Chapter 19

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Hey guys what's up it's been awhile so I decided to make a new chapter of trapped within.
Oh and don't hesitate to leave a comment I'd love to see what you guys think of this book. Anyway's haven't done a disclaimer in awhile so I think I might as well just do it now.

Disclaimer: DO NOT own the characters (unfortunately) just the story.

Now let's see what our favrouite blond is doing tonight.

Lucy's POV
I had my reading glasses on right now reading a book called star crossed while laying in bed. It's my favrouite book I've read it a thousand times and it still hasn't gone old. About 30min into the book I heard a knock on the door and said a faint 'hello' a blue headed girl popped her head in and I put my book down to get her attention.
"Em, Lucy-nee I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight"
"Of course you can Wen but you don't usually sleep with me so what's up"
"Nothing I just wanted to stay by your side tonight"
(A/N Warning: this is probably the last time it'll be on Lucy's POV until about 2 chapters. Sorry.)
Wendy POV
Lucy birthday coming up and she doesn't like to celebrate it because her family died around this time and she was in a coma for about a week. You see the problem is well............last year she went off somewhere for about a week and came back with so much scars and broken bones and bruises you name it. I wanna lie down with her to make sure she goes no where hopefully it work. I climb over into her bed and lie down. I know she knows something is up but I hope she lets it go. It literally about 10:00 right now and after about 10 minutes I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer and just fell asleep it wasn't my fault this bed was so comfortable.
I had no idea what time it was exactly but my eyes started to open as I felt the bed shift around me then I heard someone foot steps. I opened my eyes to see Lucy-nee.
"W-Where are you going go to sleep" I sat up facing her while she kept her head low.
"I'm sorry Wen I have to go I'll be back in about a week ok. Don't worry I have a friend who I trust she'll babysit you ok" I frowned and crossed my hands.
"Lucy-nee I know that time of year is coming for you but you don't have to go and get hurt just lay down with me and go back to sleep" she sighed and walked over to me i started to get happy but she stopped when she had her arms on either side of my legs and looked straight in my eyes they were...........cold.
"I can't I'm sorry" she kissed my forehead and touched my neck next thing I knew it was light's out for me. But just as fast as I went to sleep I woke up not even a minute went by I thought I just blinked but Lucy-nee was nowhere in the room or in the house after searching the whole house 3 times and constantly shouting 'Lucy-nee' I went back to her bed and fell asleep I felt a tear slide down my face as I went into my dream state.


I woke to go get ready for school hopefully find Lucy-nee asleep near me but I found no one 'um maybe she went to school already' I thought I had no time to think about the pros and cons or anything else and just dashed of to school.

Erza's POV
I got to school pretty early this morning and made sure to text everyone that they better be out of their dorms and in the cafe before me or else. I didn't need to say anything after that since I knew they got the message and all but of course knowing grey and Natsu they probably went back to sleep so I made it my personal mission to go a wake them up myself and it was going to be easy since they both share the same dorm I got out the key for their dorm and let my self in of course being the president one of my jobs is to get know keys for people who have lost them so I decided to make myself one for their room in case of a special occasion just like this one. Once I entered I so grey of course with no clothes on his upper half of the body dangling of the bed while his lower half was on the bed then I see Natsu who every now and again keeps shouting.
"COME AND GET SOME ICE PRINCESS" then throws a few punches before mumbling and going back to sleep again I sighed and stood right infront of them then shouted.

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