Chapter 18: The Fight

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I spent so long figuring out how this chapter should go. I ended up just throwing my original plan out the window and just making it up as I go.

I am proud to say, a lot of people enjoyed my '30 Jerza Babies' line from Mira. I honestly was on the verge of dying while writing that.



~Lucy's POV~

"Luce?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

I froze in place. I swore to myself every curse word in every language.

I slowly turned around, and stared back at my worst nightmare at that moment.

Natsu stood there with the most confused look on his face. His pink hair was shot out in every direction. He was wearing pajama pants and a T-shirt. He had a towel draped over his shoulder and a toothbrush sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

Since when does Natsu brush his teeth? I pushed that thought out of my mind. I looked over towards my door. It was far enough that if I tried to make a run for it, Natsu would catch me easily.

I did the stupidest thing I could. I gave him a little wave. "H-hey, Natsu!"

He took a step towards me, "Luce, where the hell were you?" He asked me in a serious tone.

What do I tell him?! I stuttered, "Out." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He scrunched up his face, "Out? Out where?"

"Why does it matter to you?" I snapped at him. I didn't mean for it to come out so rude, but I needed to get out of this situation.

Natsu took a step closer to me. He was wearing an incredibly serious face, "Because I'm your partner and I want to know."


"Wait a minute-" He cut me off. He examined my outfit. Crap. "-were you on"

I bit my lip. Since when did Natsu start thinking about stuff? I had no idea how to respond. I suddenly turned into a rebellious teenager, "So what if I was?"

Natsu clenched his fist. His expression looked angry, but his eyes looked almost....hurt.

"What the hell, Lucy? Was it with That bastard, Evan? I'll kill him" He snarled. Natsu's fists were engulfed in flames.

"Calm down, Natsu! What's the big deal if I'm dating someone?" I yelled back at him.

Natsu snarled, "You can't date someone. You just can't."

I stomped my foot on the ground. He was really starting to get on my nerves. "What is wrong with you lately? You've been acting way more over protective towards me. More than usual. You're acting like you're my dad or something!"

He looked taken aback by what I said. But then, he started coming closer and closer to me. I tried to back away, but I was pressed into the corner of the hallway. He was about a foot away from me.

He looked me straight in the eye, "I just don't like seeing you with other guys!" Natsu squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists.

~Natsu's POV~

I hated this. I hated Lucy being mad at me. I hated the fact the she was with another guy. I hated the fact that, that guy was Evan.

My heart was burning in my chest. She looked super pissed. As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Why the hell would I admit to it?! Baka.

Lucy scowled at me. She barely whispered, "why?"


She screamed back at me, "WHY?! WHY DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY?!" Tears streamed down her face, making my heart ache more.

I didn't know the answer. I stared down at my feet. "I-I don't know..."

She pushed me away with her hands, "OF COURSE YOU DON'T. YOU NEVER-"

I grabbed her arms and pulled her into a hug. I squeezed her so close to my body, I felt as if she was going to break. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Luce." I whispered into her hair.

Her soft cries were muffled through my t-shirt. I never wanted to let go of her. I just wanted to stay there, holding her, forever.

But sadly, after a few minutes, she pulled away. Her eyes were puffy, but she wore a small smile. "I'm sorry, Natsu. I just hate being alone..." She sniffles with a sad smile.

I looked her dead in the eye, "You're not alone. You have me. And the rest of the guild." I gave her my signature grin.

Lucy giggled softly to herself. "Thanks Natsu." That's when I noticed how cute she looked in that moment. No not cute-beautiful.

Her blonde hair was tossed around in front of her face. Lucy's chocolate brown eyes shone brighter than usual. Her cute laugh made my stomach feel all bubbly. And her vanilla and strawberry scent was so strong.

Without thinking, I placed one hand on her left cheek and pushed a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear. I turned her head to the side and pressed my lips against her warm cheek. I whispered to her, "Goodnight Luce"

Without looking back, I stood up and walked back to my hotel room. I jiggled the door opened and quickly shut it behind me.

I looked back to the living room. Everyone was exactly were I left them. I chuckled and headed towards them, but then I thought of Lucy.

And I just realized what I had just done. Without thinking, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "OH MY MAVIS! I KISSED LUCY!"

With my luck, I woke everyone up.

*intense fangirling*

Please comment and vote! NaLu shippers may need medical attention right now, I know I do.

I'm sorry it's short! But it's worth it, right?

Gah, their so dense it's perfect.


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