Chaptet 28

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Hey guys I know, quick update, but i feel like the last chapter was way too short so I decided to make a new one.

Like I said before this book is nearly completed and I'm not going to lie for these last few chapters, I've been writing things from the top of my head not really planned, sorry so here's a new chapter.

Lucy's POV
It's been a week guys a WEEK, but why does it feel like it's been a year. I really think Natsu is getting tired of me because I keep getting cranky and moaning over the littlest things. And I don't know why. Gosh I need help. WHATS WRONG WITH ME! I'm eating more than I should, pissing every 5 fricking minutes, craving hot sauce, every morning I chunk down a bottle before i go to school AND I'm staring to like mayo and eggs like WTF who eats that. Oh and let's not forget I don't mind eating cold food. I told levy about it and she said, and I quote, " girl you need a serious reality check or maybe you should go to the doctors" like what kind of stupid advice is that. Wait a minute, I have a awesome idea.
I should go to the fricking doctors. Why didn't I think of that before, stupid. I took out my phone and called levy we've come really close again and i can trust her.

"Hey Lu-Chan" she chirped.

"Hey lev I was thinking If you'd accompany me to the hospital, but don't tell Natsu" I replied.

"Oh, so you finally took my advice" she said happily.

"What advice?" I said with a raised brow.

"You know, when I said you should go to the doctors"

"Umm, lev I'm pretty sure I just told you that" I said eyebrows creased.

"No Lu I told you yesterday"

"I'm pretty sure I'd know if you told me to go the doctors lev" I chuckled. She just sighed and said.

"We'll talk about this after. I'll be right there" then Hung up.

10 minutes later I heard the door bell ring I knew exactly who it was. So I grabbed my things and went outside to be met with levy. We both walked to her car and went to the hospital. The doctor did all the test and told me to wait and couple of minutes, so I did. While he was gone levy and I got into a conversation. While we're having a convo I think you should catch up. You see I found out recently that I was the last one out of our group of friends to loose their virginity. Everyone lost theirs a year ago except Natsu who lost his a while back even before he met me. But still it was quite ironic how the girl with blood on her hands was the last one to become in-pure. Right.

Me and levy just finished our conversation just as the doctor walked in.

"So doc you know what wrong with her" lev said pointing at me.

"Yes. And congratulations" me and lev looked at each other confused then turned to the doctor, " your pregnant" my whole world slowed down. I never thought of it not once in my life had I ever thought about being a mother. I didn't know what to feel or how to deal with it, but there was one emotion that stood out before all others and I only feel that kind of emotion when I'm with Natsu and that love and happiness.

We were in the car no one spoke I was still shocked myself, but I still broke the silence. "What am I going to do" I said.

"I don't know lu, but I'm happy for you. I really am and I know Natsu will be too. You deserve a family and I'll always support you" I smiled, but suddenly I felt a foreign feeling. What was it. I decided to ignore it though.

"Thank-you, levy you don't know how happy I am just hearing that" I said and side hugged her. I know she would have hugged back, but she's driving. "How are you going to tell Natsu?" I sighed and said.

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