Chapter 36: Surfing Sucks

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Hello Minna~

Yes, that chapter totally happened.

OH. MY. GOSH. Your comments are literally the best thing ever. I was at my town's public pool and I was waiting for my friend to arrive so I decided, 'Hey, why don't I read the comments on the new chapter!'

I was laughing so much and retardedly that a lifeguard actually asked me if I was in pain and needed help.

I mean, I sorta did, I had ceased breathing from all the laughing. But that doesn't matter!

What does matter, is the new chapter!!!

You see that^ Three exclamation points. Not one. Not two. Not four. But three. That's how serious I am.


~Gray's POV~

Here comes, quite possibly, the awkwardest breakfast I have ever had. Who's bright idea was it for the guys and girls to eat together? Oh right, Mira.

Let me explain how everyone was acting.

Romeo and Wendy were probably the most normal out of everyone. No surprise there.

They were just innocently sitting in the center of the table, not saying a word. Besides the occasional, "How is everyone?", those two were silent.

Now, Gajeel and Levy were sitting next to one another. They kept glancing over to one another, then quickly looking away. It was sort of adorable...

And they thought none of us had noticed it. Those confused idiots.

Juvia and I weren't even doing that. She has been switching moods with me ever since the incident at the bridge.

At one moment, she would be bubbly and smiling. Then later, she would be hiding from me and avoiding me at all costs. It was really frustrating.

Erza and Jellal were putting on a strangely nauseating scene right in front of us. They would either be whispering to one another or feeding one another.

Also by the way they were positioned, I could tell they were holding hands under the table. Being in a relationship looked. . . . . . strange.

But none were more awkward then Natsu and Lucy! Yes, they won the prize for most awkward. Good job you two.

Anyway, they really were terrible. Instead of sitting next to each other like they always do, they sat on opposite ends of the table.

Both of their faces were pure red and they just kept staring down at their hands. Okay, so that was more of Lucy but Natsu was still pretty bad. He was quieter than usual and didn't eat that much.

But we can't forget about Mira and Lisanna, whom didn't help in the awkwardness at all. In fact, they sort of made it worse.

"So, how are things?" Wendy squeaked from over the table. Carla was curled up in her lap and taking a small nap.

When no one answered, Lisanna spoke, "Just great. Thanks, Wendy. So-"

"How'd the date go? Was there lots of kissing and babies?" Mira cut off her sister. Her eyes began to sparkle at the mention of babies.

Jellal and Erza stiffened from their whispering at stared back at Mira. he leaned in and whispered to Erza, "What's this about babies?"

Erza shouted over him, ignoring his question, "The date went wonderfully and I will not go into to detail of the events of last night."

Fairy Tail Beach [Nalu, Jerza, Gale, Gruvia Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now