Chapter 23

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Sorry guys I know I promised to update last week, but something kind of came up and I may have forgotten. Please forgive me and as an 'I'm sorry please don't hate me' I'll show you the prologue of the NEW BOOK at the end of the chapter.

Lucy POV
"What's wrong wen" as soon as I heard her my body automatically went near her.
"Y-y-y" she was just standing, one hand over her mouth the other pointing at me.
"Spit it out wen"
"You don't feel pain" s*** how did I forget I'm such an idiot.
"Yeah Wendy we kind of knew that from the beginning" my head slowly turned facing Natsu. I can't do it I front of him.
"No" I said to Wendy before she could open her mouth. I knew what she was going to say.
"You have to Lucy otherwise I'm giving you the silent treatment FOREVER" she replied shouting the world 'forever'
"Haha you wouldn't really do that....right"
"Come on wen you can't give me the silent treatment. I'll do it when I get home"
"Wen come on your being ridiculous"
"Please you can at least try looking at me wen"
"Come on you know how much I hate it when you do that"
" about if you stop I'll get you a cat"
Then she looked me In the eyes. Ha I knew I'd win. Then she
"" and faced her back to me. I sighed then turned around and gave Natsu a death glare
"don't even think about questioning what's going to happen"
"Y-yes ma'am"
"Ok I'll do it now just please talk to me or look at me at least" with that she turned around and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"It not that I want you to do it, i don't, but you'd rather do it now then later and have the pain being worse" she whispered.
"I know wen I understand" we parted she held onto my hands I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and without thinking twice about it, I turned my pain on,

After about a few seconds I opened one eye. I couldn't feel anything.
"Have you done it" Wendy said
"Yeah, but I do" I cut myself off and fell onto the ground my head was banging and all my muscles were tightening up like someone was squeezing them really tight but I couldn't scream. No matter how much I tried I just couldn't. But inside my head I felt dead like I was being tortured, I was screaming but they couldn't hear it I opened my eyes slightly to see Natsu and Wendy hovered over me I couldn't hear what they were saying. I felt so heavy , gravity, not allowing me to stand up. Blood, so much blood in my mouth it tasted disgusting. I was hugging myself until I felt really light like I was in mid-air that's until I saw Natsu he was carrying me bridal style. I wonder.........what we could've been if he never betrayed me or what happens now with us. With that my mind went blank and I closed my eyes to total darkness.

Wendy's POV

"Wendy we need to take her to the hospital she's dying" Natsu said, he was worried you could see it all over his face and so was I. I nodded my head and we ran to the hospital, Natsu carrying Lucy, the hospital wasn't that far luckily, but what's going to happen to her. Please be alright Lucy.


We were at the hospital and immediately about 20 doctors came rushing over to us and took Lucy from Natsu who was shaking I explained everything to him about her.....condition. I know Lucy loves him it's obvious, but she won't let her self trust him again. I know, you guys are thinking 'well everybody deserves a second chance' I tell her too, but she doesn't believe in it since she never got her second chance even if it was for a minute.

(A/N little did she know Lucy did...oh wait.....Lucy is)

Lucy's POV
It was black, I couldn't see anything everything was just so......empty. Was this what I was on the inside empty.
"Lucy/princess" I heard a number of voices some saying princess some Lucy. I was looking around confused.
"W-who are you" damn, I haven't stuttered In how long? All of a sudden I heard giggling it felt so calming and free, but I still couldn't see anything.
"Silly, you don't remember the women who gave birth to you" I was speechless.
"You've grown to become a splendid, beautiful young lady I'm just sorry I missed it"
"I missed you so much mom, but I'm not good like you are I've done horrible, horrible things"
"I know I was watching, I was always with you sweetheart, never once left"
"Then why aren't you mad at me"
"Because you've lost yourself. your soul, your body and your mind have gone through things that are just too painful to talk about that's why you can switch your pain on and off like a switch and also your emotions"
"H-how are you going to help me find myself again"
"Haha by showing you Lucy" all of a sudden everything was white and I saw my mum and dad arguing.
"Do you remember that fight me and your father had I was upset and everyone planned my favorite things to try and cheer me up, but it never worked until you all started laughing. The argument was when I found out who your father was I told him to leave until I figured things out. He risked his life just to be with me and I was so happy that I had someone in my life who loved me that much. Anna told me to never let that kind of person leave your life, even if it is the right thing to do, because you'll only make yourself miserable."
"D-do you regret it"
"No" I was angry all of a sudden.
"How could you say that. If you never made that choice we all would've been together I would have been happy you would have been alive and brother and sister so why, why would you not regret it"
"Because we wouldn't have had all the other memory's and you would never have had the chance to ride your bike without the training wheels. Mavis wouldn't have had her first crush and your father would never have met him. Loki wouldn't have got that motorbike and your auntie would never have done that 10 minute lecture about how motorcycles are really dangerous and you could have spent money on more important things whilst Loki being Loki just had his earphones in pretending to care. Your not all bad Lucy look what you did for that little girl who you see as your sister. Wendy because of you she has someone to call family and because of her so do you. Let's not forget Natsu the boy you are In love with" I scoffed at that
"He betrayed me why would I love him"
"Because out of everyone who tried to bring you back he was the one who accomplished it. Most of your life Lucy you've wondered this world on your own with no one there by your side that's why you've only considered one side of the argument the Lucy side. Now you are surrounded by a whole load of new people that care about you even if it didn't seem like it" all of a sudden I saw Mira, walking on her own, but nothing was happening.
"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I said confused.
"You read people right her" I looked at her
I scrunched my eyebrows together "She feels guilt and regret. Why"
"This was after she broke your hand"
"If she felt guilty about it why did she do it" I said.
"See this is what I'm talking about, the Lucy side let me ask you if Mavis was being bullied by her want would you do."
"Tell her to back of"
"Because she's my sister"
"Just because she's you sister"
"Yes because sisters stand up for each other"
"But what if she carry's on until it eventually turns in to physical abuse"
"Then I'd break every-bone in her body until she leaves her alone"
"Why do you have to do it? Why can't Mavis do that?"
"Because....becuase I feel like I have to be there for my big sister when she can't"
"Now do you understand why Mira did what she did." I was silent "what Natsu did wasn't right, but Lisanna despite her intention, her and Natsu were best friends since they were kids and she helped him through a very difficult time, a time, where he was heartbroken because he lost his first love and best friend."




The rebel

Angels and demons, heaven and hell, God and Lucifer. Is there anything more powerful. Maybe Love.

In the beginning a war broke out between heaven and hell, angels and demons were reunited and were forced to pick a side, god or Lucifer. However, one demon known as the rebel demon picked the side of love for this he was cast out of heaven to earth and also those before him who never picked a side. Eventually, this rebel found love and they were cursed by Lucifer himself. the woman would die just when their love is the strongest and a kiss. This woman would then be reborn after a decade and on her 17th birthday the two would meet again. As for the rebel he would live on forever until he gives up on love, that way him and all the others can return to heaven to fight their war.

Will he finally give up on love?
Will he keep fighting?

What will she do when she finds out what he really is?

Will she find out who she really is?

Will she accept her fate?
Will she not and choose another who she will surely stay alive with.

Hope you think it's interesting

Till next time ✌️

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