Chapter 21: Growing Up

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Hello minna~

Please don't kill me. I AM SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!

I had three friend's birthdays this week and I am helping plan all of their surprise parties.

Sadly, they don't watch Fairy Tail, except for one. For whom I drew NaLu on her birthday card. Really hope she isn't reading this.

Thanks for all your comments and death threats about updating! Listening to Na Na Na by MCR.


~Jellal's POV~

Gajeel and I stood in front of the large mirror that hung in the living room. I was straightening my tie, while Gajeel was attempting to brush down his thick black hair.

"Tch. Stupid hair." Gajeel hissed to himself. He threw down the broken hairbrush in defeat.

We both wore black suits given to us by an ecstatic Mirajane. Suprisingly, Gajeel needed help from his Exceed, Pantherlily to get the suit on.

I was wearing a fancy matching fedora to help conceal my blue hair and at least sort of cover my tattoo.

After all, I am still a wanted criminal. That reminds me, I have to call Ultear and Meredy and tell them about my time here so far.

"You okay there buddy?" I asked the pouting dragon slayer.

He glared at me and scrunched up his face, "Just peachy. Can we go now?"

I rolled my eyes at him and returning my attention back to my tie which had been tossed askew. "Mira told us we have to wait for her to come and get us. So no, we can't"

"Stupid devil lady..." Gajeel muttered to himself. He proceeded to the couches and plopped down. That's when I noticed a ready-to-tease Natsu and a sulking Gray.

"You boys have fun on your date!" Natsu changed his voice to sound like the ugliest woman ever, "Oh, my little boys. They grow up so fast!" Natsu wiped away a fake tear.

"Don't worry mom. We will have lots of fun. And we'll talk about Juvia and Lucy while we're there!" I shot back at the two. Their eyes widened and looked back at me. "Who knows, maybe we'll find out who their new crushes are."

Gray pushed Natsu out of the way ad screamed, "NEW CRUSH?! I-I mean, Juvia has a.... new crush? Is that why she started to avoid me?" He began to panic and started muttering questions about Juvia to himself.

"Well, Ice Baby is lovesick" Gajeel smirked.


"Are too."


"Lies of the Ice Baby."

Natsu was rolling around on the floor laughing hysterically. He had his arms wrapped around his chest and was frantically kicking around as he belted out his laughs.

Suddenly, before the 'Ice Baby Feud' could continue, there was a sudden knock at the door. You could hear Mira's voice from the other side, "Boys! You better be ready! Come over to our room and pick up the girls."

"I promise to tell former-stalker about how you hate her!" Gajeel teased Gray. Before we closed the door behind us, you could hear Gray scream, "YOU BETTER NOT!"

~Gajeel's POV~

Oh, how I love making that ice freak spaz out over Juvia. He is so dense, not realizing his feelings for the girl he so obviously loves. What an idiot!

I slammed my fist onto the girls' door. Jellal scowled at me as I almost punched a hole in the wood.

"We're coming! We're coming! Calm down you idiots!" Levy was heard from behind the door.

In a second, the door flew open and there stood the two girls we would be dining with.

Jellal and I just stared at them, not saying a word. We didn't realize the cameras and army of squealing girls behind them.

I only snapped back into reality when Levy waved her hand in front of my face. "Hello~ Anyone in there? Gajeel~" She began to beat my head with her knuckle.

"Ow! I'm here, I'm here! You're violent, Pipsqueak." I grumbled, rubbing my head.

"I AM NOT! And my name's Levy! Are you capable of saying it. Le-vy." She huffed. She was wear a white dress that went down a little past her knees. Her blue hair was straightened and fell gracefully onto her shoulders. Levy wore a pair of white sandals to go with it. She looked stunning.

"Just so you know, I am capable of saying your name, I just choose not to. See watch, Levy." I pouted back at her. Her name felt so foreign coming out, but I kind of liked it.

"AWAKEN OH SLUMBERING JELLAL!" I heard Erza chant. I looked over and saw that Jellal was still not moving, blinking, or possibly breathing and was just staring at the red head. Erza raised her hand and slapped him in the face.

"OW! I'm up! S-sorry, Erza." Jellal said shyly, placing a hand over the red mark on his cheek. Erza was wearing a black dress the went all the way down to her feet. Her red hair was pulled back into a bun. She looked okay to me, but Levy looked better.

"Shall we go, m'lady?" Jellal bowed and offered an arm to the blushing Erza.

"S-sure" She wrapped both of her arms around Jellal's and started towards the elevator.

I turned to Levy and grabbed her arms and placed them onto mine. "I guess if no one else is going to take you and you insist, I guess we should be going."

"I didn't insist." Levy pouted. We walked towards the elevators and away from out squealing guild members.

GAH! So cute. Natsu's babies are growing up. Romeo was sleeping so he didn't make an appearance.

Their date will be seen next chapter!

Until then, please vote and leave more comments about how strange these hopeless idiots are!


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