OVA: Halloween Part 3

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Hello Minna~

I have spent almost half a year writing FIFTY chapters of this spaztastic story. Congratualtions me!

And what better way then to post the lucky fiftieth on the day of my birth/ world awakening! Guess who bought themselves a bunch of nerd merch? *Double thumbs point stupidly at myself like Dipper* THIS GUY!

And a note to my fellow Homestuck buddies: Holy shoot me in the foot, THE UPD8 IS HERE. AND I WILL MURDER HUSSIE THAT DUMB POOPY HEAD. That is all.

Also, it was only a few days ago that I realized how for Team Gruvia I should have made Mr Freeze and his kinda dead wife, Nora. Well poop I missed out on that one.

Quote of the day: "Compared to me, you're blind!"



"The first couple up is...." He paused for suspense. Those in the guild leaned forward, excited to see the couples. Who would win this year? Is it true that Team JeRza has entered the contest, too?




Makarov interrupted Max's annoying suspense by shouting, "Just say the damn names already!"

"Hai hai, Master." He looked down at the paper and slowly regained his confidence. "The first couple is..."


"Alright, so the first couple is..." Max squinted his eyes and stared at the paper. Once he read the words scribbled onto the parchment, his cheeks burst into blush. "Who the hell wrote this?"

He held it up into the air showing in read ink was 'Max and his Broom <3'. The guild burst into laughter, a few not understanding the embarrassing story behind the cruel joke.

Master wiped away a single tear that was forming at his eye from laughing so hard. "S-sorry, Max. I couldn't help it. It was just so funny."

Another wave of laughter roared through the crowd at the guild master's childness. He apologized once again for embarrassing him, then handed the Mage another list of names.

"Now then," He continued, eyeing the crowd suspiciously. Max half expected someone to throw a broom at his head. A shiver went down his back at the very thought of the broom breaking. "The first couple is Romeo and Wendy as Starfire and Robin from the Teen Titans!"

The two currently sixteen year old teenagers walked onto the stage, waving to the crowd. Romeo was miraculously taller, gaining more muscles over the years. He wore green tights than trailed all the way up to his stomach and a red sleeveless shirt with an R on the breast. Romeo had a cape pulled over his shoulders with his hair slicked back.

He waved to the crowd with embarrassment as they roared in delight. Wendy laughed beside him as she smiled towards the guild. She wore a slightly more appropriate version of a Starfire costume.

Her purple dress went down to her knees, were they met with matching tall boots. She had fingerless gloves that matched the rest of her outfit that reached just above her elbows. Her hair was left hanging down.

"Thank you, everyone!" The pair laughed as the crowd loosened their applause.

Max gestured towards Romeo and Wendy, "Aren't they just precious? Let's give one more round of applause for the Teen Titans!"

The two hurried off the stage, casually giving high fives to those in the front of the crowd. Max sent Romeo a thumbs up and of course a meaningful wink.

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