Chapter 27

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Don't worry guys there will be NO LEMON sorry to those who did want one it just I know it would be rubbish.

Lucy POV
We were still at the bar having fun when it got to about 2:00 in the morning we all decided to go home this time I let Natsu take me home because it was really dark and he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer,still, I didn't complain.

As we were walking home a gush of wind went past me and OMG it was freezing and my jacket is like my heater, but today it let me down. So without thinking I jumped and wrapped myself around Natsu, who was taken by surprise, my head buried in his neck.

"Um Luce what are you doing" Natsu said, but I couldn't see his face since my head was buried in his neck.

"I'm still not used to feeling like this so when that wind rushed past us I felt like I was in the atlantic Bare naked" he let out a small chuckle so I looked at him and pouted, "it's not funny."

"Im not laughing because of that, I'm just trying to figure out what your Excuse is for wrapping you legs around my waist is" I looked down and saw I was wrapping my legs around him I was probably blushing so hard he could see it even though it is dark.

"S-Sorry" was all I could say. I put one leg down then the other and was about to unrap my arms from around his neck until he bought his hand to my thighs and re rap my legs around him. "What are you doing" I said quizzically.

"I never said to un - rap your legs I was just trying to find out your reason for it" he said bluntly.

"Well I'm not staying like this the whole journey home, Natsu" I said annoyed. "And besides you'll feel tired from carying me when your on your way home" I said.

"Oh that you don't have to worry I'm staying at you place" he smirked, it took a few seconds for his words to sink in, "nope, no Natsu we can't Wendy's home"

"No she's not I kind of looked at your phone when you weren't looking" know I was pissed. He can't just go through my phone, I should really put a password on that thing, "and Wendy said she's having a sleepover at a friends" what a coincidence.

Finally, we got home I jumped of Natsu's arms and ran to my room and quickly got changed into my PJs, why didn't I just go to the club in this, I'm such an idiot.

While I was picking up my clothes, that were on the floor, two arms made their way around my waist causing me to jump. I felt something on my neck and travel it's way up to my ear biting on it.
"Lets for finish what we started in the club" natsu whispered seductively. And started kissing my neck, my back against his chest arms still wrapped around my waist. I moaned when he found my sweet spot and, I could feel his smirk against my neck, as he was attacking it get me to moan a little louder. He spun me around in a flash that I got dizzy and went straight for my lips. It was rough and hungry, which I liked, but most of all passionate . I felt his tongue rub agains my bottom lip, but I didn't open up for him deciding it's fun teasing him. Once he found out I wasn't opening my mouth his hands travelled under my shirt and not even a second later my breasts he squeezed them roughly, but not too rough that it hurt as I let out a loud moan.

"Don't tease me Luce" he growled. And picked me up, while we were still kissing, and my legs made their way around his waist. my back hit against the wall I knew where this was going, but I didn't want him to stop however, I still pulled away to say.

"N-Natsu I'm still a virgin" I whispered the last part hoping he would of heard, but who am I kidding he's got ears that would put wild animals to shame. After I thought that he kissed me again, but it was nothing, but pure passion.

"Don't worry I'll be gentle" he said and this time nothing was holding me back as I kissed him. We eventually fell asleep and it was the best and magical sleep i ever had. (A/N Sorry guys no lemon today)


I woke up feeling a weight around me, but I knew it was Natsu. Because I didn't want to wake him up I slowly lifted his arm of my waist and sat up to get ready for school, but as soon as I got up I was pulled back down and my back hit against someone's chest.

"Y-Your awake" I said.

" yeah I was for awhile know actually" he said as he buried his head deeper into my neck.

"Why didn't you say anything"

"I wanted to see a bit of your body before I pulled you back down again" I blushed.

"Pervert" I shouted.

"You weren't saying that yesterday when you let me nail you in this bed" he said bluntly.

"That's different" I blushed, more.

"How's it different" he questioned.

"Well..... oh I don't know Natsu now let go of me I need to get ready for school" I said wiggling my hips to get out of his grip. All of a sudden he grunted and I realized what I just did and froze. Shit.

I was spun around so my back was against the bed and Natsu was on top of me holding my hands in place. "Luce if you really wanted another round all you have to do is ask" he whispered in my ears.

"I wasn't trying to..." he cut me of

"Fine whatever, but just remember last night I went easy on you because it was your first time. Don't count on it next time" he said and got up to get ready for school. I froze when he said that he went easy last night. I felt like I just got fucked by a beast. (A/N omg sorry to all you little kiddos out there) after a while I got changed into my uniform ate breakfast and went to school with Natsu. But for some reason my tummy hurt and I felt like throwing up so I ran to one of the bushes and threw up.

I wonder what that could be.

Ok guys that's it for today so, so sorry it's short it just I got exams coming up again. Which is annoying.

Till next time


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