Chapter 4

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Hey guys welcome back to trapped within nalu hope you enjoy


I don't ow any of the characters

Lucy POV

Since I have nothing to do I went down to the bleachers and just sat down there because I wanted to see the collage soccer team, how good the team was it's called fairy tail some of the players I recognised from the other day when we played that truth or dare game. I heard they even beat Sabertooth and they were the best of the best. But truthfully I just wanted to see a game since I've never been to one people make such a big deal out of it, I've been in this collage for at least 2 weeks now and every Tuesday and Thursday people cheer and crowd around the soccer team cheering them. When you've been on the run most your life you can never take in the surrounding trust me I've been to a lot of countries a lot of cities but I've never been able to see anything beatiful if I went there again I probably wouldn't recognise it.

Natsu noticed me about twenty minutes ago for someone who just broke up he seems happy which is odd and yes I do know about that lets just say rumours spread quickly. After another 10 minutes I decided to leave to the music room which i noticed when I was on my way to the bleachers I haven't played a piano in a while I think I'll go play I only ever played to my mum and dad and just stopped when they died so if I go play maybe they'll listen and no I don't miss them that's a feeling I don't have those so I just listen to my gut and my head since I can't act on feelings and my head is saying they'd be happy if I sang again.

Natsu's POV

I noticed Lucy 30 min ago but she left 10 minutes ago I wonder what she was doing here out of all people here she's the last person I expect to see on the bleachers. Practise is going to end in a few minutes I'll go see what she was doing.


I didn't bother getting changed I just went straight out of the locker room but I heard a piano that's odd we agreed that music practise will only be on, the days we don't have practice I'll just go check it out. When I walked up to the room I noticed it was.........Lucy she was starting to play and then she started to sing I was shocked because she actually sound good.

(Lucy's song she's singing)

(I couldn't be bothered writing the lyrics cos I'm lazy sorry)

"What do you want Natsu" she said to me not looking back.

"Oh nothing your really good you could become famous or something, you know"

"Hm, even if I did want that to happen I wouldn't be able to" I wonder what she meant by that this girls weird.

"Any ways why were you on the bleachers your the last person I'd expect to see there"

"Oh I wanted to see what the big deal was and why everyone made a big deal about you and fairy tail Or to put it more clearly a soccer game" wait she doesn't know damn it's like this girl was born yesterday or something.

"Have you ever even been to one"

"No I haven't now I said to you to stay away from me didn't I and I meant it" after saying that she was about to leave until I said.

"You know you ain't scaring anyone with these threats" I said looking at her then she turned around and looked at me in the eyes for the first time throughout this entire conversation.

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