Chapter 14

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Hey guys what's up.

In the last chapter I mentioned supernatural if any of you guys have watched it please tell me. Like I am a big fan of that series.

Lisanna POV

I went to class earlier since we kind of have a test first thing in the morning. 

"Ok brats you've got an hour, good luck" I started my test it was kind of complicated probably because I wasn't really  listening to Makaraov when we went to Bangladesh what can I saw there were a lot of cute guys there. 

It s only been forty minutes but it feels like a yeah. Ugh this test is annoying.

"NO LEAVE HER ALONE" I jumped I swear that scared the crap out of me I could've had a heart attack. I looked around to see who just shouted and it was Lucy who was sitting next to me to be honest I didn't really notice her, probably because I was too concentrated on this test. I looked closer at her and her fist where clenched so tightly I swear it was as if she was going to break someone neck. I realised she was having a nightmare and it was actually quiet amusing. I know all about her past hell IM going to make it worser but I need her to forgive me but that ain't Ganna happen if this bitch can read people.

"I'll kill you just like your brother" she said know all eyes were on her I decided to try and wake her up that way maybe she would realise I really have changed. Which I have not. I tapped her shoulder over and over again but nothing was happening. Natsu ran up to me and said.

"Liz what's happening to her" he said worried. Ugh why is he so worried about this blonde bimbo. Yes I am jealous at first Natsu was just a way of getting popular but I fell in love with him and she took him away from me. I was angry on the inside but I kept my cool on the outside. I nudged her more and also called out her name. Out of no where she grabbed my wrist and squeezed the life out it and shoved my against the wall with her arm on my throat.

"IM GANNA KILL YOU" she raised her fist and I closed my eyes. My knees were trembling. 

"Luce" I heard natsu say and then he shouted.

"LUCY" i waited for the impact but nothing came but a bang I opened my eyes and sighed. Damn this ugly blonde bitch nearly destroyed my beatiful face. 

"Luce you ok" i saw Natsu walking up to Lucy all worried for her. WTF she nearly destroyed my face and he asks her if she's ok. 'Just wait a little longer Lissana soon everyone will hate her' I told myself.

Natsu's POV

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I clenched my fist pissed at what she just said like what the hell don't fucking tell me your fine. I'm going to get to the bottom of this today I was about to say something but Lucy was already out the door before I got the chance I without thinking twice I went after her.

After a few minutes I found her in a corner I grabbed her wrists and pinned them back against the wall I was angry, so angry but i pinned her gently.

"N-Natsu" I ignored her shocked expression.

"We are not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell just happened" I said through gritted teeth.

"It's none of your business Natsu let it go"

"But it is my business since you nearly killed Lissana"

"so you were worried about her. I guess you did love her after all" she was kind of dissapointed. Which shocked me."you should go see if she's ok, I gotta go" Lucy got out of my grasp since I was shocked by her shocked expression. I looked back really quickly I saw her back towards me walking away i was angry at the fact she would give me away so easily. I ran up to her and pinned her against the wall again she was shocked but I ignored it and kissed her passionately It didn't take long for her to melt into the kiss.

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