Chapter 9

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Hey guys what's up so I was thinking to make this Chapter more about Lucy and Lisanna. Do you think she'll forget about Natsu and take her revenge on Lucy or the opposite.

Keep reading to find out.


Do not own the characters just the story

Lucy's POV

When I came back to the collage I found out that it was already lunch time but I didn't want to go to the cafeteria since I didn't want to be swarmed by boys so I decided to go out to eat in this restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, snack, desserts and even has its own bar. Anyway's it's like a five minute journey from here to there on foot so I decided why not?

After a few minutes I was finally standing infront of the restaurant with a neon sign that lights up is called love and lucky I went inside and ordered some pudding and a burger I decided that I would go to the bar and maybe eat there and have a few drinks. As I was walking towards the bar a familiar voice called out for my name, out of all people why does it always have to be him.

"What do you want Natsu" I said not turning around.

"I knew it was you, your golden hair makes it easier for a person to find you" he said holding a piece of my hair."so since your here I was wondering if you would like to come have dinner with me and friends"

"No" with that I was about to walk off to the bar but someone stopped me.

"Where were you first, second and third lesson, you went off half way during our first lesson and never came back till now" he really doesn't know how to leave a person alone.

"Fine, let's go To these friends of yours"

"Well their our friends know" he said chearing me up. But guess what it never worked.

"Whatever, let's just go"

Oh, remember try to at least be nice too them, ok"

"Understood" not.

Hey guys I was wondering if it was ok for Lucy too join us I just bumped into her so i invited her, oh and she's know a friend of mine" they all looked at me in shock, I'm guessing Natsu didn't tell them about our deal and before I could say anything levy macgarden said.

"Oh, well come Lu-Chan I think you already know who we are, I hope you also don't mind me calling you Lu-Chan And the noise since we're kind of a loud group" she stuck her hand out but I never shacked it and just replied with.

"Well, of course I d-" I was about to say something but a plate fell on the floor we all looked at what was happening, it was Natsu he dropped his plate, he scratched the back of his head while smiling, embarrassed. Once everyone looked away he gave me a look that said don't say it or else it will be question after question. I just ignored it and said the opposite of what I was originally going to say. "Anyway's Levy before I was so rudely interrupted I was going to say, well, of course I don't mind" and decided to give a fake smile. They all looked at me shocked, I wasn't really surprised but it went on for a few mintues. Even Natsu was shocked like he probably thinks it was a real smile considering how dense the poor guy is he probably forgot about our deal.

Natsu's POV

her fake smile was so beatiful any guy would drop to their knee's and obey her like dogs. I knew it was fake but it lightened up the mood in everyone hearts. What could have happened to her that could make her loose such a smile?

I promise Lucy heart I will help you smile for real, and help you let go of your past. After all that's the hole reason I made that deal because when you have friends you can't help but tell them everything even when you don't know it.

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