Chapter 24: Gray gets Killed

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Hello minna~

I am sick today so I spent all day on Netflix, Tumblr, and Wattpad. I never left my room for the entire day.

There's an imprint of my body etched into the mattress. Good job me!

I just started watching Full Metal Alchemist and I have officially become the most unhealthy person to become obsessed with anime.


~Lucy's POV~

I woke up with the light of the morning dining across my skin.

And the sudden sound of screaming.

My eyes shot opened and I looked desperately at my surroundings. I was still in the boy's hotel room.

My body was pressed against the bottom of the couch. A thin purple blanket was draped across my body.

I was the only person in the room. Mira was missing and Juvia had spent the night with Gray.

I suddenly remembered what happened last night. After the milkshake and body pillow incident, we watched a few episodes of Agents of SHEILD. After a bucket full of tears and waves of emotions, we headed off to bed.

Natsu headed off to his own room to go sleep with Happy. Mira and I decided we would sleep in the living room. Juvia had passed out and Gray decided he would let her sleep in his bed and him on the floor.

A smirk appeared on my face as I remembered Mira and I's warning to Gray, "Gray, we shall allow this. But if you touch her like you touch that creepy pillow of yours, we shall personally rip your eyes out of their sockets."

My remembrance was interrupted by the piercing scream from Natsu's room. That's when I noticed the large hole in the wall next to the door. An Erza sized hole.

Before I got up, I saw Happy fly through the door to his room screaming. He had bruises marked around his blue fur. "LUCY! HELP! SHE'S GONNA KILL US!"

Before the Exceed could travel close enough to have escaped, an arm draped in armor grabbed hold of Happy's tail and pulled him back in.

"Oh crap, Happy!" I yelled after him. I stumbled out of bed and ran towards their room. I gasped once I saw the scene within the room.

Happy was crying in the corner while Natsu was sprawled on the floor. Erza was pulling his legs into the hair while simultaneously pushing Natsu's head into the floor.

He cried out in pain as Erza pulled out a sword. "YOU SNEAKY LITTLE IDIOTS ARE GONNA DIE!"

I snuck behind the devil and the dragon and grabbed Happy's corpse. I thought I could sneak out with the poor cat and hide in our hotel room.

I was almost out the door when I heard an idiot's voice, "Lucccccy! Help me"

"Lucy? You're next!" Erza shrieked. Happy jumped out of my hands and escaped through the door. I cursed at the traitor as I felt a hand wrap around my arm.

Erza pulled me down next to Natsu and began to beat me to a pulp. Less than Natsu's beating, but it still caused a ton of pain throughout my body.

Once I had lost the will to move, Erza left us there to moan in pain. "Two down, Gray and Juvia, you're next!" She mumbled to herself while stomping out of the room.

"Hey Luce, thanks for not caring about me while I was getting beaten back there." Natsu pouted sarcastically.

I flicked his nose and stuck out my tongue, "You're the one who called out my name when I was trying to rescue your cat!"

"Happy deserved the pain!"


"He said-NEVERMIND THAT! Let's just make sure the stalker and the stripper aren't dead. If anyone is gonna have the pleasure of killing that pervert, it'll be me!" Natsu pulled himself off the ground. He smiled down at me and extended his hand, "C'mon, let's go check on 'em!"

Before I could grab his hand, I heard Erza scream from a few rooms down, "GRAY YOU PERVERT! WHAT IS WITH YOU GUYS AND MOLESTING MY FRIENDS!"

At that last comment, all the color drained from Natsu's face. I smirked at his expression, "So first things first, I am going to go aid Erza in beating the living crap out of Gray for molesting my friends. After, you get the privilege of explaining Erza's comment about you guys molesting our friends. Sound good?"

He stuttered instead of giving me a straight forward response. "I'm going to take that as a yes."
~Natsu's POV~

I watched as Lucy stormed out of the room. Her blonde hair bounced against her back with each step she took.

I stood there, not moving any muscle in my body. I don't know how long I was standing there, but I could here even more screaming from Gray's room than before.


"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!"


Also a lot of cursing followed by Gray's shrill screams of pain. Music to my ears.

While Gray was keeping the girls occupied, I sat down on my bed. I leaned down and placed my head between my legs and stared at my floor.

"Lucy doesn't remember." I whispered to myself. It was true. She must not have remembered that I kissed her on the cheeks the other night. Lucy must have not noticed, or thought it wasn't real.

That's why she has been acting so normal lately. Well, normal for Lucy, that is.

I leaned backwards so that my body fell onto the bed. I know looked up at the cieling. I should be happy about her forgetting, right? I should feel a huge weight being lifted off of me. That's what happened in the movies as Lucy's books.

But not for me. I felt the weight grow ten times worse. I could barely breath and my heart felt as if it was being squished by Elfman during his full body take-over.

I slumped forward and pressed my forehead to the wall. I hated this feeling. I wish I could just burn the feeling.

As if to stop my thinking and heartache, I heard a crash, scream, and was then impaled by a flying object. Gray was thrown threw the walls, and crashed into me.

Dun, dun, dunnnnnn. (Dramatic music!)

Natsu, sadly, was correct. Lucy was as dense as he was and cannot believe that Natsu would kiss her. She thinks it was just her imagination.

Although this will make the story more interesting, it was so difficult to write. MY BABIES.

Also, to all my Homestuck fans, I have just started watching the Let's Read Homestuck series on YouTube. I'm on Act 2 Part 4.


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