his face into the counter we weren't at school so I could do what ever I wanted I pushed his arm more so he'd be screaming in pain and the worst part, I didn't even flinch I went closer to his ear and whispered.

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