Chapter 25

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Hey guys so hope you like my latest chapter, anyways, let's just carry on from where we left of, going to Lucy.

Lucy POV
I'm going to school today, after three days of rest, since I was in a lot of pain. But I'm feeling a lot better today however, Wendy won't leave my side, Natsu keeps coming over and Erza keeps bringing me strawberry cake every hour and sits with me until I finish it now I can't even look at strawberry's without puking, and her words constantly playing in my head, " Strawberry cake is the source of all happiness it it also really good when in pain, heartbroken or generally feeling sad" like I love the girl, but who in their right mind can eat 24 strawberry cakes without puking their guts out.

Oh and did I forget to mention Mira comes over everyday informing me about Lisanna, who doesn't know Mira knows her little secret, fortunately Mira is fine with what ever punishment I give to Lisanna saying, she stopped being her sister the minute she found out, I can't blame her though. So anyways, today's the day I finally do something about her.

*********time skip at school*************

As soon as I walked in school I immediately heard the whispers and stares of people around me.

"I heard she was kidnapped for a week"

"I heard she was tortured and locked up"

I decided to ignore these ridiculous comments until, I heard

"I heard her whole family was murdered and she was forced to watch" my eyes widened, where the hell are they picking these rumours up from. I turned my head slowly and gave the guy one of my most deadliest death glares that no one survives, I mean they'll have nightmares for a week tops.

"LUCE" I turned around to one of the most irritating, yet loving noise I've ever heard.
"Hey Natsu hows it going" he just leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek before replying.
"Nothing I just missed you so damn much" I sweat dropped.
"You literally saw me like less than 4 hours ago"
"But it felt like 4 years Luce" he was whining like a little kid who just dropped his ice cream and demanding for more.
"Whatever" I sighed, but couldn't fight back that small smile on my lips. Just as I turned around I saw a hint of silver and knew exactly who it was.
"Hey Natsu why don't you go to class I'll catch up" I didn't wait for his response and just ran after that silver blur.

I finally caught up to her and dragged her into an empty room, to which she was going to protest until she saw me, and I started to speak until she cut me off with a scoff.
"What the hell do you want" I know she doesn't know about Mardgeer death otherwise she would have left the country, but then again she has no money to even go to the next town.
" I don't want to speak to here just meet me at the love and lucky cafe, we'll chat there" I simply stated.
" and why would I do that" she said crossing her arms and looking at anywhere, but me.
"Because if you don't Show up at exactly five o clock I'll tell Mira, who works there, exactly what you did and trust me I have all the evidence I need to make her believe me" I knew Mira already knew , but she didn't have to know that. Without waiting for a reply I walked out of the classroom I walked off to my own.

We had History and I took my seat next to Natsu who was grinning like an idiot. I turned on my seat and faced him.
"What's with that look Natsu" he was grinning even more.
"Well, tomorrow night we all decided to go hit the bar and have some fun. And your going to be my date"
"What the occasion" I said lifting my eyebrow.
"Nothing, it's just we all decided that we need to let loose. And with the exams coming up and everything it just so stressful" I put my finger on my chin pretending I was thinking.
"Hmm, I don't see why not. So who's coming"
"Me, you, jallal, Erza, Mira and Laxus"
"What about the others?"
"We haven't asked them yet because we needed your permission to tell them about you know"
"Sure I don't care, but I have to go somewhere after class it'll probably take an hour so I'll meet you at lunch"
"Sure, ok" I lifted my eyebrow still staring at him, "What."
"Nothing I just thought that you'd want to know since you never let me do anything without you knowing what it is"
"Oh that was before. I trust you know" I let it go and faced forward the teacher came in and we began our lesson. Obviously I put earphones in.

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