Chapter 47: Jet Skies

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Hello minna~

OH MY MAVIS, THE NEW CHAPTER IS JUST SO FLIPPING EPIC! With Natsu and then you-know-who and then...OMG.

I know in the new episode there was that preview and after watching it I just sat there with this awe struck expression. I started whispering "Nalu" over and over again.

Then I went back and tried to look for it in the manga, BUT IT WASN'T THERE. AND LUCY IS IN A WEDDING GOWN.

So I got in the shipping mood, so here's another chapter! (10 questions and answers at the end)

Also, did anyone else here about the Attack on Titan movie? With Armin being played by a girl?



~Natsu's POV~

"Here we are!" Mira announced. We all stood in front of an old wooden shack. It's walls were beaten and the green paint was chipping off. Gray and I exchanged questioning looks just as a board fell to the ground.

"What exactly is 'here'?" Levy asked from beside Gajeel. She was squished between him and my nervous looking partner.

The barmaid spun around and clicked her tongue at us in annoyance. she gestured to a worn out sign with faded letters. "Can't you read? We're going jet skiing!"

"I don't know if this place is trust worthy. I would prefer that my obituary isn't about myself dying on a crappy jet ski." Gray added reasonably. Some of us bobbed our heads in agreement with the Icy Idiot.

"Juvia agrees with Gray-sama. This place seems crappy." She huffed. Suddenly, a man appeared from the shack.

He looked to be in his mid-thirties. His curly brown hair was shove under a navy blue baseball cap. His long face and pointy chin were covered by a dark goatee. He was wearing a vibrant Hawaiian shirt with shorts.

"Oh, hello. You must be the Fairy Tail group, and you must be Mira." The man smiled as he leaned over towards the matchmaker. He seemed way too energetic for a man working at such an ugly shack.

Makes me wonder how he even got into such a fancy resort. With a flirtatious staff.

"Yes, that would be me. And you are?" Mirajane asked him politely.

He grinned at her and chuckled, "Shawn."

"Be carful buddy, you get too close to her and Laxus will come and electrocute you." Gray warned jokingly. But we all knew that if any man tried to flirt with Mira, Laxus would come.

He tried not look scared at the comment as he continued, "You probably talked with my partner, Gus over the phone." She nodded her head. "Did he tell you about the rules?"

"Most of them. But maybe you should just do a short briefing for them." I saw as a devilish twinkle formed in the girl's eye. Levy and Lucy grabbed one another's arms.

"Alright, hello everybody." He waved to us. "My name is Shawn and I'll be your jet skiing instructor today. Now we don't have that many jet skis, so there will be two people per ski. Everyone partner-"

He wasn't allowed to finish as all of us scrambled for a partner. Gray immediately grabbed Juvia, which of course made the girl squeal with delight. Jellal and Erza didn't even budge but just went for each other's hand. Romeo shyly asked Wendy if they could be partners. Adorable.

Lucy and Levy tackled one another and she screamed, "Levy's my partner! No one else!"

"And Lucy's mine!" She added as they gripped one another tighter.

Fairy Tail Beach [Nalu, Jerza, Gale, Gruvia Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now