Chapter 7: Surprise Roommate

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Hello minna~

I am literally jumping up and down. I am almost to 100 views in just 3 days.

Thank you guys so much! I am so grateful.

Well back to the story!

Please vote and comment.

I want to dedicate this chapter to The_Name_Unicorns. She has awesome fan fictions and I really suggest you read them.


~Normal POV~

Each of the girls' rooms are identical and about the size of Lucy's apartment. The 'main room' inside their bedrooms consisted of a queen sized bed, across from that was a bookcase filled with various books, a desk with a large mirror, and a dresser. Attached to the bedroom is a large bathroom, it has a deluxe bath and shower, as well as the other bathroom essentials.

The girls had entered their own individual rooms and began to unpack. In about an hour, each room was designed in a particular way. Levy's room had books scattered around in different places. On her bed resided a pillow in the shape of an owl.

Erza's room was turned into a storage unit for her weapons and armor. In the corner was an already beaten up dummy, for which the Mage had practiced techniques on.

Lucy's room had clothes shoved it the drawers and closets. She had her keys placed on a small pillow on her dresser. At her desk, she set up paper, a light blue pen and pencil, and ink. Lucy planned to write letters to her mother and write parts of her novel while she was there.

Juvia's room, no surprise, had life size posters of Gray plastered on the wall. On her bed were several Gray pillows and plushies. Upon her desk and dresser were Gray action figures and bobble heads. Juvia sat on her bed, caressing a framed portrait of her beloved.

Wendy's room was the most normal of all of them. She had brought Her clothes and hung them up in her closet. The few dolls she had brought with her were placed neatly on her bed. Carla's red cat bed rested at the foot of her bed.

Lisanna and Mira's bedroom had two beds and was filled with lots of beauty products and designer outfits. Mira, however, had hid a lot of 'romance' games in her bag.

~Erza's POV~

I slashed my black sword down at the dummy, slicing off it's arm. I breathed heavily as small droplets of sweat appeared on my forehead.

I requipped back into my light green sundress. The dress fell down half way between my ankles and knee. I sighed and started out the door.

Lucy, Wendy, Lisanna, and Mira were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Wendy looked up and gestured for me to come over.

As I got closer, I realized they were watching Les Miserables. I sat beside Mira, who hadn't realized I was there yet.

"Where are the others?" I asked them.

Lucy turned away from the TV to answer me, "Levy is unpacking the last of her books and Juvia is with her...dolls right now. They should be out any minute now."

Lisanna smiled at me, "These to told me about our bellhop, Evan. He seems charming, doesn't he?"

I nodded. He was nice and I guess he was handsome. I gently placed my fingers on my hand, where Evan had kissed.

"That reminds me, Evan came back and offered to show all of us around the resort. You know, like give us a tour and stuff." Lucy added.

Suddenly, Juvia and Levy had came out of their rooms and walked down the stairs. Wendy grabbed the remote and turned off the television.

"Hi guys, sorry we were late!" Levy apologized. She scratched the back of her neck nervously.

Juvia had started to cry. "Juvia was separated from Gray-sama." She mumbled under her breath.


~Gray's POV~

Sam turned the key and opened the door for us. We gasped at our suite.

(A/N: The guys have the same suite as the girls.)

I walked in, dragging my suitcase behind me. Then I saw a hint of blue hair from across the room. The blue haired man was sitting on a white couch, wearing a pair of tan shirts and a white T-shirt. He looked up, revealing an eye tattoo.

"Jellal?!" Natsu, Happy, and I screamed.

"Mystogan?!" Gajeel shouted. Oh right, Gajeel doesn't know him. Romeo stood there, utterly confused.

Jellal had a pleased expression on his face, "Oh hello guys! It's great to see you all again."


Timeskip (one hour)

"Okay, so shall we go meet up with the girls?" Romeo suggested. We had all unpacked and were now sitting around the dining table. I grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter.

"Sure" I shrugged and took and bite out of the apple. A wet crunch filled the air as I chewed.

We got up and heard shuffling from out in the hallway.

~Levy's POV~

We walked down the hallway and were about to turn the corner when we ward a shout.

"Hey, where you guys going?" a familiar voice asked. We turned around and saw all the guys in the middle of the hallway. But I saw a familiar blue haired man leaning against the doorframe.

His eyes lit up when he saw Erza. "Hey, Erza." He wave at her, blushing slightly.

Erza however, had her mouth wide open, unable to form words. "J-Jellal?" She stuttered.

Jellal. I suddenly remembered the car trip down here.

"Well, how about you tell us who your first childhood crush was?" Lucy asked Erza. She paused and then began to blush.


So this is Erza's first crush, huh? I snickered and then pushed the thought aside.

"So, where are you girls heading?" Gajeel interrupted. He ruined such a cute reunion. That iron headed idiot.

"We were actually going to go check out the resort." I said. Everyone's eyes were on me, and I felt a slight discomfort.

Soon, all of the guys expressions turned into wide eyes and smiles. "Really?" Natsu exclaimed, "Could we show you around?" He gestured to the group of boys.

"Oh, well actually, Evan, our bellhop, we sorta told him he could show us around. We supposed to meet up with him right now." Lucy explained, apologetically. I was shocked when I saw all the guys expressions turned from angry to depressed. Except for Jellal, who was still having a staring contest with Erza.

"Evan, huh?" Gajeel moaned. He stared at me and I felt my cheeks start to burn up. I quickly looked away to hide my blush.

Wendy perks up, "Wait! Maybe we can all go together. You guys don't think Evan will mind do you?" Wendy turns to us. I shrugged and the boys looked extatic.

"C'mon let's go!" Erza, before I knew it, was leading everyone to the elevators. I was about to run to catch up with everyone when I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

I peered over my shoulder, only to see Gajeel looking away smirking. "Well, of no one else is going to take you, I guess I have to." I could have sworn I saw him blush a little.

Gajeel then picked me up and lifted my onto his shoulder. I flailed around and started pounding my fists on Gajeel's back and started kicking his chest.

"LET ME GO! I CAN WALK FOR MYSELF!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I tried to escape, but it was no use. Gajeel had a tight grip on me.

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