Chapeter 15

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Hey I really hoped you liked my last chapter. So I was thinking about making a sequel for this book but then thought that I should just keep it as one big story. If your ok with this idea don't hesitate to ask and if you think I should make a sequel, then I already have a few ideas.

Lucy's POV

One month since I found out Lissana joined the people who I despise the most, every time I see her I just want to kill her but I can't since Natsu and her have become really close but not as close as me and him are, she's kind of clingy but I'm not the jealous type and I trust Natsu more than anyone he would never hurt me and I don't need to think twice about it. We would go on a date every Friday but not somewhere romantic since we're both not into that kind of stuff we would go to sub way's, cafe's, bowling, movies, golfing have tuns of fun then say goodnight and part ways. I even visited my family's grave since its been awhile. Anyway back to the real issue.... Lissana I know she's planning something against me I just don't know what. I know this because well I have no doubt Lisanna told the rest of her gang about my whereabouts or maybe they found her after all Tartarus are hard to find. Anyway's I don't care but they have not made a move meaning they're up to something. Good news though I don't have to push Natsu away from her since I know she really does love him, enough to protect him from them I would do it but it would be better if someone on the inside protects him don't get it wrong I don't trust Lisanna one bit but I know she would take a bullet for him if the time comes and to be honest I would too.
"BUU" Natsu shouted trying to scare me. I couldn't help but giggle.
"Nice try Natsu who knows maybe when you do it again for the 265th time you MIGHT just shock me" I said giggling he was just pouting and he looks soooo cute but then he smirked I blushed a bit.
"Oh trust me Luce I can defiantly shock you"
"Yeah, good luck with that" I scoffed and turned around only to be pulled back and in a second mine and Natsu's lips touched after a few second I melted into the kiss. We parted and know I pouted he was laughing.
"I guess you spoke too soon" he laughed but I just pouted even more while blushing fifty shades of red. But when he stopped laughing and looked at me he leaned forward and his lips brushed against my ears.
"You better stop pouting and blushing Luce otherwise I won't be able to control my self " he said huskily and bit my ear gently I felt shivers run down my spine and I moaned really quietly but he heard it and touched my hips he was about to kiss me again but.
"Hey flaimbrane stop making out we need to go to class" Natsu groaned after grey finished I giggled since I knew he was starting to get turned on but he got distracted. Either way GREY YOUR A LIFE SAVER I shouted in my mind as he was going to his next class he gave me a look saying -we'll-continue-this-later- I gulped and he went off. I waited until he was out of my sight however my smile quickly faded.
"You know you should find yourself a boyfriend instead of stalking other people's boyfriends" I said bluntly and turned around to be face to face with a short white head girl.
"I'm just protecting him from you after all you are a murderer"
"Yes Lisanna I am a murderer who killed someone without even thinking twice about it. BUT I'd rather be a murderer than be apart of a gang that massacred hundreds of thousands of men, women and children all over the world." She stayed quiet and walked off but I heard her say.
"Don't worry Lucy heartfillia it's not long now you'll leave Natsu on your own will without even thinking twice about it." 'Yeah we'll see about that' I said to myself and walked to my next class. However, I couldn't stop thinking about what Lisanna said right before she left. I mean I would never leave Natsu and she know it.
I didn't have anymore classes today so I decided to go to my favroute place in the park. I climbed up a Sakura tree and just sat down on a strong branch then admired the view. After about 10 minutes of sitting and listening to music I saw someone familiar..........Lisanna. What was she doing here I thought she still had classes I landed on the ground after jumping of the Sakura tree and followed Lisanna she was wearing something different from what she usually wears short black shirt with chains on the side, a plain black shirt with a skull at the back and some black combat shoes.
After what seems like hours of following Lisanna finally stopped and I saw that we were in an ally. We were waiting for about 10min until I saw another figure coming closer I could recognise him anywhere..........Jackle. I wanted to kill him as in right now but I had to listen to what they had to say.
