Chapter 10

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Hey guys so it's my first day back to school tomorrow and I'm Ganna be really busy so after this chapter I'll probably publish after every 2/3 days. 

So anyway's hoped you liked the last chapter of trapped within.

Lucy POV

Ive been in the hospital for two days know, I haven't had the chance too visit my auntie since Natsu and the gang are with me 24/7 and when they are in collage I've got nurses constantly in my face. So basically I have no time for myself. But since I won't have much time left with her I'm Ganna have to tell the nurses tomorrow before I leave, I'll be going to meet her it's the only chance I have left, besides I kind of owe her after all she took a bullet for me, the least I can do is visit her before it finally happens.

"So Luce I was thinking we could go to the amusement park once your out of the hospital" Natsu said sitting on the side of the bed near my legs.

"No" I said bluntly 

"Ok, great so as soon as you get out of the hospital we'll go to the amusement park and then we will all go to my house, my parents bought for me here in magnolia just in case I didn't feel like Being in collage, because you know collage can sometime's be tiring." Why didn't I see this coming.

"Natsu I said no, I can't go to the amusement park that day I have plans." I said trying to make him understand.

"But Luce you don't even know when your Ganna leave the hospital, so how do you know you have plan" Natsu said acting like a child.

"Yes I do Natsu, tommorow at 3 and i have to be somewhere straight after it"

"Fine I'll drop you off"

"No Natsu it's something I have to go to myself" I said leaning back on the head board of the bed.

"But I-" he was about to say something but Erza interrupted him.

"No but's Natsu she said she has to be somewhere now just drop the subject" thank you Erza.

Natsu POV

"Fine, whatever" I said, I don't get it what does she have to do that's so important? And who has plans straight after they leave the hospital? Normal people rest or celebrate that they are finally out of the hospital, but no not Lucy she has boring plans. These secrets she's keeping are really starting to annoy me. That's it I can just come here at few minutes before 3 and just follow her but I'll have to make her believe that I won't be here.

"Hey guys since Lucy can't come with us, let's go to the movies and watch furious 8 I've been waiting forever to watch it"

"Sure, iv also been waiting to watch that movie too" gray said.

"Yeah I know the other parts were amazing" Erza said her eyes glowing.

"Yeah kind of pissed though Brian o'connar AKA Paul walker won't be in this next part" Jallal said making everyone kind of angry too.

"Yeah he was amazing in the other parts" Levi's said.

"It won't be the same without him" the punk Gajeel said slumped back in the chair.

"But are you sure your ok with Lucy" Mira said touching Lucy's shoulder.

"Yeah go ahead I don't mind at all, you should have fun" Lucy said not taking her time answering.

"Ok so at like 2 then" I said an hour just before Lucy is discharged it will give me plenty of time to  get ready, and I'll also have to make a call saying I was sick to them.

"Em, guys I think i should be going now need to revise" levy said looking at the time.

"Yeah, I guess I'll be going too" Gajeel said stretching and walking out after levy then one by one everyone left until it was just me and Lucy.

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