Chapter 31

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"Will you Lucy Heartfillia take Natsu Dragneel to be your lawfully wedded husband." I smiled. The priest was our head teacher, Makarov. For some reason it felt right for him to marry us.

"Yes!" I said a bit to loud.

"Do you N..." the priest was interrupted by Natsu's enthusiasm.

"Yes!" He exclaimed and kissed me, passionately. We decided to do it before our baby was born so here we are. Natsu let go of me and the priest just looked at him with an invisible tick mark on his his forehead.

"That's cute and all, but can you wait till I'm finished." He said irritated.

"If you want to start again then sure, if it means I can kiss Luce again." He winked and I blushed, dork.

"Do you Natsu Dragneel take Lucy Heartfillia to be Your wife."

"Yes!." Natsu exclaimed again and brought me into a kiss once he finished he looked at the priest who suddenly became a scary giant.

"WILL YOU LET ME FINISH YOU STUPID CONCEITED BRAT." And whacked him with a frying pan, where'd that come from. Everyone laughed while Natsu groaned. He's a one of a kind priest. I laughed.

Our wedding finally finished and so we were going to go on our honeymoon but I decided we'll go when our baby's born as I wanted my baby to be with us one our first holiday as a family.

I just realised I'm slipping through the boring, but not so boring bits. I guess I just want to finish the story as it's kind of hard to tell a story while screaming and taking a baby out...of you know where.

"Congratulation! You have a beautiful baby girl." The nurse smiled and a tear streamed down my face. She gave her to me and I held her gently. Are you there mum. Are you watching.

A tear streamed down my face as I looked at her peaceful state. Then I turned to Natsu who was hesitant. "Come on she won't bite, yet." I smiled and he walked over looking at her. "I guess we're going to be calling her Nashi." I whispered.

"Yeah, Nashi." Natsu whispered, then breathed, "my baby princess."

****time skip 4 years.*****

"AAAARRGGGHH!" I suddenly woke up along with Natsu who was already out the bed and said.

" Nashi!" I got up soon after and followed him to Nashi's room. As soon as I went in I saw Nashi cradling her father for comfort and natsu held a protective arm around her body. It was truly cute.

I sat next to Natsu and Nashi removed one arm from her fathers neck and brought it around mine. "I-I had a nightmare." She sniffled.

"Do you want to talk about it, baby girl?" I asked.

"I did what you told me to do mamma, and ask that boy out, but when I did he said 'no' and made fun out of and...and the whole school kept laughing at me." He whispered. I gulped, oh no.

"What boy?" Natsu spat. Shit. You see Natsu's protective father side is very scary, so much so, no boy even talks to Nashi. Even I'm scared of it.

"W-Well you see Nashi came to me the other day and asked she liked a boy who was really funny and liked her, she wanted to ask him out, but was scared so I asked her has the boy said or done anything for him to seem a little bit interested and she told me all the things he did for her." I finished. "It was really cute actually."

"It's not cute it's harassment. He harassed my daughter." Natsu spat and sat Nashi on the edge of his knee and said softly, "Listen Nashi when I boy does something nice for you it's means he want to hurt you and that beautiful heart of yours."

"B-But you be nice to me all the time daddy." She sniffled, still not over her nightmare.

"That's different I'm your father doing nice things for his daughter is what fathers like to do." I rolled my eyes.

"Natsu with all these things your teaching her about boys is going to turn her into some man hating demon." I exaggerated.

"I'm not a demon!" Nashi shouted.

"I know your not baby, yet." I glared at Natsu. He rolled his eyes then pouted.

"Nashi will you promise me not grow up too soon and never have a bay friend until your 80 And always be my little princess." He asked. Nashi giggled.

"I won't leave you even if I had a boyfriend, but I promise." She said hugging Natsu who smiled then she pulled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek and yelled. "I love you so much daddy." And threw her arms back.

"What about me?" I whined. Crossing my arms and Nashi jumped on me while I fell back on the bed.

"I could never forget about you mommy." She laughed. "I love you to."

"I love you too, baby girl." I replied giving her a kiss.

"Ok shall we go to sleep now." Natsu asked I nodded about to put Nashi down but she jumped on to her father who fell backwards onto the floor whilst he cradled her head in his chest to prevent her from being hurt. "Nashi be careful your going to get hurt." Natsu scolded. Her energy comes from you Natsu.

"Sorry it's just I don't want to be alone tonight, can I please sleep with you." Natsu smiled and picked her up as he carried her to our room.

Once we all laid down and snuggled close together we succumbed to darkness and fell into a dreamless sleep Waiting for the light to wake us up.

The end!!!

Thank you so much for everything I enjoyed writing this story.

My next book will be out at the end of June this year.

I really hope you get the chance to read it. I've worked extremely hard on it.


Till next time...


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