Chapter 20: Strawberries and Raffle

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Hello Minna!

I love my social studies class. For a huge assignment, my teacher randomly chose a specific topic and country for each of us.

I got Anime in Japan! For homework, I have to do 'research' on the topic by reading anime and watching it.



~Erza's POV~

We sat around the table next to the buffet. A steaming plate strawberry pancakes sat in front of me. Drool pooled in my mouth as I stared at the large strawberry with whip cream was on the pancakes.

I heard a chuckle from across the table, "You still haven't changed, Erza"

We all turned to see Jellal snorting out his milk from his nose. I pursed my lips and gave him a glare, "For one thing, ew. And what did you mean by that?"

He rolled his eyes and ignored the quizzical looks he received from the others. He started, "You still love strawberries. Back when we were kids at the tower, it was very rare, but we used to get meals with strawberries. Whenever those days came, you celebrated more than you did on your birthday!"

"T-that's not true!" I hated to admit it, but it was true. I was slightly obsessed with strawberries when I was younger.

"Yeah it is. You even begged me for my strawberries. I always gave in when you gave me those cute puppy dog eyes." Jellal laughed.

I puffed out my cheeks and stared at my now empty plate of pancakes. I was still hungry for strawberries.

"You know..." Jellal continued. I looked up and saw him dangling a handful of strawberries from the other's pancakes in his hand. "I could give you these, if you beg."

I looked at his small smirk and had a sudden urge to pound his face into the table and steal the strawberries. But instead, I stuck out my bottom lip and widened my eyes. "Pretty please can I have the strawberries?" I noticed his eyes widen and his cheeks began to turn red. I quickly added, "Or I'll kill you and steal them from your dying corpse."

His blush slowly disappeared and was replaced, once again, by his little smirk. He tossed the strawberries towards me. Jellal gave me a thumbs up, "You never change, do you, Scarlet?"

I smiled as I popped another strawberry into my mouth, "And never will!" I ended my comment by sticking out my red dyed tongue. Jellal giggled at my childness.

"Could you two quit flirting? I am trying to eat here." Gray sneered. Our faces turned a deep shade of red. I grabbed Gray's hair and slammed his face into his waffle.

"GRAY! WE WERE NOT FLIRTING!" I screamed at the maple syrup covered Ice Mage. He groaned as Juvia began to wipe the syrup off his face.

"Gray-s- Gray, please stop moving. Juvia is having trouble getting the syrup off" Juvia corrected her self on his name.

Gray looked down at the water Mage. He must have realized how close their faces were, because his face turned the shade of my hair. He flailed his arms around and fell backwards onto the hard floor.

"Gray!" We all cried as the sound of a bone cracking filled the air. Except for
Natsu, who was laughing hysterically.

"S-stripper fell on h-his face!" Natsu managed to say in between chuckles. Gray quickly got up and glared at the cackling dragon slayer.

Gray then switched his glare to Lucy, "So Lucy, how was the date last night?"

Lucy spit out her food onto the plate in front of her. She stared back at Gray with wide eyes, "H-how do you know about that?"

Gray just shrugged in response. Idiot. Lucy gave him a Lucy Kick to the chest, sending him flying across the buffet table.

~Levy's POV~

Crap, she's onto us! I watched as Gray stumbled forward with a large bruise on his head and bare chest. "Gray, clothes..." Erza pointed out.

Gray looked down at his chest, "KYAAA!" He grabbed his shirt from a blushing Juvia and quickly put it on.

Once clothed, Gray tried to make an escape. Big mistake. Lucy grabbed his necklace and yanked him back onto the ground. She stomped her foot on him and pressed it down on his chest. "You didn't answer my question, Gray." Lucy spit out his name like venom.

Gray cowered at the scary blonde towering over him. "I...I..."

Lucy turned towards us and gave shot us a death glare. "You're interrogation is next!" She looked like a mix of Mira and Erza.

All of the girls recoiled in fear, besides Erza. Was it just me, or did she look proud of Lucy's demon side?

I glanced at Natsu. He was completely frozen. Natsu stared down at his full plate of pancakes, waffles, an intense looking bagel, and three bowls of cereal. Sweat began to drip down his forehead.

Just before Gray was choked to death by the demonic blonde, Mira stepped in. She grabbed Lucy from behind and yanked her away. Lucy kicked frantically and snarled inaudible threats.

"Calm down! I have important news for you people and your making it hard to talk. Besides, I spilled the beans about your date with that idiot." Mira rolled her eyes. She tightened her grip on Lucy.

"EVAN IS NOT AN IDIOT!" Lucy grumbled.

Natsu mumbled something to himself at Lucy's comment. He rested his head on his hand and looked away.

"ANYWAY," Mira shouted over Lucy, "I entered us in a raffle!"

Before we could ask for an explaination, a loud blare rang through the buffet. "Testing...testing... 1 2 3!"
A woman's voice boomed.

We turned our attention towards the far wall. There stood a middle-aged woman with a microphone and a bowl filled with folded strips of paper. The woman had fading re hair tied back into a knot. A pair of purple spectacles hung off her crooked nose. She was smiling so much, it was kind of creepy.

She wore a dark blue jacket and skirt. The woman cleared her throat, "Hello guests! My name is Edith Seaspread, owner of this fabulous resort! And t is time to announce the winners of this month's Love Raffle!"

We all stared back at the snickering Mira with widen eyes. I had a really bad feeling about this raffle.

Edith looked around the room with hungry eyes. "The first winner of this raffle is..." She dove her hand into the bowl of paper. She grabbed onto one and slowly read it, "Mr and Mrs. Bishop"

A cluster of applause followed as two strangers stood up with ecstatic looks. Just a theory, but I think that's the Bishop people.

"You win a free night in the deluxe couples sweet!" The crowd applauded again and she moved onto the next prize. "The next winner, for the free dinner at our five star restaurant is..." She read off the new slip of paper, "Mr and Mrs Fernandez!"

I stared back at Erza and Jellal, who both sat at the table, completely dumb founded. Mira ran over and grabbed the two by the wrist and yanked them into the air. "Here's the winners!"

Erza and Jellal awkwardly shuffled up the woman. Edith handed them some weird certificate or something. "But that's not all, you can choose any one of your friends to come with you as a double date!"

"GAJEEL AND LEVY!" Erza screamed. She thrusted her finger and Gajeel and I. "I need to make it up to you two for the volleyball tournament!"





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