Chapter 27: Video Game Diseaster

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Hello Minna~

I JUST DID A DOUBLE FEATURE MOVIE NIGHT! I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the new X-Men movie.

They were both so epic! I can't wait for them to come out on DVD. Also, I went to a museum in NYC.

They had a planetarium where they had a constellations show. They talked about Virgo, Leo the Lion, Scorpio, and others. I was freaking out!


~Gray's POV~

We all sat around the TV, lying on any available couch or seat. Of course, Mira coincidently put all her favorite couples side by side.

Juvia and I were forced to share the same chair. She generously let me have the seat while he sat upon the arm.

Natsu and Lucy were forced into the same situation, except they just didn't care and sat squished together on the seat. Adorable dense idiots. Happy was curled up in Lucy's lap, non-stop smirking.

The previous night's 'Double Date Gang' all sat together on the main couch. Mira and Laxus sat in two chairs behind us, surveying our every move.

Romeo, Wendy, Carla, and Pantherlily all sat on the floor with a group of pillows thrown around them.

"Juvia and Gray, you're up next!" Levy called us. She and a defeated Gajeel handed us the remotes.

We had already finished three other games and we were now on our fourth, Super Smash Bros. I looked over at the surprising power team, Natsu and Lucy.

"Prepare to die!" Lucy laughed menically.

Natsu followed her lead and began to laugh, "We are going to kick Stripper and Stalker's asses!"

I grumbled, "No way, Flamebrain! Your asses shall be kicked!" Wow, that sounded better in my head.

I felt a soft hand on my arm. I looked over at Juvia, who was smiling at me. "Calm down, Gray. Juvia and Gray will kick their butts! We're the best!" She pumped her hand into the air.

My cheeks began to heat up and she pulled me from our seat and to the front of the television.

The screen read, 'PICK YOUR CHARACTER'. Lucy chose some weird pink thing called Jigglypuff. Natsu also chose a little pink thing, but his way Kirby. His character is apparently known for eating alot. Suits the Flamebrain nicely.

Juvia scrolled through the characters until she landed on two weird little twin characters. She quickly clicked on them and their names appeared, Ice Climbers.

"Why did you chose them?" I asked her curiously. She just giggled at me in response.

Finally she replied, "Because they remind Juvia of Gray!" My blush became progressively worse. She then jumped up and pointed towards a familiar character. "Juvia thinks you should be this one. Its the Link character from your favorite game!"

Juvia was right! Her and I just completed the game with the others for our last game. I select him and the screen begins to fade away.

Soon, we are on a small island map with two creepy trees with faces on them. Natsu and Lucy are on one side and Juvia and myself are on the other.

In large red letters, the screen flashed 'READY? BEGIN!' Before I knew what was happening, Juvia and Lucy launched at one another.

Juvia got a few good slams at Lucy with one of her characters' hammer. But Lucy's character whipped out a mini microphone and soon, Juvia an I were asleep.

"C'mon guys! Get up!"



"You sound like Elfman!


When our characters awoke, Lucy and Juvia went back to killing one another. Natsu opened his mouth and sucked me into his body.

"What the hell?!" I screamed at the screen. I began to randomly press the buttons, not having a clue what's happening.

Natsu released me, but now had Link's hat on his head. His character pulled out a sword and rapidly began to stab me. I roared, "I can't move! I think my controller broke!"

Natsu sneered, "Nope you just suck, Ice Cubes." I want to punch him in real life so badly. However, Erza was glaring at me from behind. I can feel it.

After a few minutes of getting beaten badly, the battle was finally over. Lucy and Natsu were declared the winners.

They began cheering and high-fiving one another. "WE RULE! We are unbeatable! Who dares challenge us?"

Juvia just rolled her eyes at the strangeness of our friends. She calmly walked back to our seat. I puffed out my cheeks, "No fair! You have Lucy on your side!"

~No One's POV~

Natsu tilted his head back and grinned. He wrapped his arm around Lucy, pulling her closer to himself. "Not my fault my partners so badass and Juvia isn't!"

Gray glared angrily at the dragon slayer. He reached over and grabbed Juvia's wrist. In one swift movement, he yanked her off the chair and squished beside him. He belted, "No way! Juvia is the best partner! She can kick Lucy's ass any day of the week!"

The two began to fight about their partners as the girls kept trying to escape the guys' grasps.

Before long, Mira had wiped out her camera and Gajeel had stepped up into the fight. With Levy draped over his shoulder, he argued, "My Levy is better than all of your partners combined!"

The blue haired girl blushed intently and continued to flail around. She pounded her fists on his chest, "LEMME GO, YOU OAF!"

The guys ignored one another and continued arguing. Laxus sat, his tolerance for these people growing thinner by the minute.

He peered over at the white haired girl next to him. Mira had her video camera stuck to her face, capturing every moment of this event.

Jellal chuckled at the obsurd scene before him. "Your friends are so weird. I love it!" He looked over to Erza, expecting her to be laughing as well, but was brought to a very different expression.

Erza, without hesitation, grabbed onto Jellal's neck and yanked him towards the fight. She slammed his body onto the ground and thrusted her finger at him, "Jellal is way better than all of your partners! And he is the most pretty!"

"Excuse me?!" A chorus of annoyed girls, plus Jellal, screamed at the red head.

They fighting became more intense and slowly turned violent. Laxus blew a fuse. "QUIET DOWN!"

Everyone stopped in their tracks. Natsu had his hands clasped around Gray's neck, while Lucy and Juvia were trying to get him off.

Erza was smashing foreheads with Gajeel about whose partner looks best with blue hair, ignoring Juvia. Levy was trying to calm Gajeel down by kicking him in the knee cap. Jellal was trying to pull Erza away, but also to no avail.

Laxus stomped over. Romeo, Wendy, and Lisanna were hiding behind a turned over table, used now as a fort. Everyone gulped when he stood in front of the four troublemakers.

He bent down and growled, "All of you can shut up about 'Best Partners'. It's childish and stupid. And besides," He paused and winked over at Mira, "I already have the best one of all!"

Mira flushed red. She tried to change the subject to calm everyone down, "H-How about we play Truth or Dare!?"


Truth or Dare! Truth or Dare!

That's about it.

Until next time, (the host club will be waiting)


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