Chapter 20

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Hey what's up guys hope your loving the book so far anyway's I think I should carry on with the next chapter.
Natsu POV
We were in maths and Erza walked out with Lucy for some reason, those two have gotten quite close I wonder what that's all about.
"Hey Natsu baby after schoolcan we go to that ice cream shop again opposite the club I had a really nice time the other time" Lisanna was moving her legs about like a little kid and is getting all happy well, I can't blame her we did have a blast the last time. But OMG she looks so cute when she acts like a kid. (To nali haters sorry)
"Of course baby I could never say no to you" she pecked me on the lips which I was quite disappointed with but let it slide........for now.
"Ok Nastu and grey get over here and solve these equations first to finish gets to chill in the my next two classes."
'Haha I'll crush this" All of a sudden I heard laughing behind me like some crazy person in an asylum, I turned around to find non other than......yes that's princess.
"What's so funny ice princess" I said crossing my arms and raising a brow. After a few minutes of histerical laughter ice princess stood up and wiped a tear from his eye.
"Ok flame brand I'll admit we always tie in everything but when it comes to using a brain you don't stand a chance" ice princess said laughing again. I was clenching my fist and tightening my jaw.
"Oh yeah and what makes you think that"
"Well firstly to use a brain you actually NEED a brain all you have is ashes why do you think I call you ASH FOR BRAINS hell you probably don't even know how to bluff" grey was laughing again. And I and an evil plan I went over to grey and whispered something to him not even a second later he stood up eyes wide open and said.
"Your bluffing"
"What happened to 'you probably don't know how to bluff" I was mimicking him but made sure sound like a princess while flipping my invisible hair backwards.
"I DONT SOUND LIKE THAT YOU RETARDED FLAME HEAD" grey shouted banging his fists onto the table.
"Omg I don't sound like you retarded flame head" I mimicked fanning my face with my hands and blicking a thousand times.
"You wanna fight Sakura" now I shut up.
"WADDYA YA SAY FLAIM BRAIN YOU WANNA DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING" ice princess smashed his face into mine and now we were all up in each others faces.
"HA PLEASE LIKE YOU COULD KILL ME" after that grey through a punch straight for my face and not even a second later we were already breaking things then I felt something dark behind me and next thing I knew I wasn't on the ground anymore but on the other side of the class room we grey was on the other side I looked up to see................gildarts he smashed our head in and I was pissed of but his aura was so scary I just stayed where I was.
"Now.get.up.and.solve.the.equation" he said in a dark and deadly tone I gulped and could hear grey gulp on the other side of the room I quickly stood up grey followed a second later we said saluted and ran to the board and solved the equation.

I was finally done with the equation which i think I probably did really good at gildarts checked our answers and said.
"Grey your working out was perfect but you got the wrong answer anyway's it was a really good answer" after that gildarts turned around to look at me I was getting really happy knowing I did it right but then gildarts sighed, "Natsu we are doing algebra but for some unknown reason you were using the equation we use to figure out the radius of circles"

"Yeah so it's the same" gildarts was getting fustrated and I could hear grey snickering in the background.
"No Natsu last time I checked there was no pi in algebra"
"Well of course there aren't any pies in algebra gildarts even an idiot knows that" I said In a 'duh'  tone gildarts was getting really fustrated and I don't understand why he should now this stuff I mean he is the teacher.
"Flame brand you idiot I think the pi your talking about is different to the one hes talking about" ice princess said pointing at gildarts.
"Of course I know what he's talking about I eat pies everyday for breakfast ice princess"
"IM NOT TALKING ABOUT THOSE KIND OF PIES YOU IDIOT HAVE I NOT TOUGHT YOU ANYTHING THIS PAST WEEK YOU MORON THE PI IM TALKING ABOUT IS A NEVER ENDING NUMBER WHICH IS 3.41415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923 0781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460 9550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954 9303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485 6692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817 4881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384 1469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185 4807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244 0656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176 75238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275......"

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