"You came alone right" Jackle said
"Of course I did I ain't stupid"
"So you got any info on the heartfillia"
"Yeah she's crazy In love with Natsu it's disgusting" Lisanna replied fake gagging.
"And what about you?" Jackle said curiously
"Oh trust me I'm so over him, you could shoot him and I wouldn't do anything hell I'll even pull the trigger if you'd like" that's a lie but she hides it quite well I have to admit.
"Whatever just make sure she doesn't know about that day otherwise you'd be so dead"
"Of course I wouldn't I'm not stupid" Lisanna said in a 'duh' tone. What does she not want me to find out about?
"After all if she finds out that your the one who................... She would kill you on the spot like she did to my dear sister after she killed her father" My eyes widened I was speechless it took everything I had to not go down there and kill her it was her.
"HAH I know right however I had to do it to prove my loyalty to you guys, and to be honest at first I was scared but after I did it let me just tell you if felt amazing." She said feeling proud. As for me how could she do that? What did I ever do to her for her to go to that extent. I knew it wasn't a coincident right after I left she.....ugh. I can't take this anymore. I jumped out ready to kill Lisanna but they weren't there anymore.
Lisanna's POV
WOW she more of an idiot than I thought it was our plan for her to know everything 'we' I mean 'I' did to her. I couldn't help but smirk knowing our plan is working now step 2..... Natsu.
I got to collage, changed and went straight to Natsu after I found him I hugged him and he hugged me back.
"Hey Lisanna what's gotten you in a good mood"
"Oh it's nothing Natsu I decided that today was the day that Lucy is Ganna forgive me I'll make sure of it Natsu but do you have any suggestions for me" I lied I was smirking in my mind knowing this plan is going perfectly. Let's just see how much Natsu loves Lucy.
"Well she loves pudding gave her some of that and she'll love you in a second. Oh a good luck I can't wait for my girlfriend and sis to become best friends"
"You see me as your sister" I said it made me angry I don't want to be your sister.
"Yeah I feel like all the bad blood between us was just a long nightmare I couldn't wake up from. You really have changed Lisanna I have no doubt about that just don't mess it up again I don't want Luce on my back" I gave him a smile and said 'sure' then he hugged me again and I hugged him back sadly he let go. After that i went straight to the store making sure not to bump into Lucy because I knew what would happen and got some pudding. After coming back I went to Natsu again and sunrise surprise Lucy was with him, It looked like they were arguing.
Natsu POV
After talking to Lisanna i bumped into Luce.
"Hey Luce you ok" I asked but she looked different something I never wanted to see ever again who ever did this to her is so Ganna die.
"Yeah I'm fine you know where Lisanna is" she said emotionless. I knew Lisanna was out getting her a surprise so I just said.
"Sorry I haven't seen her today" she knew I was lying.
"Natsu I'm not in the mood for games tell me where she is" she said more like demanded she got a kill look in her eyes and I've noticed her hand was in a fist was it like that all this time. Lucy looked really scary right now but I can't let her get anywhere near Lisanna she might murder her but why?
"Why do you want to know so badly?" I said know I was angry.
"Because you have no idea what that bitch is like? you have no idea what she did? and you don't know who she is?"
"Firstly, that bitch has a name secondly, she is someone who is trying to atone for her sins and I do know what she did remember I was there when she was giving you a hard time and lastly her name is Lisanna Strouse a girl who comes to fairytail collage a girl who I've known since I was a kid" she was shocked for a second but replied.
"NO NATSU YOU DONT UNDERSTAND" she shouted at me which got me to step back after she took a breath she carried on, "if you knew her so well then did you know she is part of the gang that murdered my entire family she even has their mark tattooed on her thigh if you don't believe me" no she would never join them. If this is a joke I ain't laughing. I was about to say something else but Lisanna walked up to us great timing ( note the sarcasm).
"Here you go Lucy I'm so sorry can we please be friends know" Lisanna said giving her pudding I couldn't help but to just smile like I would believe she was part of Tartarus she would never do that. A few seconds later my smile quickly faded because Lucy threw the pudding in her face.
Lucy's POV
