Chapter 24

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hey guys, how's it going, so I hope you've enjoyed this book so far and it is coming to an end, but for now enjoy my next chapter.


And I was wondering if you guys know any nalu fanfics that you could recommend to me.

Natsu's POV

We were waiting outside of the emergency room for about an hour, like what the hell, what's taking them so long. And just as I was thinking that the door to the emergency room opened, I stood up in less than half a second, waiting for the doctor to say something.

"Well there's good news and there's the bad" he paused while taking his gloves off and continued, "The good news is that she's fine, but I'm afraid she's in a coma we don't know for how long. Her system is shutting down, she's fighting though however, she lost a lot of blood and is bleeding internally and let's not forget the fact she's in a lot of pain even in a coma her body is that damaged her white blood cells don't know what to heal."

"But she'll heal right" Wendy said.

"Yes, through time" I'm relieved that she's not going to die, but pissed of at the thought she might never wake up and to think I never got to tell her how much she meant to me even before we supposedly met in that class.

Lucy's POV

"What are you talking about his first love was Lisanna" I scrunched my eyebrows together, confused.

"Lucy you see when you were 5 years old we had just moved again. You were sad because you had to leave your friends again. I didn't want to disturb you, since I know whatever I'd say wouldn't really help you get your friends back, so I sat down and just watched until you were ready for a hug. Then a small boy came up to you and just put his hand on your shoulder and said, "hey don't cry my mum always said, 'whenever someone cry's they hurt an angel' I only found out recently, an angel doesn't have to be someone from heaven, but someone who's close to heart." With that he pointed towards me and you quickly wiped your tears and gave me hug asking if I was okay. You both became the best of friends he came over to our house and you went of to his, played together, had fun and then you told me that you loved him more than a friend, I was really happy, but your father was really angry.

"Eventually, he gave in and let you be and you both confessed unfortunately the next day we had to leave again and you couldn't say goodbye to him. Let me tell you, you weren't the same after that."

"No, I would have remembered" i said denying it.

"Well you would have, but one day you tripped down the stairs and hit your head on the table. When you woke up in the hospital I said "Lucy dear are you okay" and you just laughed and said you were fine after that you started laughing at your own clumsiness saying you don't remember why you were upset in the first place. I was a little confused since I thought you were still upset so I said, " sweety I spoke to Natsu today"


"Natsu, who's Natsu?" I knew then you lost all your memory of him. He on the other hand was heart broken thinking you betrayed him Lisanna eventually, became best friends with him, but he never forgot about you because he was mad at you. When you met at school at first he had no idea who you were, since you both never exchanged you last names to each other, but I guess your golden hair, which he describes it as, gave it away. When playing the 21 question it was his chance to know if you really loved him and why you left, but he could really say that infront of his girlfriend. Why do you think he never left you alone, not because he was curious, but because when he realised he never stopped loving you no matter how much he tried, so when that incident happened he was angry because he put his trust in you again and you betrayed it only you never. He did come visit me though trying to figure out why you don't remember and now you know" all of a sudden my head started hurting and I fell onto my knees clutching my head it all came back to me in a blink.

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