Chapter 12

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Hey guys so the last chapter was kind of short and probably had a lot of mistakes I guess I just got a little lazy, but I am sooooooooo sorry I'll make it up to you by making this chapter longer, and I promise you you'll like it.......... I think...........any who. 

Let's just get back to the story.

Natsu's POV

It's been 2 days since Lucy's aunt woke up everything was going perfectly fine. The gang came over because we decided to let them know but she hasn't told us everything only that she has an aunt their last names is heartfillia She took bullet for Luce and we still don't know by who. But for know I decided to let it go. Since something horrible just happened.

"No, she can't be dead. Not after, not after she finally woke up. I thought I had someone I love back in my life again" Lucy said through gritted teeth. Then punched the wall really hard. She didn't really flinch at the impact. We figured out that Lucy can feel everything again but pain the reason for this ..... We have no idea. 

"L-Lucy I'm sorry" I said as I placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"How? She was doing perfectly fine and was perfectly healthy Natsu, how can she just have a heartattack out of no where? Ugh, it makes no sence" she was Ganna punch the wall again but before her fists hit the wall again she fell on her knee's and tears were falling down her face but she didn't make a sound not even a sob probably because she was too angry yet too sad at the same time. I just hope she doesn't go back to her emotionless self again. Anything but that.

Anyways your probably thinking what the hell happened to make Lucy punch the wall and start crying? Well let me tell everything that happened exactly.

Flashback 24 hours earlier

"Hey Luce everyone's finally here" i said looking at her, widening her eyes.

"How are they here so quickly?" She asked shocked. I can't help but to smile she looks cute like that.

"Well you see everyone went to Mira's house where she lives with her sister Lisanna and they only live like ten minutes away from the hospital I told them everything and I don't think they will ask you any question" i said rubbing the back of his neck while grinning.

"So, Mira and Lisanna are related" she said more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah to be honest I thought you'd be more shocked by that" I said folding my arms.

"Yeah well you see they have more in comman than they let on. Mira is sweet and innocent but when someone crosses the line, she the she-devil and Lisanna she doesn't really hide the devil within unless it comes to you anyone else faces her wrath" i sweat dropped kind of Imbarrassed. 

"Yeah, well we kind of spoke after that argument and decided to just stick to being friends since it's less complicated. When you were in the hospital for a week and haven't been coming to collage we've been kind of hanging out. And we're actually a lot more closer than we were when we were dating." I said hoping to find a reaction but found nothing."anyway's she really has changed her ways and is really trying"

"Hn, yeah like that'll ever happen" Lucy scoffed. But before i could say anything the gang walked in.

"Hey Lucy we heard about your aunt and we came to say that we're really happy for you. Oh and I'm really happy you can feel again." Erza said with a hand on her shoulder. 

"Em, thanks" Lucy said awquadly.

"Anyway guys lets go meet her aunt she Really wants to meet you guys and she's really nice" I said walked out the waiting room and motioning everyone to follow. Lucy went in first and a few seconds later she told us to come in.

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