Chapter 16

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Hey guys so I've decided to keep it as one story instead of making a sequel.
So anyway's hope you like this chapter.

1 year later
Natsu POV
It's been a year since we last so Lucy no one really cared that she left especially after what she did to Lisanna. Although I think levy secretly missed her ex best friend but she would never admit it. But as for me honestly i didn't expect her actually leaving I'm not ganna lie by saying I never missed her I did more than anything but that doesn't mean I would forgive her for what she did like Lisanna really did change Infact she confessed to me and told me that she used me at the start but she then fell in love with me so i decided to give her another chance after all she deserves a second chance. (A/N if only you knew Natsu)
"Hey babe what you thinking about" I turned around to face Lisanna who had a scar across her face due to Lucy.
"Oh nothing just can't believe it's been 1 year since we last saw Lucy"
"Yeah I know but let's just forget about her she has nothing to do with us anymore" Lisanna was quite angry but who can blame her she was in the hospital for about 2 weeks with a life scar clear across her face for everyone to see because of Lucy.

Lucy's POV
"Hey Lucy-nee so are you sure the schools here teach medicine" a small blue headed girl with two ponytails reaching her ankles said while she was holding my hand.
"Of course Wendy otherwise I wouldn't have bought you here silly" I said kneeling down to her level and tapping her nose with my finger. She gave me a small smile. Wendy isn't my real sister about a year ago after I left fairy tail I went back to my teacher the monk his name was Warrod, he kind of looked like a tree though but he was a very good man he found Wendy in the streets a few weeks before I visited him he told me he took her in but she never spoke at all that was until I came along me and Wendy are very alike and we bonded instantly she's the only person who I show my emotions too and of course Warrod, ever since fairytail I went back to him so he could teach me how to switch my emotions on and off like a switch. That way I wouldn't feel anything when I go back there which is tomorrow actually. 'I can't wait to make them suffer slowly and you Lisanna your Ganna live in my personal hell where even a look can be deadly.'
"Hey Wen we need to start unpacking if you wanna have a chill day tomorrow, and since we haven't eaten in a while I think I should go grab so take out so we don't starve how about you pick your room and I'll go grab some food"

"Okee" she planted a soft kiss on my cheek and ran up the stairs to choose her room. I left with my wallet and phone and since I knew magnolia so well I went to my favroute places..........spice. They had really good food there after all.
"Hey can I have a 2 Kabab Roll one chilli and garlic the other ketchup and garlic and 2 coke cans" I said emotionless.
"Sure about 5 min it'll be done" I waited and someone tapped me on my shoulder.
"What" I said tuning around to look at the stranger.
"Hey babe I think we should go on a date sometime" a guy with dirty blonde hair and a scar across his left eyebrow said.

"Maybe next time if I see you again that is" as I said that the guy passed me my food and off I went back to Wendy. As I got home I ran upstairs to find Wendy as I entered her room she was already sleeping peacefully I smiled slightly and tucked her in she was about 12 years old and she the only person who I'll ever love in this cruel world because......................................................I know she'll never leave me because her love for me burns brighter than anything I know because I see how she lights up when I'm around then becomes dark when I'm not around but even so she hides it behind a fake smile to not make people feel pity towards her I'd never admit it but she's a lot like me. Don't get it wrong it's not because I'm embarrassed or anything it's just who would want to be like me.

Next day

"Lucy-nee it's time to get up we have to get ready for school" Wendy jumped on my bed like it was a trampoline. I got up and got changed and went downstairs hotted up the left overs from yesterday and ate it. Once we finished I dropped Wendy off to her school and then went to fairytail collage. As soon as I dropped Wendy off and she was out of sight I changed into a full emotionless state out apartment was in the middle of our schools therefore we didn't have to catch a bus.

I entered fairytail and not much has changed I still remembered where the principles office was so I went straight top there and knocked on the door.
"Come In" I entered as soon as I did gramps held a shock expression" l-Lucy I didn't think you'd-"
"Come back here" i cut him off,"well, you thought wrong, gramps"
"You could say I'm was a little suprised" he said while I took a seat on a chair.
"Hn, you know I thought you'd be angry at my apperence in this collage but I see a little spark in your eyes meaning your glad, why?"
"I'll admit I don't know you very well however, I did know Anna heartfillia very well you look exactly like them both but your personality is more like Anna then your mothers. And if there is one thing I knew about Anna it was that she never did anything without a reason and your exactly like that if she sent someone to the hospital -which she did- there would always be a valid reason behind it"
"Hn, it looks like you figured it out on your own but when I tried telling the closest people to me they all shunned me like everything that happened was for nothing" I said emotionless, " but your right I never do anything without a reason, and there is a reason as to why I came back to this school"
"I see, here's your schedual I'm guessing your not getting a dorm"
"No, I have an apartment with someone important" with that I left the office and went to my class. I bumped into a lot of people and they all seemed to have recognised me but luckily it wasn't one of my ex friends. As usual I got the fanboys crowding around me.
"Damn, she looks hotter than the last time I saw her"
"Shit, she's working that ass and not even trying I think I got a boner"
And other perverted comment's. I swear people need to learn the difference between whispering and talking. I walked into the next class and didn't even bother to look at who was in it.
"Y-you" I turned around to look at who was shouting and I quickly put on a fake smirk.
"Miss me
Lisanna" I saw her clenched knuckles and her jaw tightening. I walked over to her she backed up with every step I took it was clear she was scared, then she hit the wall and I examined her closely. I traced my fingers over her face and my smirk grew bigger,"you got a lovely little scar here I can't help but wonder, was it because of our last in counter"
"Your silence just told me the answer, but damn I did a good job although I could've made it bigger" she quickly slapped my hand away from her face but I wasn't suprised.
"D-Don't flicking touch me" she tried to sound terrorfying but my was it pathetic.
"Wait did I just here you stutter damn you sound pathetic oh, but wait what else would a pathetic person sound like"
"You have some nerves coming back here" I lowered my voice so only she could hear.
"Lizzy please I killed the sister and brother of the most powerful gang leader out there, you can't get anymore guts than that" her eyes widened but quickly went back to anger. It looks like she doesn't want to talk anymore since her hand is flying straight toward my face but of course I held her wrist before it made contact with my face."what? Cat got your tongue" I felt a presence behind me and I knew it all too well. The idiot could never sneak up on me. I let go of Lisanna wrist and turned around.
"You could never sneak up on me could you.............Natsu"
"Whatever, what the hell do you think your doing with my girlfriend" he said 'girlfriend' a little louder than Needed too. I think he was making me jealous. Which he failed at BTW. I lost interest in you the day you told me to get lost. " And why did you come back here I thought I said I never wanted to see your face again."
"I came to learn" I turned to walk to my seat. But twisted my head so that I could see them at the corner of my eye

"And I'll give you an early warning, you all better watch your backs because I'll make sure to stab you in the back ten times worser than how you all stabbed me in the back"

So guys that's all for today I really hope you enjoyed it and really sorry for not updating sooner let's just say............
anyway's till next time

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