Chapter 5: Bellhops

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Hello minna!

I just have to thank everyone who has been reading my fan fiction. I am honestly extremely honored and when I saw in two days I got over thirty views I was ecstatic. That might not seem like a lot to some of you, but to me that's awesome.

I would like to dedicate this story to a_nime. She wrote this amazing NaLu fan fiction called A Forced Love. I really suggest it.

Thanks again for reading! Please like and comment.



~Gajeel's POV~

Natsu sat beside me and was staring out the window of the car. The trees had turned from the ones we see back in Magnolia to palm trees.

I sighed and looked ahead of us. Mira turned a corner and we could see the beach in the distance. The blue sea rippled and lined against the horizon.

I guess most of the car had noticed it as well, they were all looking out the windows. Some people had their faces pressed against the glass, like Erza and Romeo. And Levy.

"We're almost at the resort, guys!" Mira exclaimed. She turned her head and gave us a smile.

"Oh wow, I'm so excited." Lucy whispered to Levy. She giggled sweetly and nodded. Her smile made my body feel warm.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shout from Wendy. She had stood up in her seat and was pointing to a huge building in the distance.

"That's it! That's the resort!" Wendy squealed. We all turned our attention towards where Wendy had pointed.

Mira smiled and pushed down on the gas. The car lurched forward and zoomed down the street.

As we got closer, everyone gasped at the size of the place. It looked to be half of a mile long, with private beaches right in front of it.

Master Makarov had turned to us. "Well, we are here."


~Wendy's POV~

The cars had lined up in front of big glass doors. Soon, guild members spilled out and had crowded together in front of the doors.

Soon, men and women had come and started taking our bags out of our cars and bringing them inside the resort.

Some of the bellhops wore velvet jackets the color of the ocean. The jackets were lined with golden stitches. Their pants were loose fitting and white.

The other bellhops were wearing polo T-shirts that had the company logo over the heart; two seagulls over the ocean inside a circle. They wore white shorts that ended at the knees.

I walked over and tugged at Mira's red dress.

"Um, what's with the different outfits?" I asked her. I pointed towards the two different bellhops.

Mira stared at them for awhile, then shrugged, "I think it has something to do with rank. The ones in the comfier outfit seem to be more, er, dominant."

I nodded at her. She turned to go help Master, who was harassed by a young child.

"Wendy! We're heading inside, you coming?" Levy called me. Everyone in the guild had started to go inside to the lobby. I had to squeeze through the crowd before I could see my friends.

Mira and Master were standing I front I everyone. Everyone quieted down and turned their attention to them.

Mira cleared her throat, "Ahem, so the rooms and quite large and expensive. So each room will have multiple people. Master has decided that those in your car shall be who you room with."

Reedus raised his hand into the air. "Does that mean the rooms will be," he paused for a moment, trying to find the right word. "...mixed-gender?"

Master was the one to anwser, "Nope! It will be girls in one room, boys in the other."

We all grouped up again, just as we did in the guild before.

"We're roomies!" Levy and Lucy exclaimed. They jumped up and down, grabbing one another's hands.

Juvia was staring across the lobby t a stripping Gray ,who was throwing a punch at Natsu.

"KNOCK IT OFF!" Erza yelled at them. They looked at us then shivered as nodded.

"A-aye, sir!" Natsu cowered, sounding like Happy. Carla shook her head in disapproval.

We sat down and started discussing our evening plans. Juvia had told us it was about five o'clock right now.

The group had decided to explore the resort when a bellhop had come up to us. He had messy blonde hair and was wearing one of the higher ranked outfits.

He smiled at us and handed Erza six pair of keys. "Hello ladies. My name is Evan, I shall be at your service for the duration of your stay. Might I add, it is my pleasure to be serving such beautiful ladies." He leaned down and grabbed each of our hands and kissed it lightly.

I felt a small blush cover my cheeks as he kissed my hand. "You, my dear, are so young, yet so beautiful."

Evan than stood up and turned his attention back to the group. "Okay, now I shall show you all to your room." He wrapped his arm around Lucy, and lead us to the elevators.


~Natsu's POV~

A young girl about our age bounced up to us. She grinned at us. Her light brown hair was pulled back and freckles dotted her cheeks.

"Hello, my name is Samantha. You can call me Sam. I will be your guide while you stay at our Resort" The girl bounced on the balls of her feet.

She continued to talk, but none of us were listening. Instead, we were all glaring at the scene across the lobby. Some guy with blonde hair was kissing the hands of Lucy and the others. To make things worst, they were all blushing. Even Erza.

I looked over and saw I was not the only one who wasn't pissed about it. Gajeel and Gray looked ready to murder, where Romeo was just frowning at the guy.

"-now I will take you to your rooms" We all snapped our attention back to Sam. She smiled brightly and lead us towards a hallway filled with elevators.

We all filed into the elevator. Sam pressed the button labeled 'floor 37' and the metal doors closed.

"Master?" I heard someone say. I looked over and saw the smiling dwarf that was our master.

"Hey Gramps! Wait, are you gonna be our roommate?" I shivered at the thought of sleeping in the same room as Gramps.

He shook his head, making his mustache swirl around, "No no no. I am the Master of this guild. I get my own room! That reminds me, you will have another roommate, but he is not officially from our guild..."

"Who?" Romeo asked, looking confused.

Just before he could anwser, the doors flew open.

"This is your floor gentlemen. Please follow me" Sam replied, and we all walked out of the elevators.



Who will their roommate be? Find out during the next chapter!

Ok thanks for reading, commenting, and voting. I really appreciate it!


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