I don't care what any of them think anymore I held back for Natsu but what she did....... Fuck it all. I went back to my emotionless self again not that I needed it if I kill Lisanna I wouldn't feel anything but happy. Wait what am I talking about IF i kill Lisanna hell I am Ganna kill her right here right know.
"W-Why did you do that?" Her cracked voice was hiding her smirk so I punched her in the face and then threw her into the wall her head hit against it but I didn't give a crap anymore. Blood was falling down her face like a water fall I'm suprised she hasn't collapsed yet I jumped and punched her in the face then she fell on the floor. I stood over her like a shadow her face was so busted up you couldn't even recognise it was Lisanna.
"Why I did it? you know exactly why I did it" I said through gritted teeth. She smirked but made sure only I would see it I was about to punch her again but someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back so I was facing them it was Natsu but before I could say his name he
Slapped me
"Why did you do that?" He was angry I've never seen this side of him before not once.
"IM HEARTLESS SAY THAT TO THE GIRL WHO JOINED TARTARUS" Lisanna then quickly stood up tumbling kind of.
"Why I was just trying to get you to forgive me and what the hell is Tartarus I've never even heard of that before"
"Don't lie Lisanna you have the mark don't make me punch you again" I said gritting my teeth.
"What mark Lucy?" Know she asking for it I saw she had a dress on and that bandage was still there.
"There under your bandage that's where the mark is" I said pointing at it.
"That's a kitchen accident I've told you that before Lucy why, why won't you trust me" at this point she was crying she was trying to wipe them away but they kept flowing back again then she fell over probably because she was dizzy but I knew it was all part of acting and she was really good I know because Natsu fell for it because he quickly held her before she hit the floor.
"Lisanna I don't believe you part of this Tartarus but to prove it to Lucy can I look under it" he said gently to her she just nodded. He removed the bandage but there was no mark instead burned skin replaced it then Natsu patched it back up again picked Lisanna up and went to the school nurse I followed behind not because of Lisanna that girl can die for all I care but for Natsu he slapped me but I still love him.
"What happened to her" said the school nurse she had pink hair and always gives of an scary look.
"Lucy beat her up" Natsu said turning around only to give me a death glare.
"Get out both of you I need to treat her quickly." We both left and waited outside the room.
"Natsu you don't u-"
"Shut up and get the hell out of my sight" he spat out
"I said get out my sight and oh yeah Lucy we are so through" he said smirking. "It just makes me think if what happened between Lisanna and you was all just an act you made Lisanna play along In or is what happened to your family was true"
"What I would never lie about that" how could he say that I would never lie about that.
"Right know everything coming out of your mouth is a big lie" I ignored what he was saying. I just needed to know one thing.
"Did you love me" he was shocked but replied.
"Yes I did but now your nothing to me I don't ever want see you again" I was upset more than anything but i hid that emotion away from him and replaced with an emotionless look a look that makes me look as if I'm dead and looked at him.
"Don't worry it was about time I leave this collage anyway"
"Finally" he said through anger.
"Natsu we heard about Lisanna is she ok" Erza and the gang quickly came running up to us every single one of them gave me a death glare.
"How could you do that to her, my baby sister" Mira said crying
"Forget her Mira this is all Natsu's fault" grey said which got me confused. And also Natsu. "If you never had become friends with her this would never have happened"  Natsu looked down ashamed.
"I know I'm really sorry guys"
"After everything we did for you Lucy why?" I was about to tell them what I overheard between Jackle and Lisanna but Natsu interrupted.
"Forget it guys just let her go otherwise I'll have to hit her again her face is making me sick"
I left from his sight now. I know now I'm absolutely sure i was way better without these feeling.

I Lucy heartfillia am done with these feeling's I'm Ganna become colder then before more dangerous than before more deadly than before watch out everyone especially you Lisanna I'll get my revenge on you and by the time I'm done you all are Ganna be on your knee's.

Till next time................................................................................fairytail.
Ok guys so that it for today after this there was supposed to be a sequel but I think I should just carry it on from this book.
Don't forget to tell me what you think till next time.

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