Chapter 3: Sleepover

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Sup Minna!

Thanks for those who read this. I promise it will get better! Sorry if it's kinda boring at the moment. This chapter is all about the girls' sleepover. But remember who's there!!! MIRA.

HAHA. Please like and comment.



~Lucy's POV~

I jiggled the key into the lock. It wasn't working. Great the lock is broken. Again.

"Something wrong, Lucy?" I heard Mira ask from behind me. All the girls began to crowd around me.

"Well...its the lock, it's k-kinda....broken" I whispered the last part, hoping a certain red head hadn't heard it.

I felt a strong hand clamp onto my shoulder. "It's okay, Lucy. I'll open the door." Erza smiled down at me. I had a bad feeling about this.

Erza stepped up and place one hand on the space above the door knob. I could hear her steady her breathing. But then, Erza punched my door, creating a giant hole above the door knob. She put her arm through the hole and unlocked from the other side.

"See, unlocked!" Erza looked proud of her acheiment. All I could think about was the wrath of my land lady. All the girls file into my house.

I was still at the door, slowly putting the door bak together with some hot glue. When I finished, I heard Levy calling me, "um...Lu-chan, you have some other guests here!" The girls snickered behind her.

Oh please not them. I will be teased so much. I walked cautiously into the main room. All of the girls sat in a half circle around my bed, where there was a big moving lump under the sheets.

"Natsu..." I whispered in anger to myself. I stormed over to the bed. I grabbed my sheets and pulled them off. Sure enough, there was Natsu and Happy cuddling in my bed.

Before I could give him one of my famous Lucy Kicks, he turned over in his sleep so his sleeping face was pointed at me. He really was cute when he sleeped. I could feel my cheeks begin to burn.

"Lucy..." Natsu whispered in his sleep. I blushed even harder. I heard a collection of 'awww' from the girls behind me.

I climbed onto the bed, ready to kick them out the open window. But as soon as I got onto the bed, Natsu grabbed my waist and pulled me close to his chest. My face was pure red. I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck.

The girls looked like they were going on a field trip, especially Mira. She had taken out her phone and started taking pictures.

I started squirming out, but Natsu had a tight grip. He then wrapped his other arm around me, pulling me even closer. "Lucy..." He whispered.

Happy then woke up and stared at the whole scene. His eyes grew wide as he saw sleeping Natsu cuddling with a terrified me. He then began to chuckle and flew away and into Mira's lap.

"They lllllike each other" All of them said in unison.

"I will kill you all!" I half whispered, half shouted. That's what got Natsu to wake up. His eyes fluttered open and saw what he was doing.

"Oh, uh, hey Lucy" he said awkwardly.

"H-hi. Um Natsu?"


"Can you let go of me, now"

He began to blush as hard as me and immediately let go of me. "SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!" He shouted. That's when we both realized something.

I noticed that Natsu was shirtless. Natsu noticed the crowd of girls and Happy all smirking at us. I then couldn't tell which of us was blushing harder.

"Well, hello lovebirds" Mira cooed. All of them began to snicker.

"I-I got to go" Natsu stuttered. He grabbed his vest and jumped out the window, with Happy following close behind him.

I turned and saw a huge group of girls, grinning like idiots, staring at me. Mira looked like she Erza with a lifetime supply of strawberry cake.

"S-shut up.." I stare down at my thumbs. Wendy, thank Mavis, was there with all the girls.

"Hey, let's watch a movie. Anyone up for Frozen?" Wendy changed the topic, holding up her copy of Frozen.

We all jumped for joy and watched the movie in a huddled group. We ate popcorn and sang along with everyone of the songs. My favorite part was when Juvia got ice cubes from my fridge and threw them at us during Let It Go!

I am so thankful for these girls, who forgot about the whole incident so quickly.


~Natsu's POV~

I walked back home with my hands behind my head. If it wasn't for the dark, Happy would tease me even more about my blushing face.

"You lllllike her" Happy rolled his tongue.

"No I don't.... shut up" I snapped back.

Happy did flips in the air and then landed on my head. "Fine, but what were you dreaming about?" I froze.

Did I talk in my sleep? How much did I say? Happy, as if he read my mind, whispered into my ear.

"You confessed your undying love for her..."

I jumped into the air and my heart started racing in my chest. "WHAT!? I DID!?"

Happy started rolling around on the ground, laughing hysterically.

"No, y-you just said.. Lucy!" Happy gasped in between laughs.

I clenched my fist, "sometimes, I really hate you"

"Yeah, but sometimes you really love Lucy! Now let's go pack up for our trip tomorrow." Happy flew ahead of me.

I ran after him, trying to ignore his many comments about Lucy and I.

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