Chapter 1: The Announcement

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Hello minna~

Thanks for looking at my fan fiction. This is my first fan fiction so I promise to make it good! I love Fairy Tail and I always wanted to do a fan fiction. Also, I just want to add, Lisanna is in this, but she is not evil or mean! She is like she is in the show, but more...well you'll see.
Please like and comment!



~Lucy's POV~

I rested my head on the counter of the bar. Mirajane smiled and handed me my usual, Strawberry Smoothie. I jolted up and clapped my hands together. I took a long sip and smashed the glass back down.

"So good! Thanks, Mira!" I laughed as I wiped the smoothie off of my mouth. Levy sat beside me, her face dug into the new book I gave her, the House of Hades by Rick Riordan. I giggled as she stared at the words.

Levy reached the last page then placed the book down onto the counter. She had a big smile wrapped across her face. I suddenly got a horribly evil idea. I leaned in behind her and whispered into her ear, "Bob says hello."

She cried out and began to flail around. I laughed as I saw the blue haired mage rolling around on the ground. She got back up and brushed the dirt off of her orange dress. Levy then glared at me, but then her glare faded into a smile.

I giggled as she sat back down, "Finished?"

"Yeah, I loved this book so much! Except, well, that part." She sighed and pressed the book to her chest. " So, Lu-chan, who's your favorite character?"

I thought about it, then after a minute I yelled out, "Leo Valdez, definitely Leo" I began to chant 'Team Leo' inside my head.

Levy smirked, "oh, I wonder why." She added sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped angrily. She just giggled.

Well I dunno, could it be because Leo has fire magic, like a certain someone" Levy pointed towards Natsu and Gray, who were throwing chairs at one another. Luckily, Erza came and whacked the two on their heads. The red head ordered Gray to put on some clothes, while Natsu cringed at the lump forming on his head.

I could feel my face burn, "N-no! That's not why!" I stuttered. Levy shrugged pointed out my blushing face. "well, it's too bad for you. I bet you wished Leo used iron magic!" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

Her face turned the color of Erza's hair. "LU-CHAN!" She covered her face with her hands. I laughed at her embarrassment. Suddenly I felt a muscular arm wrap around my shoulder.

"What are you girls talking about?" Natsu asked Levy and I. Gajeel, who stood behind Natsu, nodded.

"Yeah, Levy what's with your face?" Gajeel pointed towards Levy, who was still blushing.

"NOTHING!" Levy and I screamed. Then, we both hoped to our feet, and ran towards the nearest table. Levy and I jumped into the seats and hid our faces. Then I saw three girls walking towards us.

"What happened here? Did those idiots do something!?" Erza yelled, punching the table. A blue haired girl sat down next to me.

"Yes, Levy and Love Rival look quite worried" Juvia patted my arm. I sighed in annoyance.

I glared back at Juvia, "for the last time, I don't like Gray!" I yelled at her. She stood up, knocking her chair to the ground.

"LIES! YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH GRAY-SAMA. BUT GRAY-SAMA WILL CHOOSE JUVIA OVER LOVE RIVAL!" She chanted, waving her fist in the air. I sighed and slammed my head onto the table. This girl.

Then a young girl with long, dark blue hair looked at me, her eyes glimmering with worry. Above her floated a white Exceed. "Are you two sick. I can heal you, if you'd like."

"No, Wendy, we are not sick." Levy said with a smile. They all looked curiously at us.

"Then what's with the faces?" Erza asked. Levy told them the whole story. When they were finished, Mirajane had come over with a tray of food and drinks.

She handed Wendy a plate of cookies, Levy a grilled cheese sandwich, Juvia a bowl of ice cream, Erza a full strawberry cake, and handed me a hamburger with fries. As we munched down our food, Mirajane told us, "By the way, Master has a special announcement for the guild!"

We all looked up at her. Wendy was the first to speak, "What kind of announcement?" Carla, her Exceed, sat down on Wendy's lap.

"Its a surprise!" Mira winked at us. She spun around and headed back to the bar.

"I wonder what the announcement is! I hope it's something cool!" I cheered. All of the girls nodded in agreement. Then, all of the guys came over to us. Natsu sat down next to me and Happy, his Exceed, crawled onto my head.

Juvia pulled Gray down and forced him to sit next to her, and Romeo had sat down next to Wendy. Gajeel sat next to Levy, who's face was now red.

"Did you guys hear about the Master' special announcement?" Gajeel asked. He rested his arm on the space above Levy's chair, forcing her to blush even harder.

"Yeah, Mira just told us. Do you have any ideas on what it could be?" Erza asked. All the boys shook their heads. Suddenly, as if on cue, all the lights dimmed down, except for one on an old, white haired midget with a mustache. Master Makarov.

"HELLO MINNA! I would just like to congratulate our guild members, for once again, being number one in Fiore!" the Master shouted. The guild erupted into cheers and clapping. Master waved his hands in the air, signaling them to quiet down. "Now, as your reward, I have a special surprise for all you brats. We are going to..."

The entire guild was quiet, which is almost impossible with these people, Master had paused and looked around the guild. I couldn't wait, I was so anxious. I grabbed onto the table to help keep myself still.

"SEASPREAD BEACH RESORT!" The master jumped into the air. We all began to go wild and started screaming. Seaspread Beach Resort, the most famous resort in all of Fiore. I am so excited. Lets just hope we don't break it...

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