chapter 13

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natsu POV

we went to lucys aunts funeral yesterday. she isn't showing it but she's sad everytime i ask her if shes ok she'd always say im fine and then smiles to try and hide her saddness i know because its what i did when i lost my mum. but dad got re-married to a women called grandeeney shes alot like my mum i love her the same way i loved her. anyways dad and mum (grandeeney) had a kid who i am very protective over, her names wendy and shes amazing, the one who bought a real smile back to my face again. And know im glad im the reason as to why luce has a real smile again everytime she smiles i think i see an angel she could get everyboy in this world to fight a war for her with just a smile. I'd better get some sleep know i've got a test first thing in the moning. Wish me luck.

Levy's POV

 I woke up to someone shouting i got out of my bed and followed the noise next thing i knew i was standing outside lu-chan's room i quickly walked in and saw her tossing and turning she was having a nightmare but she wasn't sweating nor was she scared i'd say she was more angry, yeah it was nothing else but pure anger.

"i'll kill you just like your br-" lucy drifted off. I walked over to her to try and wake her up but nothing so i shouted her name. after i said her name at least 4 times her eyes shot open and grabbed my wrist really tightly not even a second after she threw me against the wall.

"AAAGGGHHH" my back hit the wall really hard. i looked up at lucy i saw she was fully awake know after realising what she did she ran up to me.

"OMG lev are you ok im so sorry i didn't mean it, i swear"

"yeah im fine don't worry about it lu-chan" i lied my  back feels as though someone just stabbed me.

"dont lie to me lev i can see the pain in your eyes" lu said gently.

"it's ok just promise you won't wake me up while im having a nightmare" she's worried about me i cant help but to smile. when lu got her feelings back we realised we have more in comman than we thought we even love the same auther, she my best friend.

"but lu you seemed to have really suffered from that nightmare"

"i dont care lev i could've really hurt"

"but you didn't lu"

"fine stand up" she said crossing her arms. i tried  to stand but it was no use it hurt too much.

"fine i promise" inside i was grinning because i had my fingers crossed.

"know come on ill take you to your room and i dont think you'll be able to go to class tomorrow"

"what but we have that test tommorrow and i cant miss it you know that lu"

"dont worry lev ill talk to the teacher and ask him if you can take it the following day"

" but the old geezer is so stubborn"

"dont worry lev he owe's me" i gave her a small smile and she put me on my bed next thing i knew i fell asleep.

Lucys POV

Lev fell unconsious as soon as i lay her on the bed. i turned her over to look at her back it was all brused up i felt like punching my self. i put some cream on it and then bandaged it up. then i went back to my room i was really tired but i didnt go back to sleep since there was a possibilty i'd have a nightmare again and lev crossed her fingers that idiot.


i stayed up binje watching supernatural until my alarm went. I did my usual routine then check on levy who was sleeping and went to my next class. As soon as i got there i spoke to makarov about levy of course i didn't talk about how i slammed her into a wall so badly she couldnt come to class i just said she got really sick and if its ok for her to take the test tommorrow. He said he'll allow it this time since levy wouldn't miss the test on purpose.

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