Chapter 7

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Hey what's up guys I really hope you've Enjoyed my book so far. And let me know what you think of Lucy. I'd say I don't own the characters but you already know that.

So without further a do....

Trapped within

Natsu's POV

We're on the coach and It's been a week since the event that took place in the club. Lucy's become more distant and more colder if that's even possible however non of us have bought it up but it doesn't mean we haven't been thinking about it, hell I can't even get it out of my mind. Anyway's with all this commotion going on me and Erza have forgotten all about our plan to try and help Lucy regain her feeling's so we're Ganna start on that today since it's a beatiful day today we decided to go to the beach and maybe stay there for the next 3 days since we have finally gathered all our information needed for our test that will start a week after we're all back. Lucy went to the bathroom so I went to Erza.

"Hey Erza have you gotten any idea's on how we're going to start operation get Lucy's feeling back" I said suddenly in her face.

"No I can't think of anything I highly doubt embarrassing her will work" she said sitting up straight.

"What makes you say that?" I said curious

"Well I accidentally went into her suitcase the other day and I saw at least 3 laced thongs it looked like strings" she said with her face behind her hand, I started blushing immediently And then I had an idea and was about to go to her.

"Don't even think about it" Erza said holding the back of my shirt and sitting me back down." Anyway's I'm being serious what should we do? We need to think of something to get her feeling something anything" 

"Wel-" I was about to say something but levy, Juvia, Grey, Jallal, and Gajeel showed up and interrupted me.

"WOW, that's a really nice thing to do Erza, can we be a part of this plan of your's too" Levy said pointing at everyone behind her.

"Em sure levy but it wasn't my plan, Natsu came up with it" they all looked at me in shock which kind of offended me, like is it that hard to believe I came up with this plan.

"WOW, fire breath came up with this plan, I have to say well done dude" ice queen (grey) said. I smirked feeling proud of myself.

"Hey Natsu" Juvia said getting my attention.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Do you like Lucy as in more than a friend" she said wiggling one eye brow up and down.

"W-What, makes y-you say that" completely blown by the question. Feeling a hint of pink on my cheeks.

"Well I mean even when you were with Lisanna you never gave her as much attention as you have given Lucy and you hardly ever even talked about Lisanna to us" Juvia said like it was obvious.

"You know she does have a point Natsu" levy said backing her friend up and then they all just stared at me waiting for an answer.

"No guys what the hell I just feel sorry for her. I mean is it too much for a guy to feel sorry for a girl without his friends thinking he likes her" I said quite annoyed but for some reason it felt like I was lying to myself...wait what no she's just someone I feel sorry for that's it.

"Chill out Natsu it was just a question, anyway's what have you come up with so far" Jallal said folding his arms

"Nothing we can't think of anything.....yet" I said then everybody stayed silent probably thinking. After a few moment Erza broke the silence.

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